
function Get-Info {

    param (

    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "To Get all Commands and more..."                                                           -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Get-All ..Gets all module commands"                              -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Full ..Gets full help for selected module command"            -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-ModuleAliases ..Gets aliases for AdminToolbox modules"                 -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Start-Application ..Start an application from PowerShell with ease"        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "

    Write-Host "To Get Commands for Specific Modules"                                                      -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "
Get-AdminToolbox ..Gets functions for this module
Get-ActiveDirectory ..Gets functions for Active Directory
Get-EndpointManagement ..Gets functions for Managing Endpoints
Get-Exchange ..Gets functions for Exchange
Get-FFTools ..Gets functions for FFMpeg utilities
Get-FileManagement ..Gets functions for File Management
Get-Fun ..Gets functions for Fun
Get-Networking ..Gets functions for Networking
Get-Office365 ..Gets functions for Office 365
Get-Remoting ..Gets functions for Remoting
Get-VMWareAutomate ..Gets functions for VMWare
                                                                                                       -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "