
{"config":{"lang":["en"],"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"Getting started AllMyIT is a Powershell module for configuring Windows and Windows Server like a pro ! Automation and optimization ! French: AllMyIT est un module Powershell permettant de configurer Windows et Windows Server comme un pro ! Automatisation et optimisation ! Read the doc The documentation is build master branch. Download Download latest realease: View on GitHub: Requirements Minimal Windows 7 SP1 / Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Windows Management Framework 5.1 Recommended Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 Installation From PowerShell Gallery Install-Module -Name AllMyIT See module page: From Source Clone the repository : Git clone https : // github . com / DocKob / AllMyIT . git Or download the latest release : Run Powershell as Administrator : Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName [ C : \\ Users \\ [YOUR_USERNAME] \\ Download \\ AllMyIT ] -Force -Verbose Usage # Invoke AllMyIT module in Wizard mode Invoke-Ami # Run AllMyIT module in ConfigFile mode Start-Ami -ProfilePath \"PATH\" See more about config file :","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"#getting-started","text":"AllMyIT is a Powershell module for configuring Windows and Windows Server like a pro ! Automation and optimization ! French: AllMyIT est un module Powershell permettant de configurer Windows et Windows Server comme un pro ! Automatisation et optimisation !","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"#read-the-doc","text":"The documentation is build master branch.","title":"Read the doc"},{"location":"#download","text":"Download latest realease: View on GitHub:","title":"Download"},{"location":"#requirements","text":"","title":"Requirements"},{"location":"#minimal","text":"Windows 7 SP1 / Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Windows Management Framework 5.1","title":"Minimal"},{"location":"#recommended","text":"Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019","title":"Recommended"},{"location":"#installation","text":"","title":"Installation"},{"location":"#from-powershell-gallery","text":"Install-Module -Name AllMyIT See module page:","title":"From PowerShell Gallery"},{"location":"#from-source","text":"Clone the repository : Git clone https : // github . com / DocKob / AllMyIT . git Or download the latest release : Run Powershell as Administrator : Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName [ C : \\ Users \\ [YOUR_USERNAME] \\ Download \\ AllMyIT ] -Force -Verbose","title":"From Source"},{"location":"#usage","text":"# Invoke AllMyIT module in Wizard mode Invoke-Ami # Run AllMyIT module in ConfigFile mode Start-Ami -ProfilePath \"PATH\" See more about config file :","title":"Usage"},{"location":"configfile/","text":"Config File Warning, if you set the password in config file, he's in clear ! After script run, please delete the config file or restrict file access. Naning the config file Only use Alphanumeric characters for the filename. Installer section Install-Apps \"Install-Apps\" : { \"AppsUrl\" : [ \"APP_URL\" ], \"Ninite\" : [ \"firefox\" ], \"Chocolatey\" : [ \"7zip\" ], \"Lnk\" : false , \"ExecuteExe\" : false , \"UnzipArchives\" : false , \"Wizard\" : false } AppUrl example: Ninite example: [\"firefox\", \"7zip\", \"filezilla\", \"onedrive\", \"vscode\", \"windirstat\", \"winscp\"] Chocolatey example: [\"adobereader\", \"googlechrome\", \"jre8\", \"firefox\", \"7zip\", \"microsoft-teams\"] Install-Features \"Install-Features\" : { \"Features\" : [ \"Hyper-V\" , \"Hyper-V-PowerShell\" , \"Windows-Server-Backup\" ], \"Wizard\" : false } You can execute : Get-WindowsFeature in Powershell and search feature name Network section Set-Network \"Set-Network\" : { \"IPAddress\" : \"\" , \"PrefixLength\" : \"24\" , \"DefaultGateway\" : \"\" , \"Dns\" : \"\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Set the IP address, the application asks you for which card you want to set the IP address File section Set-Storage \"Set-Storage\" : { \"Run\" : true , \"Wizard\" : true } This function list all uninitialized disk and ask you if you want to configure it (Letter, Name, Size ...) Remove-Temp \"Remove-Temp\" : { \"AddFolder\" : \"None\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Perform a disk cleanup and temp folders cleanup Set \"AddFolder\" to \"Lenovo\" for add the lenovo specifics folders Device section Install-Certificate \"Install-Certificate\" : { \"Name\" : \"AllMyIT\" , \"Export\" : true , \"Password\" : \"Password\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Create a certificat for password encryption. Set the Name and the password. If export is true, the certificate is exported to \"Install_Path\\export\" Restart-Service \"Restart-Service\" : { \"Name\" : \"NlaSvc\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Set services name for restart (dependancies auto restart) New-LocalAdmin \"New-LocalAdmin\" : { \"NewLocalAdmin\" : \"Name\" , \"Password\" : \"Password\" } Create a new local admin, if the user name already exist the password is reset with defined Set-ConfigMode \"Set-ConfigMode\" : { \"IsEnabled\" : false } Disable all firewall rules and sets WSManCredSSP to server role if set to true Set-Accessibility \"Set-Accessibility\" : { \"IsEnabled\" : false } Enable PSRemoting, WinRM and Secure RDP mode if is set to true","title":"Config File"},{"location":"configfile/#config-file","text":"Warning, if you set the password in config file, he's in clear ! After script run, please delete the config file or restrict file access.","title":"Config File"},{"location":"configfile/#naning-the-config-file","text":"Only use Alphanumeric characters for the filename.","title":"Naning the config file"},{"location":"configfile/#installer-section","text":"","title":"Installer section"},{"location":"configfile/#install-apps","text":"\"Install-Apps\" : { \"AppsUrl\" : [ \"APP_URL\" ], \"Ninite\" : [ \"firefox\" ], \"Chocolatey\" : [ \"7zip\" ], \"Lnk\" : false , \"ExecuteExe\" : false , \"UnzipArchives\" : false , \"Wizard\" : false } AppUrl example: Ninite example: [\"firefox\", \"7zip\", \"filezilla\", \"onedrive\", \"vscode\", \"windirstat\", \"winscp\"] Chocolatey example: [\"adobereader\", \"googlechrome\", \"jre8\", \"firefox\", \"7zip\", \"microsoft-teams\"]","title":"Install-Apps"},{"location":"configfile/#install-features","text":"\"Install-Features\" : { \"Features\" : [ \"Hyper-V\" , \"Hyper-V-PowerShell\" , \"Windows-Server-Backup\" ], \"Wizard\" : false } You can execute : Get-WindowsFeature in Powershell and search feature name","title":"Install-Features"},{"location":"configfile/#network-section","text":"","title":"Network section"},{"location":"configfile/#set-network","text":"\"Set-Network\" : { \"IPAddress\" : \"\" , \"PrefixLength\" : \"24\" , \"DefaultGateway\" : \"\" , \"Dns\" : \"\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Set the IP address, the application asks you for which card you want to set the IP address","title":"Set-Network"},{"location":"configfile/#file-section","text":"","title":"File section"},{"location":"configfile/#set-storage","text":"\"Set-Storage\" : { \"Run\" : true , \"Wizard\" : true } This function list all uninitialized disk and ask you if you want to configure it (Letter, Name, Size ...)","title":"Set-Storage"},{"location":"configfile/#remove-temp","text":"\"Remove-Temp\" : { \"AddFolder\" : \"None\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Perform a disk cleanup and temp folders cleanup Set \"AddFolder\" to \"Lenovo\" for add the lenovo specifics folders","title":"Remove-Temp"},{"location":"configfile/#device-section","text":"","title":"Device section"},{"location":"configfile/#install-certificate","text":"\"Install-Certificate\" : { \"Name\" : \"AllMyIT\" , \"Export\" : true , \"Password\" : \"Password\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Create a certificat for password encryption. Set the Name and the password. If export is true, the certificate is exported to \"Install_Path\\export\"","title":"Install-Certificate"},{"location":"configfile/#restart-service","text":"\"Restart-Service\" : { \"Name\" : \"NlaSvc\" , \"Wizard\" : false } Set services name for restart (dependancies auto restart)","title":"Restart-Service"},{"location":"configfile/#new-localadmin","text":"\"New-LocalAdmin\" : { \"NewLocalAdmin\" : \"Name\" , \"Password\" : \"Password\" } Create a new local admin, if the user name already exist the password is reset with defined","title":"New-LocalAdmin"},{"location":"configfile/#set-configmode","text":"\"Set-ConfigMode\" : { \"IsEnabled\" : false } Disable all firewall rules and sets WSManCredSSP to server role if set to true","title":"Set-ConfigMode"},{"location":"configfile/#set-accessibility","text":"\"Set-Accessibility\" : { \"IsEnabled\" : false } Enable PSRemoting, WinRM and Secure RDP mode if is set to true","title":"Set-Accessibility"}]}