
Import-Module AksHci

$script:HostVNetNicName = "SDN_VNET"
$script:clsuterGroupName = "clustergroup"
$script:MocConfig = $null
$script:MocGroup = $null

enum AksHciNcResourceType

function Invoke-WebRequestWithRetries {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Headers,
        [string] $ContentType,
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method,
        [System.Uri] $Uri,
        [object] $Body,
        [Switch] $DisableKeepAlive,
        [Switch] $UseBasicParsing,
        [bool] $shouldRetry = $true
    $params = @{
    if($Body -ne $null) 
        $params.Add('Body', $Body)

        $params.Add('DisableKeepAlive', $true)

        $params.Add('UseBasicParsing', $true)

    if ($script:DefaultCredParaSet -eq $true)
        $params.Add('UseDefaultCredentials', $true)
    elseif($script:NetworkControllerCred -ne [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty)
        $params.Add('Credential', $script:NetworkControllerCred)
    $retryIntervalInSeconds = 30
    $maxRetry = 6
    $retryCounter = 0
    do {
        try {
            $result = $null
            $result = Invoke-WebRequest @params
        catch {

            if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 404)
                #Dont retry on Not Found

            if($retryCounter -le $maxRetry) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds $retryIntervalInSeconds
            else {
                # last retry still fails, so throw the exception
                throw $_
    } while ($shouldRetry -and ($retryCounter -le $maxRetry)) 
    return $result       

function Initialize-AksHciNcCompanion
    $winFeatures = @("RSAT-NetworkController")
    foreach ($feature in $winFeatures)
        Write-Verbose "Check install state of $feature"
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature -Name $feature).InstallState -ne "Installed")
            Write-Verbose "Installing $feature"
            Add-WindowsFeature -Name $feature -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

function Get-NCResource
        [string] $Uri

    $result = Invoke-WebRequestWithRetries -Uri $Uri -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing -Method "Get"      

    if(-not $result)
        return $null

    $toplevel = convertfrom-json $result.Content
    if ($toplevel.value -eq $null)
        $jsonOut = $toplevel
        $jsonOut = $toplevel.value

    return $jsonOut

function Get-NCNic
        [string] $resourceId

    Write-Verbose "Fetching nic $resourceId from NC"

    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache     
    $ncRestEndPoint = $mocConfig["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]
    $uri = "https://$ncRestEndPoint/networking/v1/networkinterfaces/$resourceId"

    $nic = Get-NCResource -Uri $uri

    if ($nic -eq $null)
        $nics = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$ncRestEndPoint/networking/v1/networkinterfaces/" -UseBasicParsing).content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $nic = $nics.value | Where-Object {$_.resourceMetadata.resourceName -eq "$resourceId"}

    if ($nic -eq $null)
        Write-Warning "Nic with resource id $resourceId not found in NC($ncRestEndPoint)"
    return $nic

function Get-NCNicInstanceId
        [string] $resourceId

    $nic = Get-NCNic -resourceId $resourceId

    return $nic.instanceId

function Get-MocConfigCache
    if ($null -eq $script:MocConfig)
        $script:MocConfig = Get-MocConfig

    return $script:MocConfig

function Get-MocGroupCache
    if ($null -eq $script:MocGroup)
        $script:MocGroup = Get-MocGroup -location MocLocation

    return $script:MocGroup

function Clear-MocCache
    $script:MocConfig = $null
    $script:MocGroup = $null

function GetClusterGroup
    return $script:clsuterGroupName

function ValidateState
    $config = Get-AksHciConfig
    $aksHciConfig = $config["AksHci"]
    if ($aksHciConfig["installState"] -ne [InstallState]::Installed)
        Write-Error("UnsupportedConfiguration: AKS-HCI is not installed") -ErrorAction Stop

    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache

    if (-not $mocConfig["UseNetworkController"])
        Write-Error("UnsupportedConfiguration: SDN intergration is not present") -ErrorAction Stop

function CleanupMoc
        [string] $nicName

    Remove-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function CleanupHost
        [string] $nicName

    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache    
    $vswitchName = $mocConfig["vswitchName"]

    $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $nicName -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($nic -eq $null)

    Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $nicName -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction Stop

function CreateHostVNic
        [string] $name,
        [string] $mac,
        [string] $ipAddress,
        [string] $prefix,
        [string] $vswitchName

    Write-Verbose "Creating a new host vnic $name, MAC $mac, IP $ipAddress/$prefix on host $(hostname)"
    $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $name -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($nic -ne $null -and $nic.MacAddress -eq $mac)
        Write-Verbose "Reusing existing VNIC "
        CleanupHost -nicName $name
        Start-Sleep 5

        $nic = Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $name -SwitchName $vswitchName -StaticMacAddress $mac -ErrorAction stop
        Start-Sleep 30

    $ifIndex = (Get-NetAdapter -Name "*$name*").ifIndex

    $nic = Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $ipAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($nic -ne $null)

        if ($nic.InterfaceIndex -ne $ifIndex)
            Write-Error "Fatal error, Cannot connect host, $ipAddress is already present on another interface on the host" -ErrorAction Stop


    Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    New-NetIPAddress -PrefixLength $prefix -IPAddress $ipAddress -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

function CreateMocNic
        [string] $nicName

    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache
    $vnetName = $mocConfig["vnetName"]
    $location = $mocConfig["cloudLocation"]
    $retry = $true

            New-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -virtualNetworkName $vnetName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction Stop
            $e = $_

            $retry = $e.Exception.Message.Contains("PrivateIPAddressInUse") -eq $true

            if (-not $retry)
                Write-Warning "Failed to create Nic in Moc, Error $_"
                Write-Verbose "IPAddress conflict, retry nic creation"

function Get-MocNic
        [string] $nicName

    Write-Verbose "Fetching nic $nicName from MOC"
    $vnetMocNic = Get-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($vnetMocNic -eq $null)
        Write-Verbose "Creating new nic $nicName in MOC"
        CreateMocNic -nicName $nicName

    return Get-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function SetPortProfile
        [string] $nicName,
        [string] $profileId

    Write-Verbose "Setting port profile for $nicName on $(hostName), ProfileId $profileId"

    $vmNic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $nicName -ManagementOS -ErrorAction Stop

    $FeatureId = "9940cd46-8b06-43bb-b9d5-93d50381fd56"

    $CurrentFeature = Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic

    if ($CurrentFeature -eq $null)
        $Feature = Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId
        $Feature.SettingData.ProfileId = "{$profileId}"
        $Feature.SettingData.NetCfgInstanceId = "{56785678-a0e5-4a26-bc9b-c0cba27311a3}"
        $Feature.SettingData.CdnLabelString = "TestCdn"
        $Feature.SettingData.CdnLabelId = 1111
        $Feature.SettingData.ProfileName = "Testprofile"
        $Feature.SettingData.VendorId = "{1FA41B39-B444-4E43-B35A-E1F7985FD548}"
        $Feature.SettingData.VendorName = "NetworkController"
        $Feature.SettingData.ProfileData = 1
        Add-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $Feature -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic
        $CurrentFeature.SettingData.ProfileId = "{$profileId}"
        $CurrentFeature.SettingData.ProfileData = 1
        Set-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $CurrentFeature -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic

    Write-Verbose "Successfully set port profile for $nicName on $(hostName)"

function Remove-PortProfile
        [string] $nicName

    Write-Verbose "Removing port profile on $nicName"

    $vmNic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $nicName -ManagementOS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($vmNic  -eq $null)

    $FeatureId = "9940cd46-8b06-43bb-b9d5-93d50381fd56"

    $CurrentFeature = Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic

    if ($CurrentFeature -eq $null)

    Remove-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $CurrentFeature -VMNetworkAdapterName $vmNic


function Connect-AksHciSdnVnet


    Write-Verbose "Connecting host $(hostname) to the Aks-HCI control plane virtual network"

    $mocNic = Get-MocNic -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName
    $ncNic = Get-NCNic -resourceId $script:HostVNetNicName

    if ($ncNic  -eq $null)
        Write-Error "Failed to create a VNIC" -ErrorAction Stop

    $vswitchName = (Get-MocConfigCache)["vswitchName"]
    $prefix = $mocNic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.prefixlength
    $ip = $mocNic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress
    CreateHostVNic -name $script:HostVNetNicName -mac $ncNic.properties.privateMacAddress -vswitchName $vswitchName -ipAddress $ip -prefix $prefix

    SetPortProfile -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName -profileId $ncNic.instanceId

function Disconnect-AksHciSdnVnet
    param([switch] $RetainResources)   


    Write-Verbose "Disconnecting host $(hostname) from the Aks-HCI control plane virtual network"

    if ($RetainResources.IsPresent)
        Remove-PortProfile -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName
    CleanupHost -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName
    CleanupMoc -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName

function Remove-AksHciNetworkControllerResources
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [switch] $All,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Leaked')]
        [switch] $Leaked,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [string] $NCRestEndPoint,
        [switch] $Force

    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NCRestEndPoint))
        if ($mocConfig["installState"] -ne [InstallState]::Installed)
            throw "Moc is not installed and no NCRestEndPoint was provided"
        $NCRestEndPoint = $mocConfig["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]

    # Check that the $NCRestEndPoint is correct. If it is, the test will populate the uri variable
    $uri = "https://$NCRestEndPoint"
    if (-not (Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $uri))
        throw "Cannot connect to Network Controller $NCRestEndPoint"

    if ($Leaked.IsPresent)
        # Check if MocGroup is configured
        if ((Get-MocGroupCache).Length -eq 0)
            throw "No MocGroup found, cannot find resources in Moc to compare to NetworkController"
        if ($mocConfig["installState"] -ne [InstallState]::Installed)
            throw "AksHci is not in Installed state, cannot access Moc to compare to NetworkController"
        Remove-AksHciNcResourcesLeaked -ConnectionUri $uri -Force:$Force
    elseif ($All.IsPresent)
        if ($mocConfig["installState"] -ne [InstallState]::NotInstalled)
            throw "AksHci is not in NotInstalled state, cannot delete all NC resources"
        Remove-AksHciNcResourcesAll -ConnectionUri $uri -Force:$Force


function Get-MocResourceName
        [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type

    # Get all the moc groups
    $mocGroup = Get-MocGroupCache
    # Return an array of string with the group names
    $mocGroup = $mocGroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name

    $mocResources = @()
    switch ($Type)
            foreach ($group in $mocGroup)
                $mocGroupResource = Get-MocNetworkInterface -group $group -ErrorAction Stop
                # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it
                $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
                $mocResources += $mocGroupResource
            foreach ($group in $mocGroup)
                $mocGroupResource = Get-MocLoadBalancer -group $group -ErrorAction Stop
                # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it
                $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
                $mocResources += $mocGroupResource
            foreach ($group in $mocGroup)
                $mocGroupResource = Get-MocVirtualNetwork -group $group -ErrorAction Stop
                # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it
                $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
                $mocResources += $mocGroupResource
            $mocResources = @()
    return $mocResources

function Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId
        [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type,

        [string] $ConnectionUri

    # Query all Nc resources from the rest api
    switch ($Type) {
            $ncResponce = Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri
            $ncResponce = Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri
            $ncResponce = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri
            $ncResponce = $null

    # Remove entries that don't have ResourceMetadata
    $ncResponce = $ncResponce | Where-Object -Property ResourceMetadata -ne nil
    # Re-format object to extract ResourceId, ResourceMetadata.Client, ResourceMetadata.ResourceName
    $ncResponce = $ncResponce | Select-Object ResourceId, @{N="Client";E={$_.ResourceMetadata.Client}}, @{N="ResourceName";E={$_.ResourceMetadata.ResourceName}}
    # Only select the AksHci Client Objects
    $ncResponce = $ncResponce | Where-Object -Property Client -eq "AksHci"

    return $ncResponce

function Remove-NCResource
        [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type,

        [string] $ConnectionUri,
        [string] $ResourceId

    switch ($Type) {
            Remove-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
            Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
            Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
            Write-Error "Network Controller Resource type unknown, cannot delete"

function Remove-AksHciNcResourcesLeaked
        [switch] $Force,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ConnectionUri

    # go over each resource type and compare Moc to NC
    foreach ($resType in [AksHciNcResourceType].GetEnumValues())
        $mocResources = Get-MocResourceName -Type $resType
        $ncResources = Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType
        if ($mocResources.Length -eq 0)
            Write-Error "No $resType resources found in Moc, cannot compare with NetworkController"

        # Compare the objects
        $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mocResources -DifferenceObject ($ncResources | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceName)

        # NetworkController resources not found in Moc
        $ncOnly = $diff | Where-Object -Property SideIndicator -eq "=>" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
        if ($ncOnly.Length -gt 0)
            $ncOnlyResourceName = $ncOnly
            # Expand ncOnly from ResourceName to include ResourceId. This may be a slow operation, for each resource in $ncOnly,
            # it will search through $ncNetworkInterfaces to find the full object
            $ncOnly = $ncOnly | ForEach-Object { $ncResources | Where-Object -Property ResourceName -eq $_ }

            # Prompt user to delete
            $decision = 1
            if (!$Force.IsPresent)
                $title = "Delete NetworkController$($resType) Resources"
                $question = "Are you sure you want to delete the following resources:`n$($ncOnlyResourceName -join "`n")"
                $choices = @('&Yes', '&No', '&Suspend')
                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)

            # Delete the Network Controller resources
            if ($decision -eq 0 -or $Force.IsPresent)
                foreach ($n in $ncOnly)
                    Remove-NCResource -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType -ResourceId $n.ResourceId
            # Suspend, exit immediatly
            elseif ($decision -eq 2)
            Write-Host "No Leaked NetworkController$($resType) resources found"

function Remove-AksHciNcResourcesAll
        [switch] $Force,
        [string] $ConnectionUri

    foreach ($resType in [AksHciNcResourceType].GetEnumValues())
        $ncResources = Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType

        # Prompt user to delete
        $decision = 1
        if (!$Force.IsPresent -and $ncResources.Length -ne 0)
            $title = "Delete NetworkController$($resType) Resources"
            $question = "Are you sure you want to delete the following resources:`n$(($ncResources | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceName) -join "`n")"
            $choices = @('&Yes', '&No', '&Suspend')
            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)

        # Delete the Network Controller resources
        if ($decision -eq 0 -or $Force.IsPresent)
            foreach ($n in $ncResources)
                Remove-NCResource -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType -ResourceId $n.ResourceId
        # Suspend, exit immediatly
        elseif ($decision -eq 2)

function Test-AksHciNetworkControllerConfig
    # By default, we will use the values in Moc to test NC
    # If 1 parameter is manually set, all parameters must be supplied and moc will not be used
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Moc')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
        [string] $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
        [string] $networkControllerLbSubnetRef,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
        [string] $networkControllerLnetRef,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
        [VipPoolSettings] $vipPool

    # ----- Setup -----
    $useMoc = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Moc"
    $ret = $true

    # Read all values from Moc
    if ($useMoc)
        $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache

        # Check that Moc has been initialized
        if ($mocConfig["installState"] -ne [InstallState]::Installed)
            Write-Error "Moc is not in an installed state. Cannot read NetworkController config in Moc"
            $ret = $false
            # Cannot continue any more tests without Moc
            return $ret

        # Get networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress
        $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress = $mocConfig["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]
        # Get networkControllerLbSubnetRef
        $networkControllerLbSubnetRef = $mocConfig["networkControllerLbSubnetRef"]
        # Get networkControllerLnetRef
        $networkControllerLnetRef = $mocConfig["networkControllerLnetRef"]
        # Get vipPool
        $vipPoolDefaultName = $mocConfig["defaultvippoolname"]
        $vipPoolDefault = Get-MocVipPool -location MocLocation -name $vipPoolDefaultName
        $vipPool = [VipPoolSettings]::new($vipPoolDefault.name, $vipPoolDefault.properties.startIp, $vipPoolDefault.properties.endIp)

    # ----- Tests -----
    # Check networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress
    Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"
    $uri = "https://$networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"
    $result = Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $uri
    if (-not $result)
        Write-Error "Cannot connect to NetworkController with the networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"
        $ret = $false
        # Cannot test any more without the Network Controller Uri
        return $ret

    # Check networkControllerLnetRef
    Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerLnetRef"
    $result = Test-NetworkControllerReference $uri $networkControllerLnetRef
    if (-not $result)
        Write-Error "networkControllerLnetRef ($networkControllerLnetRef) cannot be found in the Network Controller"
        $ret = $false

    # Check networkControllerLbSubnetRef
    Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerLbSubnetRef"
    $lbSubnetWebResult = $null
    $result = Test-NetworkControllerReference $uri $networkControllerLbSubnetRef ([ref]$lbSubnetWebResult)
    if (-not $result)
        Write-Error "networkControllerLbSubnetRef ($networkControllerLbSubnetRef) cannot be found in the Network Controller"
        $ret = $false

    # Check the vipPool -- uses previous networkControllerLbSubnetRef result
    Write-Verbose "Check vippool setting"
    if ($null -ne $lbSubnetWebResult)
        $result = Test-NetworkControllerDefaultVipPool ($lbSubnetWebResult.Content) $vipPool
        if (-not $result)
            Write-Error "AksHci Vippool ip range is not within the NetworkController Vippool range"
            $ret = $false
        Write-Warning "Skipping Vippool Test, lb Subnet Ref not found in Network Controller"

    return $ret

function Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress([string]$ConnectionUri)
    try {
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ConnectionUri/networking/discovery"
    catch {
        $result = $null

    if ($null -eq $result)
        return $false
    return $result.StatusCode -eq 200

function Test-NetworkControllerReference([string]$ConnectionUri, [string]$subRef, [ref]$webResult)
    $uri = "$ConnectionUri/networking/v1$subRef"
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
    if ($null -eq $result -or $result.StatusCode -ne 200)
        return $false

    # set the webResult if it was passed
    if ($null -ne $webResult)
        $webResult.Value = $result
    return $true

function Test-NetworkControllerDefaultVipPool([string]$lbSubnetContent, [VipPoolSettings]$mocVipPool)
    $ncVippool = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $lbSubnetContent).Properties.ipPools.Properties
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ncVippool))
        return $false

    # check that the IP addresses are in the following order
    # NCVippoolStart -> MocVippoolStart -> MocVippoolEnd -> NCVippoolEnd
    return (
        [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($ncVippool.startIpAddress, $vipPool.VipPoolStart) -and
        [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($vipPool.VipPoolStart, $vipPool.VipPoolEnd) -and
        [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($vipPool.VipPoolEnd, $ncVippool.endIpAddress)