
    Short description
    Long description
    Example of how to use this cmdlet
    Inputs to this cmdlet (if any)
    Output from this cmdlet (if any)
    General notes

function Get-AffinityList
    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $true,
                   DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllLists')]
        # Affinity List Name
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0,
                   ParameterSetName = 'ListNameList')]

        # Affinity List ID
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0,
                   ParameterSetName = 'ListIDList')]

    Process {
        switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "*Lists" {
                # Check simple cache for lists
                switch ($AffinityCacheType.AllLists) {
                    'ScriptVariable' {
                        if ($AffinityAllLists) {
                            $Output = $AffinityAllLists
                    'EnvironmentVariable' {
                        if ($env:AFFINITY_ALL_LISTS) {
                            $EnvInput = $env:AFFINITY_ALL_LISTS | ConvertFrom-CliXml

                            if (($EnvInput | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $Output = $EnvInput }


                # Call API if lists are not available in simple cache
                if (!$Output) {
                    $Output = Invoke-AffinityAPIRequest -Method Get -Fragment "lists"

                    # Set cache
                    switch ($AffinityCacheType.AllLists) {
                        'ScriptVariable' {
                            $script:AffinityAllLists = $Output
                        'EnvironmentVariable' {
                            $EnvOutput = $Output | ConvertTo-CliXml

                            if ($EnvOutput.length -le 32767) {
                                $env:AFFINITY_ALL_LISTS = $EnvOutput


                return $Output
            "*List" {
                # Get List ID if List Name is provided
                if ($ListName) {
                    $ListID = Get-AffinityList |
                                  Where-Object { $ -like $ListName } |
                                  Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty 'id'

                # Check simple cache for the last list
                switch ($AffinityCacheType.LastList) {
                    'ScriptVariable' {
                        if ($AffinityLastList) {
                            $Output = $AffinityLastList
                    'EnvironmentVariable' {
                        if ($env:AFFINITY_LAST_LIST) {
                            $EnvInput = $env:AFFINITY_LAST_LIST | ConvertFrom-CliXml

                            if (($EnvInput | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $Output = $EnvInput }


                # Call API if last list is not available in the cache
                if (!$Output -or $ -ne $ListID) {
                    # Do a separate API call (instead of filtering the List collection) in order to get the .fields[]
                    # subarray so all output is congruent

                    $Output = Invoke-AffinityAPIRequest -Method Get -Fragment ("lists/{0}" -f $ListID)

                    # Set cache
                    switch ($AffinityCacheType.LastList) {
                        'ScriptVariable' {
                            $script:AffinityLastList = $Output
                        'EnvironmentVariable' {
                            $EnvOutput = $Output | ConvertTo-CliXml

                            if ($EnvOutput.length -le 32767) {
                                $env:AFFINITY_LAST_LIST = $EnvOutput


                return $Output