
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

=== configuration ===
        root node, one per file
    child nodes:

=== window ===
            may be "PANELS", "EDITOR", "VIEWER"
    child nodes:
        panel, disabled, color, title, img
        Note: "color, title, img" nodes may exists only in EDITOR/VIEWER

=== disabled ===
        turn off coloring of this item

=== panel ===
            values: "DRIVE", "PLUGIN", "INFO", "QVIEW", "TREE"
        pathtype [optional]
            "TEMP" means "%TEMP%" or X:\...\TEMP\...
        pathmatch [optional]
            one or several standard masks, delimited with "|"
            example: pathmatch="*/.svn/*|*/.git/*|*/.hg/*|*/.bzr/*|*/CVS/*"
        drivetype [optional]
            may be used with type="DRIVE" only
            values: "REMOVABLE", "REMOTE", "CDROM", "RAMDISK", "FIXED"
        format [optional]
            may be used with type="PLUGIN" only
            one or several standard masks, delimited with "|"
            each mask will be compared with panel [A|P]Panel.Prefix or [A|P]Panel.Format
    child nodes:
        disabled, color, space, title, img
=== color ===
            color value RRGGBB, you can use hexadecimal or decimal formats
            example, light green
            hexadecimal: rgb="#00FF00"
            or decimal: rgb="65280"
            color value BBGGRR (WinAPI COLORREF), hexadecimal or decimal formats
            example, light red
            hexadecimal: bgr="#0000FF"
            or decimal: bgr="255"
        rgb_light, bgr_light
            color of drive used space
        rgb_dark, bgr_dark
            color of sprites and drive free space
            values: "yes", "no"
            "yes" enables color 'rotation' of drive letter

=== space ===
        drive used/free space bar, which located in status area
        see also: rgb_light, bgr_light, rgb_dark, bgr_dark
            "small", "large", "off"

=== title ===
        where 'token' may be verbatim string,
        or one of predefined 'variables'
            PanelFormat - [A|P]Panel.Prefix or [A|P]Panel.Format
            Volume - drive letter with colon
            VolumeSize - drive size
            VolumeFree - free drive space
        <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>

=== img ===
            full or relative (of plugin folder) path to 'sprite'
            environment variables allowed


    <window type="PANELS">
        <!--Temp folder-->
        <panel type="DRIVE" pathtype="TEMP">
            <color rgb="#663300"/> <!--Brown-->
            <space type="small"/>
            <title>"Temporary files"</title>
            <img ref="img/trash.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" pathmatch="*/.svn/*|*/.git/*|*/.hg/*|*/.bzr/*|*/CVS/*">
            <color rgb="#333333"/> <!--DarkGray-->
            <img ref="img/caution.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" drivetype="REMOVABLE">
            <color rgb="#8cd900" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_removable.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" drivetype="REMOTE">
            <color rgb="#e600ff" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_network.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" drivetype="CDROM">
            <color rgb="#ff007e" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_cdrom.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" drivetype="RAMDISK">
            <color rgb="#808000" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_ramdisk.png"/>
        <panel type="DRIVE" drivetype="FIXED">
            <color rgb="#0000ff" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_fixed.png"/>
        <!--All other drive types-->
        <panel type="DRIVE">
            <color rgb="#0000ff" shift="yes"/>
            <title>Volume+" "+VolumeSize</title>
            <img ref="img/drive_fixed.png"/>

        <!--RegEditor or RegBrowser-->
        <panel type="PLUGIN" format="reg|reg2">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <img ref="img/caution.png"/>
        <!--Temp panel-->
        <panel type="PLUGIN" format="tmp">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <title>"Temp panel"</title>
            <img ref="img/plugin.png"/>
        <panel type="PLUGIN" format="Network|net:netg">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <img ref="img/network.png"/>
        <!--'MultiArc' plugin provides format as e.g. 'ZIP archive', 'RAR archive'-->
        <panel type="PLUGIN" format="* archive">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <img ref="img/archive.png"/>
        <!--'arclite' plugin (MultiArc replacement) uses 'arc' constant-->
        <panel type="PLUGIN" format="arc">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <title>PanelFormat+" archive"</title>
            <img ref="img/archive.png"/>
        <!--Other plugin panels-->
        <panel type="PLUGIN">
            <color bgr="#808080"/>
            <img ref="img/plugin.png"/>

        <!--Other panel types-->
        <panel type="INFO">
        <panel type="QVIEW">
        <panel type="TREE">
        <!--Finally, unknown panel type-->
            <!--Standard panel background-->
    <!--Other Far window types, not supported yet-->
    <window type="EDITOR">
    <window type="VIEWER">