
Module Name: Adsi
Module Guid: 282a2aed-9567-49a1-901c-122b7831a805 282a2aed-9567-49a1-901c-122b7831a805
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Help Version: 3.0.45
Locale: en-US
# Adsi Module
## Description
Use Active Directory Service Interfaces to query LDAP and WinNT directories
## Adsi Cmdlets
### [Add-DomainFqdnToLdapPath](docs/en-US/Add-DomainFqdnToLdapPath.md)
Add a domain FQDN to an LDAP directory path as the server address so the new path can be used for remote queries
### [Add-SidInfo](docs/en-US/Add-SidInfo.md)
Add some useful properties to a DirectoryEntry object for easier access
### [ConvertFrom-DirectoryEntry](docs/en-US/ConvertFrom-DirectoryEntry.md)
Convert a DirectoryEntry to a PSCustomObject
### [ConvertFrom-PropertyValueCollectionToString](docs/en-US/ConvertFrom-PropertyValueCollectionToString.md)
Convert a PropertyValueCollection to a string
### [ConvertTo-DecStringRepresentation](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-DecStringRepresentation.md)
Convert a byte array to a string representation of its decimal format
### [ConvertTo-DistinguishedName](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-DistinguishedName.md)
Convert a domain NetBIOS name to its distinguishedName
### [ConvertTo-DomainNetBIOS](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-DomainNetBIOS.md)
ConvertTo-DomainNetBIOS [[-DomainFQDN] <string>] [[-AdsiProvider] <string>] [[-DirectoryEntryCache] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsByNetbios] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsBySid] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsByFqdn] <hashtable>] [[-ThisHostName] <string>] [[-WhoAmI] <string>] [[-LogMsgCache] <hashtable>]
### [ConvertTo-DomainSidString](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-DomainSidString.md)
ConvertTo-DomainSidString [-DomainDnsName] <string> [[-DirectoryEntryCache] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsByNetbios] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsBySid] <hashtable>] [[-DomainsByFqdn] <hashtable>] [[-AdsiProvider] <string>] [[-ThisHostName] <string>] [[-ThisFqdn] <string>] [[-WhoAmI] <string>] [[-LogMsgCache] <hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
### [ConvertTo-Fqdn](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-Fqdn.md)
Convert a domain distinguishedName name or NetBIOS name to its FQDN
### [ConvertTo-HexStringRepresentation](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-HexStringRepresentation.md)
Convert a SID from byte array format to a string representation of its hexadecimal format
### [ConvertTo-HexStringRepresentationForLDAPFilterString](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-HexStringRepresentationForLDAPFilterString.md)
Convert a SID from byte array format to a string representation of its hexadecimal format, properly formatted for an LDAP filter string
### [ConvertTo-SidByteArray](docs/en-US/ConvertTo-SidByteArray.md)
Convert a SID from a string to binary format (byte array)
### [Expand-AdsiGroupMember](docs/en-US/Expand-AdsiGroupMember.md)
Use the LDAP provider to add information about group members to a DirectoryEntry of a group for easier access
### [Expand-IdentityReference](docs/en-US/Expand-IdentityReference.md)
Use ADSI to collect more information about the IdentityReference in NTFS Access Control Entries
### [Expand-WinNTGroupMember](docs/en-US/Expand-WinNTGroupMember.md)
Use the LDAP provider to add information about group members to a DirectoryEntry of a group for easier access
### [Find-AdsiProvider](docs/en-US/Find-AdsiProvider.md)
Determine whether a directory server is an LDAP or a WinNT server
### [Find-LocalAdsiServerSid](docs/en-US/Find-LocalAdsiServerSid.md)
Find-LocalAdsiServerSid [[-ComputerName] <string>] [[-ThisHostName] <string>] [[-ThisFqdn] <string>] [[-WhoAmI] <string>] [[-LogMsgCache] <hashtable>]
### [Get-ADSIGroup](docs/en-US/Get-ADSIGroup.md)
Get the directory entries for a group and its members using ADSI
### [Get-ADSIGroupMember](docs/en-US/Get-ADSIGroupMember.md)
Get members of a group from the LDAP provider
### [Get-AdsiServer](docs/en-US/Get-AdsiServer.md)
Get information about a directory server including the ADSI provider it hosts and its well-known SIDs
### [Get-CurrentDomain](docs/en-US/Get-CurrentDomain.md)
Use ADSI to get the current domain
### [Get-DirectoryEntry](docs/en-US/Get-DirectoryEntry.md)
Use Active Directory Service Interfaces to retrieve an object from a directory
### [Get-TrustedDomain](docs/en-US/Get-TrustedDomain.md)
Returns a dictionary of trusted domains by the current computer
### [Get-Win32Account](docs/en-US/Get-Win32Account.md)
Use CIM to get well-known SIDs
### [Get-Win32UserAccount](docs/en-US/Get-Win32UserAccount.md)
Get-Win32UserAccount [[-ComputerName] <string>] [[-ThisHostName] <string>] [[-ThisFqdn] <string>] [[-WhoAmI] <string>] [[-LogMsgCache] <hashtable>]
### [Get-WinNTGroupMember](docs/en-US/Get-WinNTGroupMember.md)
Get members of a group from the WinNT provider
### [Invoke-ComObject](docs/en-US/Invoke-ComObject.md)
Invoke a member method of a ComObject [__ComObject]
### [New-FakeDirectoryEntry](docs/en-US/New-FakeDirectoryEntry.md)
Returns a PSCustomObject in place of a DirectoryEntry for certain WinNT security principals that do not have objects in the directory
### [Resolve-Ace](docs/en-US/Resolve-Ace.md)
Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Authorization Rule Collections that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists
### [Resolve-Ace3](docs/en-US/Resolve-Ace3.md)
Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Authorization Rule Collections that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists
### [Resolve-Ace4](docs/en-US/Resolve-Ace4.md)
Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Authorization Rule Collections that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists
### [Resolve-IdentityReference](docs/en-US/Resolve-IdentityReference.md)
Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Access Control Entries that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists
### [Search-Directory](docs/en-US/Search-Directory.md)
Use Active Directory Service Interfaces to search an LDAP directory