
function Send-AeriesAlert
        Send an alert to a User/Teacher/Parent/Student in Aeries

        The Send-AeriesAlert cmdlet is used to send Alerts in Aeries
        PageID can be found by searching a pages Source Code in your browser for "data-pageid"
        Ex: data-pageid="100019191"

        Send-AeriesAlert -SchoolCode 994 -RecipientID 1 -RecipientType "User" -Comment "This is an amazing Alert!"
        This will send an Alert to the User with UID 1 to Aeries

    param (
        [ValidateRange(1, [Int16]::MaxValue)]

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int16]::MaxValue)]



        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        $StudentNumber = -1,

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        $StudentID = -1,


        $PageID = "0",

        $AlertType = "Alert"

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Begin running $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

        $Method = "Post"
        $SuccessStatusCode = 200
        $Endpoint = "v5/SendAlert"
        $ContentType = "application/json"
        $Body = @{}

    Process {
        $Body.SchoolCode = $SchoolCode
        $Body.RecipientID = $RecipientID
        $Body.RecipientType = $RecipientType
        $Body.Comment = $Comment
        $Body.AlertType = $AlertType

        If ($StudentNumber -gt -1) {
            <# int value #>
            $Body.StudentNumber = $StudentNumber

        If ($StudentID -gt -1) {
            <# int value #>
            $Body.StudentID = $StudentID

        If (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OtherID)) {
            <# String value #>
            $Body.OtherID = $OtherID

        If (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PageID)) {
            <# string value #>
            $Body.PageID = $PageID

        If ($AlertType -eq "ActionAlert") {
            If (($StudentID -eq -1) -and ($StudentNumber -eq -1)) {
                Throw "Must provide a StudentID or StudentNumber when sending an ActionAlert"

        <# Turn the $Body variable into a JSON string for sending to the server #>
        $BodyJSON = ($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)

        $Result = (Invoke-AeriesApiCall -Method $Method -Endpoint $Endpoint -SuccessStatusCode $SuccessStatusCode -Body $BodyJSON -ContentType $ContentType)

    End {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Finish running $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
        return $Result