
Function Start-Snake {
    #Requires -Version 5.1
    Using Assembly PresentationCore
    Using Assembly PresentationFramework
    Using Namespace System.Collections.Generic
    Using Namespace System.ComponentModel
    Using Namespace System.Linq
    Using Namespace System.Reflection
    Using Namespace System.Text
    Using Namespace System.Windows
    Using Namespace System.Windows.Input
    Using Namespace System.Windows.Markup
    Using Namespace System.Windows.Media
    Using Namespace System.Windows.Threading

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

    [Int32] $boardWidth = 20
    [Int32] $boardHeight = 15
    [Int32] $fieldSizePixels = 30
    [Int32] $stepsMilliseconds = 75

    Class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {
        Hidden [PropertyChangedEventHandler] $PropertyChanged
        [Int32]                              $BoardWidthPixels
        [Int32]                              $BoardHeightPixels
        [Int32]                              $FieldDisplaySizePixels
        [Int32]                              $HalfFieldDisplaySizePixels
        [Int32]                              $Score
        [Object]                             $SnakeGeometry
        [Object]                             $FoodCenter
        [Boolean]                            $GameOverVisible
        [Boolean]                            $WonVisible

        [Void] add_PropertyChanged([PropertyChangedEventHandler] $propertyChanged) {
            $this.PropertyChanged = [Delegate]::Combine($this.PropertyChanged, $propertyChanged)

        [Void] remove_PropertyChanged([PropertyChangedEventHandler] $propertyChanged) {
            $this.PropertyChanged = [Delegate]::Remove($this.PropertyChanged, $propertyChanged)

        Hidden [Void] NotifyPropertyChanged([String] $propertyName) {
            If ($this.PropertyChanged -cne $null) {
                $this.PropertyChanged.Invoke($this, (New-Object PropertyChangedEventArgs $propertyName))

        [Void] SetScore([Int32] $score) {
            If ($this.Score -cne $score) {
                $this.Score = $score

        [Void] SetSnakeGeometry([Object] $snakeGeometry) {
            If ($this.SnakeGeometry -cne $snakeGeometry) {
                $this.SnakeGeometry = $snakeGeometry

        [Void] SetFoodCenter([Object] $foodCenter) {
            If ($this.FoodCenter -cne $foodCenter) {
                $this.FoodCenter = $foodCenter

        [Void] SetGameOverVisible([Boolean] $gameOverVisible) {
            If ($this.GameOverVisible -cne $gameOverVisible) {
                $this.GameOverVisible = $gameOverVisible

        [Void] SetWonVisible([Boolean] $wonVisible) {
            If ($this.WonVisible -cne $wonVisible) {
                $this.WonVisible = $wonVisible

    Enum SnakeDirection {

    Enum SnakeAction {

    Class SnakeSegment {
        [Int32]          $Length
        [SnakeDirection] $Direction

        SnakeSegment([Int32] $length, [SnakeDirection] $direction) {
            $this.Length = $length
            $this.Direction = $direction

        [String] GetGeometryOperation([Int32] $fieldSizePixels) {
            [String] $directionChar = @('h', 'v')[$this.Direction -gt [SnakeDirection]::Right]
            [Int32] $directionFactor = $this.Direction % 2 * 2 - 1
            Return "$directionChar $($this.Length * $fieldSizePixels * $directionFactor)"

    Class Snake {
        Hidden [Int32]        $BoardWidth
        Hidden [Int32]        $BoardHeight
        Hidden [Int32]        $FieldSizePixels
        [Int32]               $HeadX
        [Int32]               $HeadY
        [Int32]               $TailX
        [Int32]               $TailY
        [List[SnakeSegment]]  $Segments
        [SnakeDirection]      $Direction

        Snake([Int32] $boardWidth, [Int32] $boardHeight, [Int32] $fieldSizePixels) {
            $this.BoardWidth = $boardWidth
            $this.BoardHeight = $boardHeight
            $this.FieldSizePixels = $fieldSizePixels

        [Void] Reset() {
            $this.TailX = $this.BoardWidth / 2 - 2
            $this.TailY = $this.BoardHeight / 2
            $this.HeadX = $this.TailX + 4
            $this.HeadY = $this.TailY
            $this.Segments = New-Object List[SnakeSegment]
            $this.Segments.Add((New-Object SnakeSegment 4, 'Right'))
            $this.Direction = 'Right'

        [String] GetGeometryString() {
            [StringBuilder] $geometry = New-Object StringBuilder
            $geometry.Append("m $($this.TailX * $this.FieldSizePixels + $this.FieldSizePixels / 2) $($this.TailY * $this.FieldSizePixels + $this.FieldSizePixels / 2)")
            ForEach ($segment In $this.Segments) {
            Return $geometry.ToString()

        [HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]] GetPoints() {
            [HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]] $points = New-Object 'HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]'
            [Int32] $x = $this.TailX
            [Int32] $y = $this.TailY
            $points.Add((New-Object 'Tuple[Int32, Int32]' $x, $y))
            ForEach ($segment In $this.Segments) {
                1 .. $segment.Length `
                | ForEach-Object {
                    Switch ($segment.Direction) {
                        'Left' { $x-- }
                        'Right' { $x++ }
                        'Up' { $y-- }
                        'Down' { $y++ }
                    $points.Add((New-Object 'Tuple[Int32, Int32]' $x, $y))
            return $points

        [SnakeAction] Move([Food] $food) {
            [Int32] $currentHeadX = $this.HeadX
            [Int32] $currentHeadY = $this.HeadY
            # Move the head.
            Switch ($this.Direction) {
                'Left' { $this.HeadX-- }
                'Right' { $this.HeadX++ }
                'Up' { $this.HeadY-- }
                'Down' { $this.HeadY++ }
            # Check OOB.
            If ($this.HeadX -lt 0 -or $this.HeadX -ge $this.BoardWidth -or $this.HeadY -lt 0 -or $this.HeadY -ge $this.BoardHeight) {
                $this.HeadX = $currentHeadX
                $this.HeadY = $currentHeadY
                return [SnakeAction]::Collision
            # Check collision.
            [HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]] $points = $this.GetPoints()
            If ($points.Contains((New-Object 'Tuple[Int32, Int32]' $this.HeadX, $this.HeadY))) {
                $this.HeadX = $currentHeadX
                $this.HeadY = $currentHeadY
                return [SnakeAction]::Collision
            # Check food.
            [SnakeAction] $result = @([SnakeAction]::Nothing, [SnakeAction]::FoodEaten)[
            $this.HeadX -ceq $food.FoodX -and $this.HeadY -ceq $food.FoodY
            # Handle head segment.
            [SnakeSegment] $headSegment = $this.Segments[-1]
            If ($headSegment.Direction -ceq $this.Direction) {
            Else {
                $this.Segments.Add((New-Object SnakeSegment 1, $this.Direction))
            # Handle tail segment.
            If ($result -cne 'FoodEaten') {
                [SnakeSegment] $tailSegment = $this.Segments[0]
                Switch ($tailSegment.Direction) {
                    'Left' { $this.TailX-- }
                    'Right' { $this.TailX++ }
                    'Up' { $this.TailY-- }
                    'Down' { $this.TailY++ }
                If ($tailSegment.Length -ceq 0) {
            Return $result

    Class Food {
        Hidden [Int32]                        $FieldSizePixels
        Hidden [Random]                       $Random
        Hidden [HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]] $AllValidPoints
        [Int32]                               $FoodX
        [Int32]                               $FoodY

        Food([Int32] $boardWidth, [Int32] $boardHeight, [Int32] $fieldSizePixels) {
            $this.FieldSizePixels = $fieldSizePixels
            $this.Random = New-Object Random
            $this.AllValidPoints = New-Object 'HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]'
            For ([Int32] $x = 0; $x -lt $boardWidth; $x++) {
                For ([Int32] $y = 0; $y -lt $boardHeight; $y++) {
                    $this.AllValidPoints.Add((New-Object 'Tuple[Int32, Int32]' $x, $y))

        [Tuple[Int32, Int32]] GetGeometryLocation() {
            Return New-Object 'Tuple[Int32, Int32]' `
            ($this.FoodX * $this.FieldSizePixels + $this.FieldSizePixels / 2),
            ($this.FoodY * $this.FieldSizePixels + $this.FieldSizePixels / 2)

        [Boolean] Move([Snake] $snake) {
            [HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]] $availablePoints = New-Object 'HashSet[Tuple[Int32, Int32]]' $this.AllValidPoints
            If ($availablePoints.Count -ceq 0) {
                Return $true
            [Tuple[Int32, Int32]] $foodPoint = [Enumerable]::ElementAt($availablePoints, $this.Random.Next($availablePoints.Count))
            $this.FoodX = $foodPoint.Item1
            $this.FoodY = $foodPoint.Item2
            Return $false

    [Window] $mainWindow = [XamlReader]::Parse(@'
    <Window xmlns=""
            Title="{Binding Score, StringFormat={}Snake - {0}}"
            <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityConverter" />
        <Grid Margin="5">
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                <RowDefinition Height="*" />
            <DockPanel Grid.Row="0" LastChildFill="True" Margin="0 0 0 5">
                <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                           Text="{Binding Score, StringFormat={}Score: {0}}"
                           Margin="0 0 5 0"
                <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                           Text="GAME OVER"
                           Visibility="{Binding GameOverVisible, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                           Text="YOU WON"
                           Visibility="{Binding WonVisible, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                <TextBlock Text="Use arrow keys to move, Enter to reset." TextAlignment="Right" />
            <Border Grid.Row="1" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
                <Canvas Width="{Binding BoardWidthPixels}" Height="{Binding BoardHeightPixels}">
                    <Path Stroke="DarkGreen"
                          StrokeThickness="{Binding FieldDisplaySizePixels}"
                          Data="{Binding SnakeGeometry}"
                    <Path Fill="DarkRed">
                            <EllipseGeometry Center="{Binding FoodCenter}"
                                            RadiusX="{Binding HalfFieldDisplaySizePixels}"
                                            RadiusY="{Binding HalfFieldDisplaySizePixels}"

    [ViewModel] $viewModel = New-Object ViewModel -Property @{
        BoardWidthPixels           = $boardWidth * $fieldSizePixels
        BoardHeightPixels          = $boardHeight * $fieldSizePixels
        FieldDisplaySizePixels     = $fieldSizePixels - 2
        HalfFieldDisplaySizePixels = ($fieldSizePixels - 2) / 2
    $mainWindow.DataContext = $viewModel

    [DispatcherTimer] $timer = New-Object DispatcherTimer -Property @{
        Interval = New-Object TimeSpan 0, 0, 0, 0, $stepsMilliseconds

    [Snake] $snake = New-Object Snake $boardWidth, $boardHeight, $fieldSizePixels
    [Food] $food = New-Object Food $boardWidth, $boardHeight, $fieldSizePixels
    $food.Move($snake) | Out-Null

    Function Update-View() {
        [Tuple[Int32, Int32]] $foodLocation = $food.GetGeometryLocation()
        $viewModel.SetFoodCenter((New-Object Point $foodLocation.Item1, $foodLocation.Item2))

    $mainWindow.add_Loaded( {

    $timer.Tag = [SnakeAction]::Nothing
    $timer.add_Tick( {
            [SnakeAction] $action = $snake.Move($food)
            Switch ($action) {
                'Collision' {
                    if ($timer.Tag -ceq 'Collision') {
                'FoodEaten' {
                    $viewModel.SetScore($viewModel.Score + 1)
                    If ($food.Move($snake)) {
            $timer.Tag = $action

    [EventManager]::RegisterClassHandler([Window], [Keyboard]::KeyDownEvent, [KeyEventHandler] {
            Param ([Object] $sender, [KeyEventArgs] $eventArgs)
            Switch ($eventArgs.Key) {
                'Left' {
                    If ($snake.Segments[-1].Direction -cne 'Right') {
                        $snake.Direction = 'Left'
                'Right' {
                    If ($snake.Segments[-1].Direction -cne 'Left') {
                        $snake.Direction = 'Right'
                'Up' {
                    If ($snake.Segments[-1].Direction -cne 'Down') {
                        $snake.Direction = 'Up'
                'Down' {
                    If ($snake.Segments[-1].Direction -cne 'Up') {
                        $snake.Direction = 'Down'
                'Return' {


                'Q' {
                    If (-not $timer.IsEnabled) {
                        'Cheater ;)' | Out-Host

    [Application] $application = New-Object Application
    $application.Run($mainWindow) | Out-Null