
#Region 'PREFIX' 0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop' # full stop on first error
#EndRegion 'PREFIX'
#Region '.\Private\GetCustomEditUrl.ps1' 0
function GetCustomEditUrl() {
            Returns the `custom_edit_url` for the given .md file.
            Generates a URL pointing to the Powershell source file that was used to generate the markdown file.
            - URLs for non-monolithic modules point to a .ps1 file with same name as the markdown file
            - URLs for monolithic modules will always point to a .psm1 with same name as passed module

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$Module,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$EditUrl,

    # return "false" so Docusaurus will not render the `Edit this page` button
    if (-not($EditUrl)) {

    # point to the function source file for non-monlithic modules
    if (-not($Monolithic)) {
        $command = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MarkdownFile)

        return $EditUrl + '/' + $command + ".ps1"

    # point to the module source file for monolithic modules
    if (Test-Path $Module) {
        $Module = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Module)

    return $EditUrl + '/' + $Module + ".psm1"
#EndRegion '.\Private\GetCustomEditUrl.ps1' 38
#Region '.\Private\GetMdxFilePath.ps1' 0
function GetMdxFilePath() {
            Returns the .mdx file path for a given .md file.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile

    Join-Path $MarkdownFile.DirectoryName -ChildPath "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MarkdownFile.Name)).mdx"
#EndRegion '.\Private\GetMdxFilePath.ps1' 11
#Region '.\Private\NewSidebarIncludeFile.ps1' 0
function NewSidebarIncludeFile() {
            Generates a `.js` file holding an array with all .mdx 'ids` to be imported in Docusaurus `sidebar.js`.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$OutputFolder,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$Sidebar,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][Object]$MarkdownFiles

    # generate a list of Powershell commands by stripping .md from the generated PlatyPs files
    [array]$commands = $MarkdownFiles | Select-Object @{ Name = "PowershellCommand"; Expression={ "'$Sidebar/" + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_) + "'" } } | Select-Object  -Expand PowershellCommand

    # generate content using Here-String block
$content = @"
 * Import this file in your Docusaurus ``sidebars.js`` file.
 * Auto-generated by Alt3.Powershell.Docusaurus.
 * Copyright (c) 2019-present, ALT3 B.V.
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
module.exports = [
    $($commands -Join ",`n ")

    # generate file path, convert relative outputfolder to absolute if needed
    if (-Not([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($OutputFolder))) {
        $outputFolder = Join-Path "$(Get-Location)" -ChildPath $OutputFolder

    $filePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath "docusaurus.sidebar.js"

    # create the file
    $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($filePath, $content, $fileEncoding)

    # add created file to output
    Get-Item $filePath
#EndRegion '.\Private\NewSidebarIncludeFile.ps1' 48
#Region '.\Private\RemoveMarkdownHeaderOne.ps1' 0
function RemoveMarkdownHeaderOne() {
        Removes the H1 element from the markdown content because Docusaurus already generates H1 using the `title` front matter.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile

    $content = (Get-Content -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName -Raw).TrimEnd()

    $regex = '\n#{1}\s.+\n\r'

    $newContent = [regex]::replace($content, $regex, '')

    # replace file (UTF-8 without BOM)
    $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($markdownFile.FullName, $newContent, $fileEncoding)
#EndRegion '.\Private\RemoveMarkdownHeaderOne.ps1' 19
#Region '.\Private\SetMarkdownFrontMatter.ps1' 0
function SetMarkdownFrontMatter() {
            Replaces PlatyPS generated front matter with Docusaurus compatible front matter.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$CustomEditUrl

    $powershellCommandName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($markdownFile.Name)

    # prepare front matter
    $newFrontMatter = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $newFrontMatter.Add("---") | Out-Null
    $newFrontMatter.Add("id: $($powershellCommandName)") | Out-Null
    $newFrontMatter.Add("title: $($powershellCommandName)") | Out-Null
    if ($EditUrl) {
        $newFrontMatter.Add("custom_edit_url: $($EditUrl)") | Out-Null
    $newFrontMatter.Add("---") | Out-Null

    # replace front matter
    $content = (Get-Content -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName -Raw).TrimEnd()

    $regex = "(?sm)^(---)(.+)^(---).$\n"

    $newContent = $content -replace $regex, ($newFrontMatter | Out-String)

    # replace file (UTF-8 without BOM)
    $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($markdownFile.FullName, $newContent, $fileEncoding)
#EndRegion '.\Private\SetMarkdownFrontMatter.ps1' 36
#Region '.\Private\UpdateMarkdownBackticks.ps1' 0
function UpdateMarkdownBackticks() {
        Replaces platyPS-produced "escaped backticks" with normal backticks so markdown gets rendered as expected.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile

    $content = (Get-Content -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName -Raw).TrimEnd()

    $regex = '\\`'

    $newContent = [regex]::replace($content, $regex, '`')

    # replace file (UTF-8 without BOM)
    $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($markdownFile.FullName, $newContent, $fileEncoding)
#EndRegion '.\Private\UpdateMarkdownBackticks.ps1' 19
#Region '.\Private\UpdateMarkdownCodeBlocks.ps1' 0
function UpdateMarkdownCodeBlocks() {
        Add `powershell` syntax highlighting to generated code blocks.
        1. unfortunately we need to do this because PlatyPS does not add the language (design choice)
        2. @todo change regex so it will match on \n as well (now only works on CRLF files)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$MarkdownFile

    $content = (Get-Content -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName -Raw).TrimEnd()

    # this regex replaces all code blocks without a language (test on using /$regex/g)
    $regex = '(```)\r((?:(?!```)[\s\S])+)(```)\r'

    $newContent = [regex]::replace($content, $regex, '```powershell$2```')

    # replace file (UTF-8 without BOM)
    $fileEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($markdownFile.FullName, $newContent, $fileEncoding)
#EndRegion '.\Private\UpdateMarkdownCodeBlocks.ps1' 24
#Region '.\Public\New-DocusaurusHelp.ps1' 0
function New-DocusaurusHelp() {
            Generates Get-Help documentation in Docusaurus compatible `.mdx` format.
            The `New-DocusaurusHelp` cmdlet generates Get-Help documentation in Docusaurus
            compatible format by creating an `.mdx` file for each command exported by
            the module, enriched with command-specific front matter variables.
            Also creates a `sidebar.js` file for simplified integration into the Docusaurus sidebar menu.
            New-DocusaurusHelp -Module Alt3.Docusaurus.Powershell -EditUrl ""
        .PARAMETER Module
            Specifies the module this cmdlet will generate Docusaurus documentation for.
            You may specify a module name, a `.psd1` file or a `.psm1` file.
        .PARAMETER OutputFolder
            Specifies the folder where the Docusaurus sidebar subfolder will be created.
            Optional, defaults to `docusaurus/docs`, case sensitive.
        .PARAMETER Sidebar
            Specifies the subfolder where the Get-Help `.mdx` files for the module will be created.
            Optional, defaults to `CmdLets`, case sensitive.
        .PARAMETER EditUrl
            Specifies the URL prefixed to all Docusaurus `custom_edit_url` front matter variables.
            Optional, defaults to `null`.
        .PARAMETER Monolithic
            Use this optional argument if the Powershell module source is monolithic.
            Will point all `custom_edit_url` front matter variables to the `.psm1` file.
            Please note that Docusaurus v2 is an early and alpha version, just like this module.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$Module,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$OutputFolder = "docusaurus/docs",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$Sidebar = "CmdLets",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$EditUrl,

    # make sure the passed module is valid
    if (Test-Path($Module)) {
        Import-Module $Module -Force -Global
        $Module = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Module)

    if (-Not(Get-Module -Name $Module)) {
        $Module = $Module
        throw "New-DocusaurusHelp: Specified module '$Module' is not loaded"

    # markdown for the module will be isolated in a subfolder
    $markdownFolder = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath $Sidebar

    # generate PlatyPs markdown files
    $markdownFiles = New-MarkdownHelp -Module $Module -OutputFolder $markdownFolder -Force

    # update generated markdown file(s) to make them Docusaurus compatible
    ForEach ($markdownFile in $markdownFiles) {
        $customEditUrl = GetCustomEditUrl -Module $Module -MarkdownFile $markdownFile -EditUrl $EditUrl -Monolithic:$Monolithic

        SetMarkdownFrontMatter -MarkdownFile $markdownFile -CustomEditUrl $customEditUrl
        RemoveMarkdownHeaderOne -MarkdownFile $markdownFile
        UpdateMarkdownCodeBlocks -MarkdownFile $markdownFile
        UpdateMarkdownBackticks -MarkdownFile $markdownFile

        # rename to .mdx
        $mdxFilePath = GetMdxFilePath -MarkdownFile $markdownFile
        Move-Item -Path $markdownFile.FullName -Destination $mdxFilePath -Force | Out-Null

        # output .mdx item so end-user can post-process files as they see fit
        Get-Item $mdxFilePath

    # generate the `.js` file used for the docusaurus sidebar
    NewSidebarIncludeFile -MarkdownFiles $markdownFiles -OutputFolder $markdownFolder -Sidebar $Sidebar
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-DocusaurusHelp.ps1' 98