
Function Get-VMDetails {
    Collects multiple VM details across several functions and produces that info using PSCustomObject. Set the context of this command prior to running it. That can be done by using Set-Subscription function. That function is part of the Admintoolbox.office365 module.
    Requires the AZ and Admintoolbox.Office365 module be installed, imported, and Connected.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$SetSubscription

    if ($SetSubscription) {
        #Set the subscription - Set-AzContext
        Write-Host "Select the subscription containing the VM's" -ForegroundColor Green

    #Will produce IP info and hostname. Expand on this command to include more details
    $results = foreach ( $azVM in Get-AzVM | Select-Object * ) {
        try {
            $networkProfile = $"/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $IPconfig = Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $networkProfile
            $nsg = ($IPConfig)

                VMName               = $azVm.Name
                ipaddress            = ($IPconfig).IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress
                DNS                  = ($IPconfig).DnsSettings.AppliedDnsServers
                MacAddress           = ($IPconfig).MacAddress
                NetworkSecurityGroup = $nsg.split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
                ResourceGroup        = $azVM.ResourceGroupName
                Location             = $azVM.Location
                Tags                 = $azVM.Tags
                Vmsize               = ($azVm | Select-Object hardwareprofile).HardwareProfile.vmsize
                Type                 = $azVM.Type
        catch {

