
function Get-FortiWizard {

    param (

    #Present Module Introduction

    Write-Host "Other Functions..."                         -ForegroundColor green
    Write-Host "
Disable-SipALG ..Disables SipALG and deletes SIP profile
Enable-Management ..Enables Management of the Firewall from the Public Interface and sets trusted Hosts
Get-SSHSession ..Gets a list of active SSH Sessions
Invoke-SSHCommand ..Invokes an SSH Command
New-SSHSession ..Creates an SSH Session
                                                       -ForegroundColor cyan

    Write-Host "Policies and Objects..."                    -ForegroundColor green
    Write-Host "
New-AddressObject ..Creates New Address Objects
New-AddressGroup ..Creates New Address Groups
New-IPPoolFixedRange ..Creates New Fixed Range IP Pool
New-IPPoolOverload ..Creates New Overload IP Pool
New-ServiceObject ..Creates New Service
New-ServiceGroup ..Creates New Service Group
New-VIPHost ..Creates New Virtual IP for Single Host
New-VIPRange ..Creates New Virtual IP Range
                                                       -ForegroundColor cyan

    Write-Host "VPN Functions..."                           -ForegroundColor green
    Write-Host "
Enable-PushNotifications ..Enables push notifications for the Fortitoken Mobile app
New-DialUPTunnelDynamic ..Creates a Dialup Tunnel for the static site
New-DialUPTunnelStatic ..Creates a Dialup tunnel for the Dynamic site
New-P2PTunnel ..Creates a Typical IPSec Tunnel
New-P2PTunnelNAT ..Creates a new IPSec tunnel with the local subnet NATTed
Write-SSLVPNConfig ..Writes an initial setup script for enabling the Forticlient VPN Config
                                                       -ForegroundColor cyan