
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrievingADUserError = Error looking up Active Directory user '{0}' ({0}@{1}). (ADU0001)
    PasswordParameterConflictError = Parameter '{0}' cannot be set to '{1}' when the '{2}' parameter is specified. (ADU0002)
    ChangePasswordParameterConflictError = Parameter 'ChangePasswordAtLogon' cannot be set to 'true' when Parameter 'PasswordNeverExpires' is also set to 'true'. (ADU0003)
    RetrievingADUser = Retrieving Active Directory user '{0}' ({0}@{1}). (ADU0004)
    CreatingADDomainConnection = Creating connection to Active Directory domain '{0}'. (ADU0005)
    CheckingADUserPassword = Checking Active Directory user '{0}' password. (ADU0006)
    ADUserIsPresent = Active Directory user '{0}' ({0}@{1}) is present. (ADU0007)
    ADUserNotPresent = Active Directory user '{0}' ({0}@{1}) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
    ADUserNotDesiredPropertyState = User '{0}' property is NOT in the desired state. Expected '{1}', actual '{2}'. (ADU0009)
    AddingADUser = Adding Active Directory user '{0}'. (ADU0010)
    RemovingADUser = Removing Active Directory user '{0}'. (ADU0011)
    UpdatingADUser = Updating Active Directory user '{0}'. (ADU0012)
    SettingADUserPassword = Setting Active Directory user password. (ADU0013)
    UpdatingADUserProperty = Updating user property '{0}' with/to '{1}'. (ADU0014)
    ClearingADUserProperty = Clearing user property '{0}'. (ADU0015)
    MovingADUser = Moving user from '{0}' to '{1}'. (ADU0016)
    RenamingADUser = Renaming user from '{0}' to '{1}'. (ADU0017)
    RestoringUser = Attempting to restore the user object {0} from the recycle bin. (ADU0018)
    TestPasswordUsingImpersonation = Impersonating the credentials ''{0}'' to test password for user ''{1}''. (ADU0019)
    LoadingThumbnailFromFile = Importing thumbnail photo from the file '{0}'. (ADU0020)
    ThumbnailPhotoNotAFile = Expected the thumbnail photo to be a file because the string contained the character '.' or '\', but the file could not be found. (ADU0021)
    UpdatingThumbnailPhotoProperty = Updating the property '{0}' with a new thumbnail photo with MD5 hash '{1}'. (ADU0022)
    RemovingThumbnailPhoto = Removing the thumbnail photo from the property '{0}'. (ADU0023)