
#requires -Version 3.0

#region RMMTemplate

#region RMMGlobalParameters

$global:EventSource = $null 
function Set-EventSource
      Short Description
      Detailed Description
      explains how to use the command
      can be multiple lines
      another example
      can have as many examples as you like

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]
    $EventSource = $null
  $global:EventSource ="RMM"+$EventSource 
  # SystemServer
  # SystemWorkstation
  # HardwareServer
  # HardwareWorkstation
  # Security
  # Backup
  # Software
  # Internet
  # Printer
  # NAS
  # Network
  # Telecom
  # Mobility

$global:debug = $false

function Set-Debug
      Short Description
      Detailed Description
      explains how to use the command
      can be multiple lines
      another example
      can have as many examples as you like

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]
    $debug = $false
  $global:debug = $debug

$Global:StartTime = get-date
$Global:ErrorCount = 0
$global:Output = ""
$Global:nl = [System.Environment]::NewLine
$global:EventLog = "RMMScript"
$global:EventOK = $global:EventSource + "OK"
$global:EventERROR = $global:EventSource + "ERROR"

# RMMGlobalParameters

function Get-StackIndent
      Return a string formated containing line numbre in the source code, function where the line resided
      Return a string formated as below
      [ 132 DeleteTempAdminUser] Delete user
      The leading number are the line of code number that is executed (max. 9999)
      The following string is the calling function name
      the string length within [] is a maximum of 25 characters
      The string is padded with SPACE to match the indent level:
      MAIN => no SPACE

  $padding   =  25
  $Tab       =  " "
  $callStack =  Get-PSCallStack

  $s         =  $callStack.FunctionName
  $n         =  $callStack.ScriptLineNumber

  $st        =  "["
  if ($s -gt 2)
    $sn =  "{0,4}" -f $n[2] 
    $st += $sn 
    $st += " "
    $st += $s[2]

  $st        =  $st.padright($padding," ")
  $st        =  $st.substring(0,$padding)
  $st        += "]"
  for ($i = 1; $i -lt  $callStack.count; $i++)
    $st += $Tab
  return $st

function Write-Event
      Add the text passed as a parameter into the $global:Output variable
      If $globel:Debug is defined also writes the text into an event into the log defined in $global:EventLog with event source set as defined in $global:EventSource and EntryType as INFORMATION and EventID 666
      Get-StackIndent function is called to add some leading information about the script
      Write-Event "Some text"

  param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Message)
  $s = Get-StackIndent

  $global:Output += " $s$message" + $Global:nl

  if ($global:debug)
    Write-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source $global:EventSource -EntryType Information -EventID 666 -Message " $s$message"
    " $s$message"

function Write-EventError
      Add the text passed as a parameter into the $global:Output variable. Text added to has $global:Output a leading "!" to indicate that it is an error message
      If $globel:Debug is defined also writes the text into an event into the log defined in $global:EventLog with event source set as defined in $global:EventSource and EntryType as ERROR and EventID 666
      Get-StackIndent function is called to add some leading information about the script
      Write-EventError "Some text"

  param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Message)

  $Global:ErrorCount += 1
  $s = Get-StackIndent
  $global:Output += "!$s$message"   + $Global:nl
  if ($global:debug)
    Write-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source $global:EventSource -EntryType Error -EventID 666 -Message "!$s$message"

# RMMEventLogFunctions

#region RMMExitFunctions
function Exit-Event
      Logs various information about the script before leaving with return code to which 1000 has been added (for compatibility with SolarWinds checks)
      If a temporary admin user was created then delete it
      Adds to $global:debug, 'runtime' & ErrorCount & $ExitCode
      If $global:debug is set then write $global:Output to console
      Writes an EventID $ReturnCode with text $global:Output into the log defined in $global:EventLog with event source set as defined in $global:EventSource and EntryType as INFORMATION
      Exit-Event 1

  param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Int]$ReturnCode)
  if ($global:TempAdminUsername)
    DeleteTempAdminUser $global:TempAdminUsername
  Write-Event "########################"
  Write-Event $MyInvocation.ScriptName

  $EndTime = get-date

  [int]$TotalDurationSeconds = ($EndTime - $Global:StartTime).TotalSeconds 
  [int]$Durationminutes = ($EndTime - $Global:StartTime).TotalMinutes
  $DurationSeconds = ($EndTime - $Global:StartTime).Seconds

  if ($DurationSeconds -gt 60) {
    Write-Event "RunTime : $Durationminutes m $DurationSeconds s"
    Write-Event "RunTime : $TotalDurationSeconds s"
  Write-Event "ErrorCount : $Global:ErrorCount"
  if ($ReturnCode -eq 0)
    Write-Event "#ReturnCode : $ReturnCode"
    $evtinfo =$global:EventOK +  $Global:nl + $Global:nl + $global:Output
    Write-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog  -Source $global:EventSource -EntryType Information -EventID $ReturnCode -Message $evtinfo 
    $ReturnCode += 1000
    Write-Event "ReturnCode : $ReturnCode"
    $evtinfo = $global:EventERROR +  $Global:nl + $Global:nl  +  $global:Output
    Write-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog  -Source $global:EventSource -EntryType Error -EventID $ReturnCode -Message $evtinfo
  Write-Event "########################"
  if (!$global:debug)

  exit $ReturnCode
# RMMExitFunctions

#region RMMInit

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

if (!$global:EventSource)
  Write-Error "`$global:EventSource not set - use Set-EventSource"
  exit 1

$templog = $(try { Get-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Newest 1 -Source $global:EventSource -ErrorAction Ignore } catch{}) -ne $null
if (!$templog) 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMUndefined"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMSystemServer"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMSystemWorkstation"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMHardwareServer"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMHardwareWorkstation"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMSecurity"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMBackup"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMSoftware"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMInternet"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMPrinter"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMNetwork"   | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMTelecom"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source "RMMMobility"  | out-null 
  New-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source $global:EventSource | out-null 

$evtinfo = "Start " + $MyInvocation.ScriptName
Write-EventLog -LogName $global:EventLog -Source $global:EventSource -EntryType Information -EventID 999 -Message $evtinfo

# RMMInit

# RMMTemplate