
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) <>
# MIT License (see LICENSE or

Function Split-Byte {
    Splits a byte array based on the character specified.
    Takes in a byte array and splits into an ArrayList based on the character
    specified by Char.
    .PARAMETER Value
    [byte[]] The byte array to split.
    [char] The char to split the byte array with.
    .PARAMETER MaxSplit
    [int] If specified, this is maximum number of splits that will occur.
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] The array list that contains each split.
    Split-Bytes -Value -Char ([char]"`n")
    Split-Bytes -Value $byte_array -Char ([char]"a") -MaxSplit 2
    The MaxSplit parameter is the number of times a split will occur and not
    number of entries in the returned ArrayList. For example -MaxSplit of 2 but
    the char appears more than 2 times, the output object will contain 3 entries.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [byte[]]$Value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [char]$Char,
        [Parameter()] $MaxSplit = $null
    $previous_index = 0
    $byte_split = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
    while ($true) {
        if (($null -ne $MaxSplit) -and ($byte_split.Count -ge $MaxSplit)) {
            $new_entry = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList ($Value.Length - $previous_index)
            [System.Array]::Copy($Value, $previous_index, $new_entry, 0, $Value.Length - $previous_index)
            $byte_split.Add($new_entry) > $null

        $newline_index = [System.Array]::IndexOf($Value, [byte]$Char, $previous_index)
        if ($newline_index -eq -1) {
            $new_entry = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList ($Value.Length - $previous_index)
            [System.Array]::Copy($Value, $previous_index, $new_entry, 0, $Value.Length - $previous_index)
            $byte_split.Add($new_entry) > $null

        $new_entry = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList ($newline_index - $previous_index)
        [System.Array]::Copy($Value, $previous_index, $new_entry, 0, $newline_index - $previous_index)
        $byte_split.Add($new_entry) > $null
        $previous_index = $newline_index + 1

    # remove any empty arrays (2 chars were next to each other)
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $byte_split.Count; $i++) {
        if ($byte_split[$i].Count -eq 0) {
            $byte_split.RemoveAt($i) > $null

    return $byte_split