
# Localized resources for helper module AdfsDsc.Common.

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    EvaluatePropertyState = Evaluating the state of the property '{0}'. (ADFSCOMMON0001)
    PropertyInDesiredState = The parameter '{0}' is in desired state. (ADFSCOMMON0002)
    PropertyNotInDesiredState = The parameter '{0}' is not in the desired state. Expected '{1}', Actual '{2}'. (ADFSCOMMON0003)
    ArrayDoesNotMatch = One or more values in an array does not match the desired state. Details of the changes are below. (ADFSCOMMON0004)
    ArrayValueThatDoesNotMatch = {0} - {1} (ADFSCOMMON0005)
    PropertyValueOfTypeDoesNotMatch = {0} value does not match. Current value is '{1}', but expected the value '{2}'. (ADFSCOMMON0006)
    WaitingForAdfsServiceMessage = Waiting {0} seconds for ADFS service to start. Retry number {1} of {2}. (ADFSCOMMON0007)
    UnableToCompareType = Unable to compare the type {0} as it is not handled by the Test-DscPropertyState cmdlet. (ADFSCOMMON0008)
    ModuleNotFoundError = Please ensure that the PowerShell module for role '{0}' is installed. (ADFSCOMMON0009)
    ResourceNotImplementedError = {0} {1} not implemented. (ADFSCOMMON0010)
    NotDomainMemberError = The computer must be an Active Directory domain member to use this resource. (ADFSCOMMON0011)
    UnexpectedServiceAccountCategoryError = Unexpected object type of {0} for service account {1}. (ADFSCOMMON0012)
    GetAdfsServiceError = Error while getting ADFS Service status. (ADFSCOMMON0013)
    AdfsServiceNotRunningError = The ADFS Service is not running. (ADFSCOMMON0014)
    ServiceAccountNotFoundError = Service account {0} not found. (ADFSCOMMON0015)
    ConfigurationStatusNotFoundError = The ADFS configuration status registry entry does not exist. (ADFSCOMMON0016)
    UnknownConfigurationStatusError = The ADFS configuration status registry entry contains an unknown value {0}. (ADFSCOMMON0017)
    UnknownNetBiosNameError = The Active Directory NetBIOS name is unknown. (ADFSCOMMON0018)
    UnknownNameFormatError = The Active Directory account name is in an unknown format. (ADFSCOMMON0019)
    ActiveDirectoryGroupNotFoundError = Active Directory Group '{0}' not found. (ADFSCOMMON0020)
    ActiveDirectoryGroupNotFoundFromSidError = No Active Directory Group found with Sid '{0}'. (ADFSCOMMON0021)
    UnknownIssuanceTransformRuleTemplateError = Unknown issuance transform rule template '{0}'. (ADFSCOMMON0022)
    IssuanceTransformRuleCountDoesNotMatch = Issuance Transform rule count does not match. Expected '{0}', Actual '{1}'. (ADFSCOMMON0023)
    IssuanceTransformRuleDoesNotMatch = Issuance Transform Rule '{0}' does not match. (ADFSCOMMON0024)
    PolicyParameterNotInDesiredState = Resource not in the desired state, Expected properties {0}, actual {1}. (ADFSCOMMON0025)
    EnteringFunctionDebugMessage = Entering function {0}. (ADFSCOMMONDBG001)
    ComparingPropertiesWithNameDebugMessage = Comparing Property {0}, Name {1}. (ADFSCOMMONDBG002)
    ComparingPropertiesWithValueDebugMessage = Comparing Property {0}, Currrent value {1}, Desired Value {2}. (ADFSCOMMONDBG003)
    ProcessingPropertyDebugMessage = Processing {0}. (ADFSCOMMONDBG004)
    ProcessingPropertyWithValueDebugMessage = Processing {0} with value {1}. (ADFSCOMMONDBG005)