
namespace Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management
    public enum ADDomainMode
    public enum ADForestMode
    public enum ADKerberosEncryptionType
    public enum ADSearchScope
    public class ADAuthenticationPolicy
        public ADAuthenticationPolicy():base(){}
        public ADAuthenticationPolicy(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADAuthenticationPolicySilo
        public ADAuthenticationPolicySilo():base(){}
        public ADAuthenticationPolicySilo(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADAuthType
        public ADAuthType():base(){}
    public class ADComputer
        public ADComputer():base(){}
        public ADComputer(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADDomain
        public ADDomain():base(){}
        public ADDomain(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADForest
        public ADForest():base(){}
        public ADForest(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADDomainController
        public ADDomainController():base(){}
        public ADDomainController(System.String Identity):base(){}
        public string Site;
        public string Domain;
        public bool IsGlobalCatalog;
        public bool IsReadOnly;
        public string[] OperationMasterRoles;
    public class ADDirectoryServer
        public ADDirectoryServer():base(){}
        public ADDirectoryServer(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADIdentityNotFoundException : System.Exception
        public ADIdentityNotFoundException():base(){}
    public class ADObject
        public ADObject():base(){}
        public ADObject(System.String Identity):base(){}
    public class ADPrincipal
        public ADPrincipal():base(){}
        public ADPrincipal(System.String Identity):base(){ SamAccountName = Identity; }
        public string SamAccountName { get; set; }
        public override string ToString()
            return this.SamAccountName;
    public class ADReplicationSite
        string site;
        public ADReplicationSite(System.String s){ site = s; }
        // Added so that MSFT_ADDomainController unit test works
        // 'When a domain controller is in the wrong site'
        // 'Should call the correct mocks to move the domain controller to the correct site'
        // The cmdlet Move-ADDirectoryServer accepts a string for the parameter
        // Site, but that string get converted to a ADReplicationSite object.
        // The ADReplicationSite object is what Pester sees and this method is
        // the only one exposed in the real ADReplicationSite object to return
        // the site name.
        public override string ToString()
            return this.site;
namespace Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands
    public class ADCurrentDomainType
        public ADCurrentDomainType():base(){}
    public class ADMinimumDirectoryServiceVersion
        public ADMinimumDirectoryServiceVersion():base(){}
    public class ADDiscoverableService
        public ADDiscoverableService():base(){}
    public class ADCurrentForestType
        public ADCurrentForestType():base(){}