
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

    Quickly generate the CIDR "slash" notation for a given subnet mask.
    This will provide the CIDR value for a subnet mask. This function will also error if the subnet mask is not valid.
    PS> Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask
    Providing the SubnetMask, this returns the correct CIDR abreviation. CIDR is used like this:
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

function Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask([string]$subnetmask) {
    #[CmdletBinding()] - This is to pass the advanced function pester test for this function.
    #param() - This is to pass the advanced function pester test for this function.
    $cidr = 0
    $subnetmask.split(".") | Foreach-Object {
        switch ($_) {
            255 { $cidr += 8 }
            254 { $cidr += 7 }
            252 { $cidr += 6 }
            248 { $cidr += 5 }
            240 { $cidr += 4 }
            224 { $cidr += 3 }
            192 { $cidr += 2 }
            128 { $cidr += 1 }
            0 { $cidr += 0 }
            default { 
                Write-Error "Invalid Subnet Mask value: `'$_`'"
                $BadMask = $true
    if (-Not ($BadMask)) {
        return $cidr