
function Get-RoleMembers {
    This function will get office365 roles and their members. It outputs the content to Excel tables.
    Requires the MSOnline module be imported

    begin {

    Process {
        #Check that the MSOnline and ImportExcel Module is loaded
        $Modulecheck = Get-Module msonline
        if ($Modulecheck) {
        Else {
            try {
            catch {
                Write-Warning "You must first install and import the MSOnline Module"

        $Modulecheck2 = Get-Module ImportExcel
        if ($Modulecheck2) {
        Else {
            try {
                Import-Module ImportExcel
            catch {
                Write-Warning "You must first install and Import the module ImportExcel"

        #Get and Export roles members to an excel file
        $roles = Get-MsolRole | Sort-Object name

        ForEach ($role in $roles) {
            Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $role.ObjectId |
            Select-Object DisplayName, EmailAddress, IsLicensed, LastDirSyncTime, RoleMemberType, ValidationStatus |
            Export-Excel -WorksheetName $ -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\downloads\RoleMembers.xlsx" -FreezeTopRow -TableName $ -AutoSize -Append -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

    end {
        Write-Host " "
        Write-Host "The file has been exported to $env:USERPROFILE\downloads\RoleMembers.xlsx" -ForegroundColor Green
        Start-Process $env:USERPROFILE\downloads\RoleMembers.xlsx