
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

function Install-ToolingRequirements {
        Install the tooling requirements.
    .PARAMETER KubectlVersion
        The release version of the kubectl tool. Valid values for this parameter are release tags from:

        Write-Output "Installing the tooling requirements."
        # Install Azure CLI, if it's not found in PATH.
        try {
            Assert-FoundInPath "az"
            Write-Verbose "The tool 'az' already found in PATH. Skipping installation."
        } catch [System.Exception] {
            Write-Verbose "Installing Azure CLI."
            $installerPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "AzureCLI.msi"
            Start-FileDownload -URL "https://aka.ms/installazurecliwindows" -Destination $installerPath
            $p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList @("/I", $installerPath, "/quiet") -Wait -PassThru
            if($p.ExitCode) {
                Throw "Failed to install Azure CLI. Exit code: $($p.ExitCode)"
            Remove-Item -Force -Path $installerPath
            Add-ToPathEnvVar -Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin" -Target ([System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
        # Install required PowerShell modules, if not installed already.
        $powerShellModules = @(
                "Name" = "Az.Accounts"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(2, 2, 8)
                "Name" = "Az.Resources"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(4, 1, 0)
                "Name" = "Az.Aks"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(2, 1, 0)
                "Name" = "Az.Compute"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(4, 12, 0)
                "Name" = "Az.ManagedServiceIdentity"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(0, 7, 3)
                "Name" = "Az.KeyVault"
                "RequiredVersion" = [System.Version]::new(3, 4, 3)
        Install-PackageProvider -Name "NuGet" -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        foreach ($m in $powerShellModules) {
            try {
                $module = Start-Job `
                    -ScriptBlock { Param($Name) Import-Module $Name -PassThru } `
                    -ArgumentList $m["Name"] | Receive-Job -Wait
                if($module.Version -ne $m["RequiredVersion"]) {
                    Throw "Need to install PowerShell module '$($m["Name"])' version '$($m["RequiredVersion"])'."
                Write-Verbose "PowerShell module '$($m["Name"])' version '$($m["RequiredVersion"])' already installed."
            } catch [System.Exception] {
                Write-Verbose "Installing PowerShell module '$($m["Name"])' version '$($m["RequiredVersion"])'."
                Install-Module -Name $m["Name"] -RequiredVersion $m["RequiredVersion"] -Force -AllowClobber -Confirm:$false
        # Install kubectl, if it's not found in PATH.
        try {
            Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
            Write-Verbose "The tool 'kubectl' already found in PATH. Skipping installation."
        } catch [System.Exception] {
            $dest = Join-Path $HOME ".azure-kubectl"
            Write-Verbose "Installing ${KubectlVersion} kubectl to ${dest}."
            Install-AzAksKubectl -Destination $dest -Version $KubectlVersion -Force -Confirm:$false
            Add-ToPathEnvVar -Path $dest -Target ([System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
        # Install Active Directory RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools), if not installed already.
        try {
            Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Import-Module "ActiveDirectory" } | Receive-Job -Wait
            Write-Verbose "PowerShell module 'ActiveDirectory' already installed."
        } catch [System.Exception] {
            Write-Verbose "Installing PowerShell RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools)."
            $osInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
            if($osInfo.ProductType -eq 1) {
                # The current platform is a Windows client.
                Add-WindowsCapability -Name "Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~" -Online | Out-Null
            } else {
                # The current platform is a Windows server.
                $feature = Install-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" -Confirm:$false
                if(!$feature.Success) {
                    Throw "Failed to install RSAT-AD-PowerShell Windows feature."
        Write-Output "Successfully installed the tooling requirements."

function Get-AksGMSAParameters {
        Get the input parameters for the AKS gMSA setup.

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.Resources"
        $params = [Ordered]@{
            "aks-cluster-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AKS cluster name"
                "Description" = "The name given to the AKS cluster."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "aks-cluster-rg-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AKS cluster resource group name"
                "Description" = "The Azure resource group where the AKS cluster is deployed."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_
            "aks-win-node-pools-names" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Comma-separated list with the AKS Windows node pools' names"
                "Description" = (
                    "The AKS node pools' names with the Kubernetes Windows agents. " +
                    "These pools are going to be authorized to fetch the configured gMSA.")
                "Type" = "String[]"
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames $_
            "domain-dns-server" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AD Domain DNS server"
                "Description" = (
                    "Active Directory domain DNS server. This is going to be set as the main " +
                    "DNS server for the AKS Windows hosts. The AD DNS server should be able to " +
                    "forward requests, if they are not within the domain, otherwise the Windows " +
                    "hosts' upstream DNS will be broken.")
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
            "domain-fqdn" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AD Domain FQDN"
                "Description" = "The fully qualified domain name for the Active Directory domain."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidDnsName $_
            "gmsa-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "gMSA name"
                "Description" = "The Active Directory group Managed Service Account (gMSA) name."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "gmsa-domain-user-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "gMSA domain user name"
                "Description" = "The name of the domain user authorized to fetch the gMSA."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "gmsa-domain-user-password" = @{
                "Prompt" = "gMSA domain user password"
                "Description" = "The password of the domain user authorized to fetch the gMSA."
                "AsSecureString" = $true
            "azure-location" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Azure location"
                "Description" = "The Azure location used for the new resources (Azure key vault and Azure user-assigned managed identity)."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Validating Azure location"
                    Assert-ValidAzureLocation $_
            "akv-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AKV name"
                "Description" = "The name of the Azure key vault where the gMSA domain user credential will be stored."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "akv-secret-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AKV secret name"
                "Description" = "The name of the AKV secret that will contain the gMSA domain user credential."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "ami-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Azure MI name"
                "Description" = "The name of the Azure MI (managed identity) that will be used to fetch the AKV gMSA secret."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "gmsa-spec-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "The gMSA spec name"
                "Description" = "The name given to the Kubernetes gMSA credential spec resource."
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName $_
            "logs-directory" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Local logs directory"
                "Description" = (
                    "The local directory path where the AKS Windows hosts' logs will be stored. " +
                    "If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created when the logs are collected.`n" +
                    "Defaults to 'C:\gmsa-logs' if empty value is given.")
                "Default" = "C:\gmsa-logs"
                "Optional" = $true
            "domain-controller-address" = @{
                "Prompt" = "AD domain controller address"
                "Description" = (
                    "The address of the AD domain controller. This is going to be used " +
                    "for remote commands execution, when creating the gMSA and the domain user. " +
                    "This is not needed, if the AD domain controller doesn't allow remote commands execution. " +
                    "More details in the docs.")
                "Optional" = $true
            "domain-admin-user-name" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Domain admin user name"
                "Description" = (
                    "The domain admin user name. This is going to be used when creating the gMSA " +
                    "and the gMSA domain user. Give empty value if you don't have domain admin credential. " +
                    "More details in the docs.")
                "Optional" = $true
                "ValidationScriptBlock" = {
                    Assert-ValidResourceName $_
            "domain-admin-user-password" = @{
                "Prompt" = "Domain admin user password"
                "Description" = (
                    "The domain admin user password. This is going to be used when creating " +
                    "the gMSA and the gMSA domain user. Give empty value if you don't have domain admin credential. " +
                    "More details in the docs.")
                "AsSecureString" = $true
                "Optional" = $true
        $inputParams = @{}
        foreach ($p in $params.GetEnumerator()) {
            $kwargs = $p.Value
            $inputParams[$p.Name] = Get-InputParameter @kwargs
        return $inputParams

function Confirm-AksADDCConnectivity {
        Validates that the AKS Windows hosts have proper connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) machine.
    .PARAMETER AksResourceGroupName
        The AKS cluster resource group name.
    .PARAMETER AksClusterName
        The AKS cluster name.
    .PARAMETER AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        The AKS Windows node pools' names.
    .PARAMETER DomainDnsServer
        The AD DC DNS server.
    .PARAMETER RootDomainName
        The AD DC root domain name.
    .PARAMETER ContainerImage
        The container image used for validation. A Windows server image with PowerShell is required.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames $_


            Assert-ValidDnsName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.Aks", "Az.Compute"
        Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
        Write-Output "Validating connectivity with AD DC for AKS Windows node pools: $($AksWindowsNodePoolsNames -join ', ')."
        $aksCluster = Get-AzAksCluster -ResourceGroupName $AksResourceGroupName -Name $AksClusterName
        foreach($nodePoolName in $AksWindowsNodePoolsNames) {
            $nodePool = Get-AzAksNodePool -ClusterObject $aksCluster -Name $nodePoolName
            if($nodePool.OsType -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.OperatingSystemTypes]::Windows) {
                Throw "The agent pool '${nodePoolName}' is not a Windows agent pool."
            if($nodePool.AgentPoolType -ne "VirtualMachineScaleSets") {
                Throw "Unsupported agent pool type. The pool '${nodePoolName}' uses '$($nodePool.AgentPoolType)' type. Only 'VirtualMachineScaleSets' type is supported."
        $manifests = @(
                "kind" = "ConfigMap"
                "apiVersion" = "v1"
                "metadata" = @{
                    "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                    "labels" = @{
                        "app" = "aks-addc-validation"
                "data" = @{
                    "validate-aks-addc.ps1" = Get-ADDCValidationPSScript -DomainDnsServer $DomainDnsServer -RootDomainName $RootDomainName
                "kind" = "DaemonSet"
                "apiVersion" = "apps/v1"
                "metadata" = @{
                    "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                    "labels" = @{
                        "app" = "aks-addc-validation"
                "spec" = @{
                    "selector" = @{
                        "matchLabels" = @{
                            "app" = "aks-addc-validation"
                    "template" = @{
                        "metadata" = @{
                            "labels" = @{
                                "app" = "aks-addc-validation"
                        "spec" = @{
                            "containers" = @(
                                    "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                                    "image" = $ContainerImage
                                    "command" = @("ping", "-t", "localhost")
                                    "volumeMounts" = @(
                                            "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                                            "mountPath" = "/aks-addc-validation"
                            "volumes" = @(
                                    "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                                    "configMap" = @{
                                        "defaultMode" = 420
                                        "name" = "aks-addc-validation"
                            "affinity" = @{
                                "nodeAffinity" = @{
                                    "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" = @{
                                        "nodeSelectorTerms" = @(
                                                "matchExpressions" = @(
                                                        "key" = "agentpool"
                                                        "operator" = "In"
                                                        "values" = $AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        $jsonManifests = $manifests | ForEach-Object { ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $_ }
        Write-Verbose "Setting up the validation DaemonSet."
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifests
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Waiting until the validation DaemonSet is ready."
            # Wait until all the DaemonSet pods are ready. It times-out after 5 minutes of waiting.
            Start-ExecuteWithRetry `
                -ScriptBlock ${function:Assert-ReadyDaemonSet} `
                -ArgumentList @("aks-addc-validation") `
                -RetryMessage "The validation DaemonSet 'aks-addc-validation' is not ready yet." `
                -MaxRetryCount 30 -RetryInterval 10
            $pods = Invoke-Kubectl "get pods -l app=aks-addc-validation -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            if($pods.items.Length -eq 0) {
                Throw "There are no AKS AD DC validation pods spawned. Probably something is wrong with the pods' scheduling, or the given AKS Windows nodes are down."
            foreach($pod in $pods.items) {
                Write-Output "Validating Windows host '$($pod.spec.nodeName)'."
                Invoke-Kubectl "exec $($pod.metadata.name) -- powershell.exe /aks-addc-validation/validate-aks-addc.ps1"
        } finally {
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the validation DaemonSet."
            Uninstall-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifests
        Write-Output "Successfully validated connectivity with AD DC for AKS Windows node pools: $($AksWindowsNodePoolsNames -join ', ')."

function Confirm-AksGMSAConfiguration {
        Validates that the AKS cluster has the proper gMSA configuration.
    .PARAMETER AksResourceGroupName
        The AKS cluster resource group name.
    .PARAMETER AksClusterName
        The AKS cluster name.
    .PARAMETER AksGMSADomainDnsServer
        The AKS gMSA DNS server.
    .PARAMETER AksGMSARootDomainName
        The AKS gMSA root domain name.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_


            Assert-ValidDnsName $_
    BEGIN {
        Assert-FoundInPath "az"
        $aksCluster = Invoke-CommandLine "az" "aks show -g $AksResourceGroupName -n $AksClusterName -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
        $gmsaProfile = $aksCluster.windowsProfile.gmsaProfile
        $isEnabled = ($gmsaProfile.enabled -and
                      $gmsaProfile.dnsServer -eq $AksGMSADomainDnsServer -and
                      $gmsaProfile.rootDomainName -eq $AksGMSARootDomainName)
        if($isEnabled) {
            Write-Output "The AKS gMSA feature is properly configured."
        if(!$gmsaProfile.enabled) {
            $promptTitle = "The AKS cluster doesn't have the gMSA feature enabled."
            $promptQuestion = "Do you want to enable the gMSA feature now?"
            $yesOption = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Enable AKS gMSA now."
            $noOption = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Enable AKS gMSA later."
        } else {
            if($gmsaProfile.dnsServer -ne $AksGMSADomainDnsServer) {
                Write-Warning "The AKS gMSA DNS server is not configured correctly. Current value is '$($gmsaProfile.domainDnsServer)', and it needs to be '$AksGMSADomainDnsServer'."
            if($gmsaProfile.rootDomainName -ne $AksGMSARootDomainName) {
                Write-Warning "The AKS gMSA root domain name is not configured correctly. Current value is '$($gmsaProfile.rootDomainName)', and it needs to be '$AksGMSARootDomainName'."
            $promptTitle = "The AKS cluster doesn't have the gMSA feature properly configured."
            $promptQuestion = "Do you want to reconfigure the gMSA feature now?"
            $yesOption = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Reconfigure AKS gMSA now."
            $noOption = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Reconfigure AKS gMSA later."
        $promptChoices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yesOption, $noOption)
        $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($promptTitle, $promptQuestion, $promptChoices, -1)
        if($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Output "Updating AKS gMSA configuration."
            Invoke-CommandLine "az" "aks update -g $AksResourceGroupName -n $AksClusterName --enable-windows-gmsa --gmsa-dns-server $AksGMSADomainDnsServer --gmsa-root-domain-name $AksGMSARootDomainName -o none"

function New-GMSADomainUser {
        Create the gMSA standard domain user. This is going to be authorized to fetch the gMSA credentials.
        The gMSA standard domain user name.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The gMSA standard domain user password.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdmin
        The domain admin used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdminPassword
        The domain admin password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_



            Assert-ValidDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "ActiveDirectory"
        $remoteParams = Get-ADRemoteParams $DomainControllerAddress $DomainAdmin $DomainAdminPassword
        $commonParams = @{
            "Enabled" = $true
            "PasswordNeverExpires" = $true
            "CannotChangePassword" = $true
            "PassThru" = $true
            "Confirm" = $false
        $adUser = Get-ADUser @remoteParams -Filter "Name -eq '$Name'"
        if(!$adUser) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating gMSA domain user."
            New-ADUser @remoteParams @commonParams -Name $Name -AccountPassword $Password
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "gMSA domain user already exists."
            Write-Verbose "Resetting gMSA domain user password."
            $adUser | Set-ADAccountPassword @remoteParams -Reset -NewPassword $Password -Confirm:$false
            Write-Verbose "Updating gMSA domain user info."
            $adUser | Set-ADUser @remoteParams @commonParams

function Remove-GMSADomainUser {
        Remove the gMSA standard domain user.
        The gMSA standard domain user name.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdmin
        The domain admin used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdminPassword
        The domain admin password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_


            Assert-ValidDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "ActiveDirectory"
        $remoteParams = Get-ADRemoteParams $DomainControllerAddress $DomainAdmin $DomainAdminPassword
        $adUser = Get-ADUser @remoteParams -Filter "Name -eq '$Name'"
        if(!$adUser) {
            Write-Output "The AD user doesn't exist."
        Write-Verbose "Removing the AD user."
        $adUser | Remove-ADUser @remoteParams -Confirm:$false

function New-GMSA {
        Create the gMSA.
        The gMSA name.
    .PARAMETER AuthorizedUser
        The domain user that will be authorized to fetch the gMSA credentials.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdmin
        The domain admin used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdminPassword
        The domain admin password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_


            Assert-ValidDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "ActiveDirectory"
        $remoteParams = Get-ADRemoteParams $DomainControllerAddress $DomainAdmin $DomainAdminPassword
        $gmsa = Get-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams -Filter "Name -eq '${Name}'"
        $domain = Get-ADDomain @remoteParams
        $spn = "host/${Name}", "host/${Name}.$($domain.DNSRoot)"
        $commonParams = @{
            "DNSHostName" = "${Name}.$($domain.DNSRoot)"
            "PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword" = $AuthorizedUser
            "Enabled" = $true
            "PassThru" = $true
            "Confirm" = $false
        if(!$gmsa) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating gMSA."
            New-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams @commonParams -Name $Name -ServicePrincipalNames $spn
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "gMSA already exists."
            Write-Verbose "Updating gMSA info."
            $gmsa | Set-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams -ServicePrincipalNames $null
            $gmsa | Set-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams @commonParams -ServicePrincipalNames @{Add = $spn}

function Remove-GMSA {
        Remove the gMSA.
        The gMSA name.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdmin
        The domain admin used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainAdminPassword
        The domain admin password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_


            Assert-ValidDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "ActiveDirectory"
        $remoteParams = Get-ADRemoteParams $DomainControllerAddress $DomainAdmin $DomainAdminPassword
        $gmsa = Get-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams -Filter "Name -eq '${Name}'"
        if(!$gmsa) {
            Write-Output "The gMSA doesn't exist."
        Write-Verbose "Removing the gMSA."
        $gmsa | Remove-ADServiceAccount @remoteParams -Confirm:$false

function New-GMSAAzureKeyVault {
        Create the Azure key vault with the gMSA standard domain account credential.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        The Azure key vault resource group name.
    .PARAMETER Location
        The Azure key vault location.
        The Azure key vault name.
    .PARAMETER SecretName
        The name of the Azure key vault secret that holds the credential of the gMSA standard domain user.
        The gMSA standard domain user name.
    .PARAMETER GMSADomainUserPassword
        The gMSA standard domain user password.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidAzureLocation $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidFQDNDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.KeyVault"
        $akv = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!$akv) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating the Azure key vault."
            $akv = New-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -Name $Name
        Write-Verbose "Setting the Azure key vault secret with the gMSA domain user credentials."
        $secretValue = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "${GMSADomainUser}:$([System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new('', $GMSADomainUserPassword).Password)" -AsPlainText -Force
        Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $Name -Name $SecretName -SecretValue $secretValue | Out-Null
        return $akv

function Remove-GMSAAzureKeyVault {
        Remove the Azure key vault with the gMSA standard domain account credential.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        The Azure key vault resource group name.
        The Azure key vault name.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_
    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.KeyVault"
        $akv = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!$akv) {
            Write-Output "The Azure key vault doesn't exist."
        Write-Verbose "Removing the Azure key vault."
        Remove-AzKeyVault -InputObject $akv -Force -Confirm:$false
        Write-Verbose "Purging the Azure key vault."
        Remove-AzKeyVault -InputObject $akv -InRemovedState -Force -Confirm:$false

function New-GMSAManagedIdentity {
        Create the user-assigned managed identity. This is going to be authorized to fetch
        the Azure key vault secret, that holds the gMSA standard domain user credential.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        The user-assigned managed identity resource group name.
    .PARAMETER Location
        The user-assigned managed identity location.
        The user-assigned managed identity name.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidAzureLocation $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_
    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.ManagedServiceIdentity"
        $mi = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!$mi) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating the gMSA user-assigned managed identity."
            $mi = New-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -Name $Name
        return $mi

function Remove-GMSAManagedIdentity {
        Remove the user-assigned managed identity, used to fetch the gMSA standard domain user credential from AKV.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        The user-assigned managed identity resource group name.
        The user-assigned managed identity name.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_
    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.ManagedServiceIdentity"
        $mi = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!$mi) {
            Write-Output "The user-assigned managed identity doesn't exist."
        Write-Verbose "Removing the user-assigned managed identity."
        Remove-AzUserAssignedIdentity -InputObject $mi -Confirm:$false

function Grant-AkvAccessToAksWindowsHosts {
        This function will:
          * Append the user-assigned managed identity to the AKS Windows agent pools.
          * Configure the Azure key vault read access policy for the user-assigned managed identity.
    .PARAMETER AksResourceGroupName
        The AKS cluster resource group name.
    .PARAMETER AksClusterName
        The AKS cluster name.
    .PARAMETER AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        The AKS Windows node pools' names.
    .PARAMETER VaultResourceGroupName
        The Azure key vault resource group name.
    .PARAMETER VaultName
        The Azure key vault name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName
        The user-assigned managed identity resource group name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityName
        The user-assigned managed identity name.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames $_

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_
    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.ManagedServiceIdentity", "Az.KeyVault", "Az.Aks", "Az.Compute"
        Write-Output "Granting Azure key vault access to the user-assigned managed identity."
        $mi = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName -Name $ManagedIdentityName
        $akv = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $VaultResourceGroupName -Name $VaultName
        if(!$akv) {
            Throw "The Azure key vault '${VaultName}' was not found under resource group '${VaultResourceGroupName}'."
        $aksCluster = Get-AzAksCluster -ResourceGroupName $AksResourceGroupName -Name $AksClusterName
        foreach($nodePoolName in $AksWindowsNodePoolsNames) {
            $nodePool = Get-AzAksNodePool -ClusterObject $aksCluster -Name $nodePoolName
            if($nodePool.OsType -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.OperatingSystemTypes]::Windows) {
                Throw "The agent pool '${nodePoolName}' is not a Windows agent pool."
            if($nodePool.AgentPoolType -ne "VirtualMachineScaleSets") {
                Throw "Unsupported agent pool type. The pool '${nodePoolName}' uses '$($nodePool.AgentPoolType)' type. Only 'VirtualMachineScaleSets' type is supported."
        # Assign the managed identity to the Windows agent pools.
        $windowsVMSSList = Get-AzVmss -ResourceGroupName $aksCluster.NodeResourceGroup | Where-Object { $_.Tags["aks-managed-poolName"] -in $AksWindowsNodePoolsNames }
        if(!$windowsVMSSList) {
            Throw "No VMSS resources, for the Windows agent pools, were found under resource group '$($aksCluster.NodeResourceGroup)'."
        $validIdentityTypes = @(
        foreach($vmss in $windowsVMSSList) {
            if($vmss.Identity.Type -notin $validIdentityTypes) {
                Throw "The VMSS '$($vmss.Name)' doesn't allow user-assigned managed identities. The current VMSS identity type is '$($vmss.Identity.Type)'."
            $exists = $vmss.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -eq $mi.Id }
            if($exists) {
                Write-Verbose "The user-assigned managed identity is already assigned to the Windows VMSS '$($vmss.Name)'."
            $identityIDs = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
            $vmss.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Keys | ForEach-Object { $identityIDs.Add($_) }
            Write-Verbose "Adding the user-assigned managed identity to the Windows VMSS '$($vmss.Name)'."
            Update-AzVmss `
                -ResourceGroupName $aksCluster.NodeResourceGroup `
                -Name $vmss.Name `
                -IdentityType $vmss.Identity.Type `
                -IdentityId $identityIDs | Out-Null
        # Set the proper AKV access policies for the managed identity.
        Write-Verbose "Setting read Azure key vault access policy for the user-assigned managed identity."
        Start-ExecuteWithRetry `
            -ScriptBlock {
                Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy `
                    -ResourceGroupName $VaultResourceGroupName `
                    -VaultName $VaultName `
                    -ObjectId $ObjectID `
                    -PermissionsToSecrets "get" } `
            -ArgumentList @($VaultResourceGroupName, $VaultName, $mi.PrincipalId) `
            -MaxRetryCount 15 -RetryInterval 10 `
            -RetryMessage "Failed to set Azure key vault access policy. Perhaps the managed identity is not yet visible to the Azure key vault. Retrying."
        Write-Output "Successfully granted access to the user-assigned managed identity."

function Get-AksAgentPoolsAkvAccess {
        This function will output the AKS agent pools' access to all the Azure key vaults found in the given resource groups.
    .PARAMETER AksResourceGroupName
        The AKS cluster resource group name.
    .PARAMETER AksClusterName
        The AKS cluster name.
    .PARAMETER VaultResourceGroupNames
        The resource group names where the Azure key vaults are found.

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            foreach($name in $_) {
                Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $name | Out-Null
    BEGIN {
        Import-Module "Az.KeyVault", "Az.Aks", "Az.Compute"
        $env:SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings = $true
        Write-Verbose "Getting all the Azure key vaults."
        $vaults = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVault]
        foreach($rgName in $VaultResourceGroupNames) {
            Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $rgName | ForEach-Object { $vaults.Add((Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -Name $_.VaultName)) }
        if(!$vaults) {
            Throw "No Azure key vaults were found under resource groups '${VaultResourceGroupNames}'."
        Write-Verbose "Checking if there are agent pools in the AKS cluster."
        $aksCluster = Get-AzAksCluster -ResourceGroupName $AksResourceGroupName -Name $AksClusterName
        if(!$aksCluster.AgentPoolProfiles) {
            Throw "No agent pools were found in the AKS cluster '${AksClusterName}'."
        Write-Verbose "Checking AKS agent pools' secret accesses for all the Azure key vaults."
        $table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
        $table.Columns.AddRange(@("AksAgentPool", "AzureKeyVault", "IsAuthorized"))
        foreach($pool in $aksCluster.AgentPoolProfiles) {
            $isAuthorized = $true
            foreach($vault in $vaults) {
                $vmss = Get-AzVmss -ResourceGroupName $aksCluster.NodeResourceGroup | Where-Object { $_.Tags["aks-managed-poolName"] -eq $pool.Name }
                $vaultPrincipals = $vault.AccessPolicies | Where-Object { ($_.PermissionsToSecrets -contains 'get') }
                $principalsWithAccess = $vmss.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Values.PrincipalId | Where-Object { $_ -in $vaultPrincipals.ObjectId }
                if(!$principalsWithAccess) {
                    $isAuthorized = $false
                $table.Rows.Add($pool.Name, $vault.VaultName, $isAuthorized) | Out-Null
        return $table
    END {
        $env:SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings = $null

function New-GMSACredentialSpec {
        Create a new gMSA credential spec Kubernetes resource.
        The spec name.
        The gMSA name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName
        The gMSA managed identity resource group name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityName
        The gMSA managed identity name.
    .PARAMETER VaultName
        The gMSA Azure key vault name.
    .PARAMETER VaultGMSASecretName
        The gMSA Azure key vault secret name.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainUser
        The domain user used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainUserPassword
        The domain user password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.

            Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_


            Assert-ValidDomainUserName $_

    BEGIN {
        Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
        Write-Output "Creating gMSA credential spec."
        # Setup the GMSA credential spec.
        $manifest = Get-GMSACredentialSpecManifest `
            -Name $Name `
            -GMSAName $GMSAName `
            -ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName $ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName `
            -ManagedIdentityName $ManagedIdentityName `
            -VaultName $VaultName `
            -VaultGMSASecretName $VaultGMSASecretName `
            -DomainControllerAddress $DomainControllerAddress `
            -DomainUser $DomainUser `
            -DomainUserPassword $DomainUserPassword
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $manifest -Depth 100)
        # Setup the GMSACredentialSpec RBAC ClusterRole.
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests (Get-GMSACredentialSpecClusterRoleManifest -SpecName $Name | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
        # Setup the GMSACredentialSpec RBAC RoleBinding.
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests (Get-GMSACredentialSpecRoleBindingManifest -SpecName $Name | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)

function Remove-GMSACredentialSpec {
        Remove a gMSA credential spec Kubernetes resource.
        The spec name.

            Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName $_
    BEGIN {
        Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
        Write-Verbose "Deleting the gMSA credential spec."
        Invoke-Kubectl "delete gmsacredentialspec --ignore-not-found=true $Name"
        Write-Verbose "Deleting the gMSA credential spec RBAC ClusterRole."
        Uninstall-KubernetesManifests -Manifests (Get-GMSACredentialSpecClusterRoleManifest -SpecName $Name | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
        Write-Verbose "Deleting the gMSA credential spec RBAC RoleBinding."
        Uninstall-KubernetesManifests -Manifests (Get-GMSACredentialSpecRoleBindingManifest -SpecName $Name | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)

function Get-GMSASampleApplicationYAML {
        Get a sample YAML manifest with a Kubernetes deployment using gMSA credential spec.
    .PARAMETER SpecName
        The gMSA credential spec name.
    .PARAMETER AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        The AKS Windows node pools' names.
        The application name.
    .PARAMETER Namespace
        The application namespace.
    .PARAMETER Labels
        Hashtable with the application labels.

            Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName $_

            Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

            Assert-ValidResourceName $_

        if(!$Name) {
            $Name = "${SpecName}-demo"
        if(!$Labels["app"]) {
            $Labels["app"] = $Name
        $labelsStr = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
        foreach($item in $Labels.GetEnumerator()) {
            $labelsStr.Add("$($item.Name): $($item.Value)")
        return @"
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
  name: ${Name}
  namespace: ${Namespace}
  run.ps1: |
    `$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    Write-Output "Configuring IIS with authentication."
    # Add required Windows features, since they are not installed by default.
    Install-WindowsFeature "Web-Windows-Auth", "Web-Asp-Net45"
    # Create simple ASP.Net page.
    New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\app'
    Set-Content -Path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\default.aspx' -Value 'Authenticated as <B><%=User.Identity.Name%></B>, Type of Authentication: <B><%=User.Identity.AuthenticationType%></B>'
    # Configure IIS with authentication.
    Import-Module IISAdministration
    (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication').Attributes['enabled'].value = `$true
    (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication').Attributes['enabled'].value = `$false
    (Get-IISServerManager).Sites[0].Applications[0].VirtualDirectories[0].PhysicalPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\app'
    Write-Output "IIS with authentication is ready."
    C:\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
  name: ${Name}
  namespace: ${Namespace}
  replicas: 1
      $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
        $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
          gmsaCredentialSpecName: ${SpecName}
      - name: iis
        image: mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2022
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          - powershell
          - -File
          - /gmsa-demo/run.ps1
          - name: gmsa-demo
            mountPath: /gmsa-demo
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          name: ${Name}
        name: gmsa-demo
            - matchExpressions:
              - key: agentpool
                operator: In
                - $($AksWindowsNodePoolsNames -join "`n - ")
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
  name: ${Name}
  namespace: ${Namespace}
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80
    $($labelsStr -join "`n ")
  type: LoadBalancer


function Start-GMSACredentialSpecValidation {
        Validate that the gMSA credential spec is functional.
        A pod using gMSA credential spec is started on each Windows host for validation purposes.
    .PARAMETER SpecName
        The gMSA credential spec name.
    .PARAMETER AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        The AKS Windows node pools' names.
    .PARAMETER ContainerImage
        The container image used for validation. A Windows server core image with PowerShell is required.

            Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName $_

            Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames $_

    BEGIN {
        Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
        Write-Output "Validating gMSA credential spec '${SpecName}'."
        Write-Verbose "Getting the gMSA credential spec details."
        $spec = Invoke-Kubectl "get gmsacredentialspec $SpecName -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
        $domainName = $spec.credspec.DomainJoinConfig.DnsName
        $manifests = @(
                "kind" = "ConfigMap"
                "apiVersion" = "v1"
                "metadata" = @{
                    "name" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                    "labels" = @{
                        "app" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                "data" = @{
                    "validate-spec.ps1" = Get-GMSACredSpecValidationPSScript $domainName
                "kind" = "DaemonSet"
                "apiVersion" = "apps/v1"
                "metadata" = @{
                    "name" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                    "labels" = @{
                        "app" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                "spec" = @{
                    "selector" = @{
                        "matchLabels" = @{
                            "app" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                    "template" = @{
                        "metadata" = @{
                            "labels" = @{
                                "app" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                        "spec" = @{
                            "securityContext" = @{
                                "windowsOptions" = @{
                                    "gmsaCredentialSpecName" = $SpecName
                            "containers" = @(
                                    "name" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                                    "image" = $ContainerImage
                                    "command" = @("ping", "-t", "localhost")
                                    "volumeMounts" = @(
                                            "name" = "gmsa-validation"
                                            "mountPath" = "/gmsa-validation"
                            "volumes" = @(
                                    "name" = "gmsa-validation"
                                    "configMap" = @{
                                        "defaultMode" = 420
                                        "name" = "gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation"
                            "affinity" = @{
                                "nodeAffinity" = @{
                                    "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" = @{
                                        "nodeSelectorTerms" = @(
                                                "matchExpressions" = @(
                                                        "key" = "agentpool"
                                                        "operator" = "In"
                                                        "values" = $AksWindowsNodePoolsNames
        $jsonManifests = $manifests | ForEach-Object { ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $_ }
        Write-Verbose "Setting up the validation DaemonSet."
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifests
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Waiting until the validation DaemonSet is ready."
            # Wait until all the DaemonSet pods are ready. It times-out after 5 minutes of waiting.
            Start-ExecuteWithRetry `
                -ScriptBlock ${function:Assert-ReadyDaemonSet} `
                -ArgumentList @("gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation") `
                -RetryMessage "The validation DaemonSet 'gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation' is not ready yet." `
                -MaxRetryCount 30 -RetryInterval 10
            $pods = Invoke-Kubectl "get pods -l app=gmsa-spec-${SpecName}-validation -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            if($pods.items.Length -eq 0) {
                Throw "There are no validation pods spawned. Probably something is wrong with the pods' scheduling or the gMSA admission webhook."
            foreach($pod in $pods.items) {
                Write-Output "Validating Windows host '$($pod.spec.nodeName)'."
                Invoke-Kubectl "exec $($pod.metadata.name) -- powershell.exe /gmsa-validation/validate-spec.ps1"
        } finally {
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the validation DaemonSet."
            Uninstall-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifests
        Write-Output "Successfully validated the gMSA credential spec '${SpecName}'."

function Copy-WindowsHostsLogs {
        Extract logs from each Windows host.
    .PARAMETER LogsDirectory
        The local directory where the Windows hosts' logs are copied.
    .PARAMETER WindowsHosts
        List of the Kubernetes Windows nodes to collect logs from.
        If this is not explicitly given, the logs are collected from all the Windows hosts.
    .PARAMETER ContainerImage
        The container image used for logs collection. A Windows server core image with PowerShell is required.


            foreach($name in $_) {
                Assert-ValidResourceName $name | Out-Null

    BEGIN {
        Assert-FoundInPath "kubectl"
        Write-Output "Extracting the Windows hosts logs to local directory '${LogsDirectory}'."
        Write-Verbose "Creating local logs directory '${LogsDirectory}'."
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogsDirectory -Force | Out-Null
        $name = "windows-logs-$(Get-UniqueId)"
        $manifest = @{
            "kind" = "DaemonSet"
            "apiVersion" = "apps/v1"
            "metadata" = @{
                "name" = $name
                "labels" = @{
                    "app" = $name
            "spec" = @{
                "selector" = @{
                    "matchLabels" = @{
                        "app" = $name
                "template" = @{
                    "metadata" = @{
                        "labels" = @{
                            "app" = $name
                    "spec" = @{
                        "containers" = @(
                                "name" = $name
                                "image" = $ContainerImage
                                "command" = @("ping", "-t", "localhost")
                                "volumeMounts" = @(
                                        "name" = "host"
                                        "mountPath" = "/host"
                        "volumes" = @(
                                "name" = "host"
                                "hostPath" = @{
                                    "path" = "/"
                        "nodeSelector" = @{
                            "kubernetes.io/os" = "windows"
        $jsonManifest = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $manifest
        Write-Verbose "Setting up the logs collection DaemonSet."
        Install-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifest
        $tmpDirPath = "/tmp-logs-$(Get-UniqueId)"
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Creating temporary logs directory."
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tmpDirPath | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose "Waiting until the logs collection DaemonSet is ready."
            Start-ExecuteWithRetry `
                -ScriptBlock ${function:Assert-ReadyDaemonSet} `
                -ArgumentList @($name) `
                -RetryMessage "The logs collection DaemonSet '${name}' is not ready yet." `
                -MaxRetryCount 30 -RetryInterval 10
            $logsFiles = @(
            $pods = Invoke-Kubectl "get pods -l app=${name} -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            foreach($pod in $pods.items) {
                $podName = $pod.metadata.name
                $nodeName = $pod.spec.nodeName
                if($WindowsHosts.Length -gt 0 -and $nodeName -notin $WindowsHosts) {
                Write-Verbose "Creating Windows host logs directory '${LogsDirectory}/${nodeName}'."
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${LogsDirectory}/${nodeName}" -Force | Out-Null
                Write-Output "Extracting Windows host '${nodeName}' logs."
                foreach($logFile in $logsFiles) {
                    Write-Verbose "Extracting '${logFile}'."
                    $fileName = Split-Path $logFile -Leaf
                    Invoke-Kubectl "exec ${podName} -- powershell.exe cp /host/${logFile} /"
                    Invoke-Kubectl "cp ${podName}:${fileName} ${tmpDirPath}/${fileName}"
                    Move-Item -Force -Path "${tmpDirPath}/${fileName}" -Destination "${LogsDirectory}/${nodeName}"
        } finally {
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the temporary logs directory."
            Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $tmpDirPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the logs collection DaemonSet."
            Uninstall-KubernetesManifests -Manifests $jsonManifest
        Write-Output "Finished copying logs from all the Windows hosts."

### Private functions below

function Assert-FoundInPath {
        Assert that a binary is found in PATH. Useful to verify that the requirements are installed.
        The binary name(s).

    foreach($binName in $Name) {
        $bin = Get-Command -Name $binName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!$bin) {
            Throw "The binary '${binName}' was not found in PATH. Please run 'Install-ToolingRequirements' first."

function Get-ADRemoteParams {
        Get the parameters used for remote execution by the functions from the ActiveDirectory RSAT PowerShell module.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address.
    .PARAMETER DomainUser
        The domain user. If this is set, the parameter 'DomainUserPassword' is mandatory.
    .PARAMETER DomainUserPassword
        The domain user password. If this is set, the parameter 'DomainUser' is mandatory.


            if($_.Split('\').Count -ne 2) {
                Throw "The domain user must be given as 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'."

    $params = @{}
    if($DomainControllerAddress) {
        $params["Server"] = $DomainControllerAddress
    if($DomainUser -and !$DomainUserPassword) {
        Throw "The domain user parameter is specified, but the password parameter is missing."
    if(!$DomainUser -and $DomainUserPassword) {
        Throw "The domain user parameter is missing, but the password parameter is specified."
    if($DomainUser -and $DomainUserPassword) {
        $params["Credential"] = New-Object PSCredential($DomainUser, $DomainUserPassword)
    return $params

function Get-GMSACredentialSpecManifest {
        Get the gMSA credential spec Kubernetes manifest.
        The spec name.
        The gMSA name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName
        The managed identity resource group name.
    .PARAMETER ManagedIdentityName
        The managed identity name.
    .PARAMETER VaultName
        The Azure key vault name.
    .PARAMETER VaultGMSASecretName
        The gMSA Azure key vault secret name.
    .PARAMETER DomainControllerAddress
        The AD domain controller address used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainUser
        The domain user used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.
    .PARAMETER DomainUserPassword
        The domain user password used for remote command execution. This parameter is optional.








            if($_.Split('\').Count -ne 2) {
                Throw "The domain user must be given as 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'."

    Write-Verbose "Getting the user-assigned managed identity info."
    $mi = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ManagedIdentityResourceGroupName -Name $ManagedIdentityName
    $remoteParams = Get-ADRemoteParams $DomainControllerAddress $DomainUser $DomainUserPassword
    Write-Verbose "Getting the AD domain info."
    $domain = Get-ADDomain @remoteParams
    Write-Verbose "Getting the AKV gMSA secret info."
    $secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $VaultName -Name $VaultGMSASecretName
    if(!$secret) {
        Throw "The secret '${VaultGMSASecretName}' was not found in the Azure key vault '${VaultName}'."
    $secretUri = ([uri]$secret.Id).AbsoluteUri -replace "/$($secret.Version)$", ''
    return @{
        "apiVersion" = "windows.k8s.io/v1alpha1"
        "kind" = "GMSACredentialSpec"
        "metadata" = @{
            "name" = $Name
        "credspec" = @{
            "CmsPlugins" = @(
            "DomainJoinConfig" = @{
                "Sid" = $domain.DomainSID.Value
                "MachineAccountName" = $GMSAName
                "Guid" = $domain.ObjectGUID.Guid
                "DnsTreeName" = $domain.Forest
                "DnsName" = $domain.DNSRoot
                "NetBiosName" = $domain.NetBIOSName
            "ActiveDirectoryConfig" = @{
                "GroupManagedServiceAccounts" = @(
                        "Name" = $GMSAName
                        "Scope" = $domain.DNSRoot
                        "Name" = $GMSAName
                        "Scope" = $domain.NetBIOSName
                "HostAccountConfig" = @{
                    "PortableCcgVersion" = "1"
                    "PluginGUID" = "{CCC2A336-D7F3-4818-A213-272B7924213E}"
                    "PluginInput" = "ObjectId=$($mi.PrincipalId);SecretUri=${secretUri}"

function Get-GMSACredentialSpecClusterRoleManifest {
        Get the RBAC ClusterRole Kubernetes manifest for the gMSA credential spec.
    .PARAMETER SpecName
        The spec name.

    return @{
        "apiVersion" = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"
        "kind" = "ClusterRole"
        "metadata" = @{
            "name" = "${SpecName}-role"
        "rules" = @(
                "apiGroups" = @("windows.k8s.io")
                "resources" = @("gmsacredentialspecs")
                "verbs" = @("use")
                "resourceNames" = @($SpecName)

function Get-GMSACredentialSpecRoleBindingManifest {
        Get the RBAC RoleBinding Kubernetes manifest for the gMSA credential spec.
    .PARAMETER SpecName
        The spec name.

    return @{
        "apiVersion" = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"
        "kind" = "RoleBinding"
        "metadata" = @{
            "name" = "allow-default-svc-account-read-on-${SpecName}"
            "namespace" = "default"
        "subjects" = @(
                "kind" = "ServiceAccount"
                "name" = "default"
                "namespace" = "default"
        "roleRef" = @{
            "kind" = "ClusterRole"
            "name" = "${SpecName}-role"
            "apiGroup" = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"

function Get-ADDCValidationPSScript {
        Get the PowerShell script used to validate the connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) machine.
    .PARAMETER DomainDnsServer
        The AD DC DNS server.
    .PARAMETER RootDomainName
        The AD DC root domain name.


    return @"
`$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Checks that the root domain name can be resolved.
Resolve-DnsName -Name $RootDomainName -Server $DomainDnsServer | Format-List *
# Queries the Domain Name System (DNS) server for a list of domain controllers
# and their corresponding IP addresses.
nltest /dsgetdc:${RootDomainName} /server:${DomainDnsServer}
    Throw "Validation command 'nltest /dsgetdc:${RootDomainName} /server:${DomainDnsServer}' had exit code `${LASTEXITCODE}."


function Get-GMSACredSpecValidationPSScript {
        Get the PowerShell script used to validate the gMSA credential spec.
    .PARAMETER DomainName
        The Active Directory domain name.

    return @"
`$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Returns the name of the parent domain of the server.
nltest /parentdomain
    Throw "Validation command 'nltest /parentdomain' had exit code `${LASTEXITCODE}."
# Checks that the configured DNS server can resolved the domain name.
Resolve-DnsName -Name $DomainName
# Queries the Domain Name System (DNS) server for a list of domain controllers and
# their corresponding IP addresses.
nltest /dsgetdc:${DomainName}
    Throw "Validation command 'nltest /dsgetdc:${DomainName}' had exit code `${LASTEXITCODE}."
# Checks the status of the secure channel that the NetLogon service established.
`$result = nltest /sc_verify:${DomainName}
    Throw "Validation command 'nltest /sc_verify:${DomainName}' had exit code `${LASTEXITCODE}."
`$successDCConnMsg = 'Trusted DC Connection Status Status = 0 0x0 NERR_Success'
`$successVerificationStatusMsg = 'Trust Verification Status = 0 0x0 NERR_Success'
if(!`$result.Contains(`$successDCConnMsg) -or !`$result.Contains(`$successVerificationStatusMsg)) {
    Throw "Validation command 'nltest /sc_verify:${DomainName}' reported errors."
# Validate if we can get a kerberos ticket granting ticket (TGT), and verify the
# kerberos protocol for outbound and inbound auth.
klist get krbtgt
    Throw "Validation command 'klist get krbtgt' had exit code `${LASTEXITCODE}."


function Assert-ReadyDaemonSet {
        Assert that the Kubernetes DaemonSet is ready.
        This function will assert that the ready pods count matches the desired pods count.
        The DaemonSet name.

    $daemonSet = Invoke-Kubectl "get daemonset ${Name} -o json" | ConvertFrom-Json
    $readyCount = $daemonSet.status.numberReady
    $desiredCount = $daemonSet.status.desiredNumberScheduled
    if($readyCount -ne $desiredCount) {
        Throw "The DaemonSet '${Name}' is not ready yet. Ready pods count: ${readyCount}. Expected: ${desiredCount}."

function Assert-ValidGMSACredentialSpecName {
        Assert that the gMSA credential spec name is valid.
        The gMSA credential spec name.

    if(!($_ -cmatch "^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$")) {
        Throw "The gMSA credential spec name is invalid. The name must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character."
    return $true

function Assert-ValidAzureLocation {
        Assert that the given Azure location is valid.
    .PARAMETER Location
        The Azure location.

    foreach($loc in (Get-AzLocation)) {
        if($loc.Location -eq $Location) {
            return $true
    Throw "The Azure location '${Location}' is not valid."

function Assert-ValidAlphanumeric {
        Assert that the given string is alphanumeric.
        The string to validate.

    if(!($Name -cmatch "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")) {
        Throw "Invalid input, '${Name}' is not alphanumeric."
    return $true

function Assert-ValidResourceName {
        This function will assert that the given string is a valid resource name.
        The allowed characters are letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. The first character must be a letter, and the end character must be a letter or a number.
        The string to validate.

    if(!($Name -cmatch "^[a-zA-Z]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$")) {
        Throw "Invalid input given. The allowed characters are letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. The first character must be a letter, and the end character must be a letter or a number."
    return $true

function Assert-ValidAzureResourceGroupName {
        Assert that the given Azure resource group name is valid.
        The Azure resource group name.

    if(!($Name -match "^[-\w\._\(\)]*[-\w_\(\)]+$")) {
        Throw "Resource group names only allow alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end in a period."
    if($Name.Length -gt 90) {
        Throw "Resource group names must be less than 90 characters."
    return $true

function Assert-ValidDnsName {
        This function will assert that the given string is a valid DNS name.
        The string to validate.

    if(!($Name -cmatch "^[a-zA-Z]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.[a-zA-Z]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$")) {
        Throw "Invalid input given, '${Name}' is not a valid DNS name."
    return $true

function Assert-ValidDomainName {
        This function will assert that the given string is a valid domain name (NetBIOS name or FQDN).
        The string to validate.

    $validNetBiosName = $true
    try {
        Assert-ValidAlphanumeric $Name
    } catch {
        $validNetBiosName = $false
    $validFQDN = $true
    try {
        Assert-ValidDnsName $Name
    } catch {
        $validFQDN = $false
    if(!$validNetBiosName -and !$validFQDN) {
        Throw "Invalid domain name. The domain name must be a valid NetBIOS name or a valid FQDN."

function Assert-ValidDomainUserName {
        This function will assert that the given string is a valid domain user name with the format 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'.
        The string to validate.

    $split = $Name.Split('\')
    if($split.Count -ne 2) {
        Throw "The domain user must be given as 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'."
    # Validate the domain name (NetBIOS name or FQDN) and the user name
    return ((Assert-ValidDomainName $split[0]) -and (Assert-ValidResourceName $split[1]))

function Assert-ValidFQDNDomainUserName {
        This function will assert that the given string is a valid domain user name with the format 'FQDN\USERNAME'.
        The string to validate.

    $split = $Name.Split('\')
    if($split.Count -ne 2) {
        Throw "The domain user must be given as 'FQDN\USERNAME'."
    return ((Assert-ValidDnsName $split[0]) -and (Assert-ValidResourceName $split[1]))


function Assert-ValidAksNodePoolNames {
        This function will assert that the given AKS node pools' names are valid.
    .PARAMETER Names
        The node pools' names to validate.

    foreach($name in $Names) {
        if($name.Length -gt 6) {
            Throw "The node pool name '$name' is too long. The maximum length is 6 characters."
        Assert-ValidAlphanumeric $name | Out-Null
    return $true

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block