
function New-ADSIUser

    Function to create a new User
    Function to create a new User
.PARAMETER SamAccountName
    Specifies the SamAccountName parameter
.PARAMETER AccountPassword
    Specifies the password parameter
    Specifies if the user need to be enabled on creation.
    Default is $False.
    Specifies the GivenName parameter
    Specifies the Surname parameter
.PARAMETER UserPrincipalName
    Specifies the UserPrincipalName parameter.
.PARAMETER DisplayName
    Specifies the DisplayName parameter.
    Specifies the Name parameter.
.PARAMETER PasswordNeverExpires
    Specifies if the Password Never Expires
.PARAMETER UserCannotChangePassword
    Specifies if the User Cannot Change Password
.PARAMETER PasswordNotRequired
    Specifies if the Password is Not Required
.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies the alternative credential to use.
    By default it will use the current user windows credentials.
    Specifies the alternative Domain where the user should be created
    By default it will use the current domain.
    Specifies if you want to see the object created after running the command.
    PS C:\> New-ADSIUser -SamAccountName "fxtest04" -Enabled -AccountPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "AccountPassword") -Passthru
    PS C:\> New-ADSIUser -SamAccountName "fxtest04" -Enabled -AccountPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "AccountPassword") -Passthru
    # You can test the credential using the following function
    Test-ADSICredential -AccountName "fxtest04" -AccountPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "AccountPassword")

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [switch]$Enabled = $false,






        [Switch]$PasswordNeverExpires = $false,

        [Switch]$UserCannotChangePassword = $false,

        [Switch]$PasswordNotRequired = $false,

        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
        # Create Context splatting
        $ContextSplatting = @{ ContextType = "Domain" }
        IF ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) { $ContextSplatting.Credential = $Credential }
        IF ($PSBoundParameters['DomainName']) { $ContextSplatting.DomainName = $DomainName }
        $Context = New-ADSIPrincipalContext @ContextSplatting
            IF ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SamAccountName, "Create User Account"))
                Write-Verbose -message "Build the user object"
                $User = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal -ArgumentList $context
                Write-Verbose -message "set the properties"
                $User.SamAccountName = $SamAccountName
                $User.Enabled = $Enabled
                $user.PasswordNeverExpires = $PasswordNeverExpires
                $user.UserCannotChangePassword = $UserCannotChangePassword
                $User.PasswordNotRequired = $PasswordNotRequired
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['Name']) { $User.Name = $Name }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['DisplayName']) { $User.DisplayName = $DisplayName }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['GivenName']) { $User.GivenName = $GivenName }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['SurName']) { $User.SurName = $SurName }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['UserPrincipalName']) { $User.UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['Description']) { $user.Description = $Description }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['EmployeeId']) { $user.EmployeeId = $EmployeeId }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['HomeDirectory']) { $user.HomeDirectory = $HomeDirectory }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['HomeDrive']) { $user.HomeDrive = $HomeDrive }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['MiddleName']) { $user.MiddleName = $MiddleName }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['VoiceTelephoneNumber']) { $user.VoiceTelephoneNumber }
                IF ($PSBoundParameters['AccountPassword']){$User.SetPassword($AccountPassword)}
                Write-Verbose -message "Create the Account in Active Directory"
        IF ($PSBoundParameters['Passthru'])
            Get-ADSIUser -Identity $SamAccountName @ContextSplatting