
function Get-Networking {


    Write-Host "Networking Functions"                                                                      -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Clear-Arp ..Clears the local arp table"                                   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Clear-DNSClientCache ..Clears the DNS Cache"                                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-DNSClientCache ..Gets the DNS Cache"                                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-NetIPConfiguration ..Gets Network Interface Config"                                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-NetworkStatistics ..Gets active connections and associated processes"             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-PublicIP ..Gets Public Whois Info for specified address"                 -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-PSNmap ..Invoke nmap scan on targets"                                  -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-PSipcalc ..Invoke CIDR IP Calculator"                                    -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Resolve-DNSName ..Resolves DNS and filter for record type"                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Start-Iperf ..Starts an Iperf client or host bandwidth test"                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Test-Netconnection ..Tests Ping, Traceroute, Route Diagnosing, and Port Testing"   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "