
.GUID 4dde74a9-25db-4ee0-b061-edff00069b56
.AUTHOR Mateusz Kortas
 Adds new note property to each object in pipeline.

function Add-NoteProperty([Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$name, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$value, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,mandatory=$true)]$object) {
Adds new note property to each object in pipeline.
Adds new note property to each object in pipeline.
Takes property name and value expression.
Specifies property name.
Script block which evaluated should return property value.
Use $_ variable to refer to current object in pipeline.
Object(s) which you want to add new property to.
Object(s) with added property.
PS> Get-ChildItem -file | Add-NoteProperty sizeInMB { $_.length / 1MB } | select Name, sizeInMB
Name sizeInMB
---- --------
file.txt 49,4375

    process {
        $object | add-member noteProperty $name ($object | % $value) -passthru

sal anp Add-NoteProperty