
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Drawing', 'PresentationFramework', 'PresentationCore', 'WindowsBase'

function Show-AnyBox
        A multi-purpose window to make script input/output easier for developers and more presentable to users.
        All parameters without a 'Validate...' attribute are optional.
        The icon shown in the top-left corner of the window.
    .PARAMETER Title
        The window title.
    .PARAMETER Image
        The path to an image file, or a base64 string representation of an image. See 'ConvertTo-Base64'.
    .PARAMETER Message
        One or more messages to display in the window.
    .PARAMETER Prompts
        One or more [AnyBox.Prompt] objects used to accept user input.
        New in v0.3: Prompts also accepts one or more strings, from which AnyBox will
        create text box input prompts, using the given strings as prompt messages.
    .PARAMETER Buttons
        One or more buttons to show at the bottom of the window.
    .PARAMETER CancelButton
        The name of the button to designate as the 'Cancel' button. This button will not validate input,
        and will be selected if the user presses the 'ESC' key.
    .PARAMETER DefaultButton
        The name of the button to designate as the 'Default' button. This button will be selected
        if the user presses the 'ENTER' key. The 'Default' button, as with all other non-Cancel buttons,
        will validate user input before closing the window.
    .PARAMETER ShowCopyButton
        If specified, a special button named 'Copy' will appear, and allow users to copy the provided
        message to the clipboard.
    .PARAMETER ButtonRows
        The number of rows used when adding the buttons.
    .PARAMETER Comment
        Similar to 'Message', but shown in italics near the bottom of the window.
    .PARAMETER ContentAlignment
        Specifies whether the window contents will be left-aligned or center-aligned; default is 'Center'.
    .PARAMETER FontFamily
        The text font type; defaults to 'Segoe UI'.
    .PARAMETER FontSize
        An integer specifying the size of the text.
    .PARAMETER FontColor
        The text color as a name (e.g., 'Black') or hex code (e.g., '#000000').
    .PARAMETER BackgroundColor
        The color of the window background as a name (e.g., 'Black') or hex code (e.g., '#000000').
    .PARAMETER WindowStyle
        The window style. caSee
    .PARAMETER ResizeMode
        The resize mode of the window. Note that this parameter also affects whether the minimize and maximize
        buttons are present.
    .PARAMETER NoResize
        A simpler way to prevent window resizing.
    .PARAMETER MinHeight
        The minimum height of the resulting window, in pixels.
    .PARAMETER MinWidth
        The minimum width of the resulting window, in pixels.
    .PARAMETER Topmost
        If specified, the window will show atop all other windows.
    .PARAMETER HideTaskbarIcon
        Hides the program icon from the taskbar. If specified, the minimize button will not be shown.
    .PARAMETER Timeout
        If provided, the window will automatically close after the specified number of seconds.
    .PARAMETER Countdown
        If 'Timeout' is provided, specifies whether a countdown is shown in the window.
    .PARAMETER ParentWindow
        A [System.Windows.Window] object to use as the parent window.
    .PARAMETER GridData
        An array of objects to be shown in a DataGrid within the window.
    .PARAMETER SelectionMode
        Alters how cells in the DataGrid are selected (e.g. single cell, full row)
    .PARAMETER HideGridSearch
        Suppresses the search controls that are automatically displayed above the DataGrid.
        Also suppresses the automatic 'Explore' and 'Save' buttons that appear when 'GridData' is provided.
        A combination of parameters defining the window's content and appearance.
        A hashtable of key-value pairs containing what input was received (e.g., text input, button clicked).

        [ValidateSet($null, 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Question')]
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [uint16]$ButtonRows = 1,
        [ValidateSet('Left', 'Center')]
        [string]$ContentAlignment = 'Left',

        [string]$FontFamily = 'Segoe UI',
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [uint16]$FontSize = 12,
        [string]$FontColor = 'Black',
        [string]$AccentColor = 'Gainsboro',
        [ValidateSet('None', 'SingleBorderWindow', 'ThreeDBorderWindow', 'ToolWindow')]
        [System.Windows.WindowStyle]$WindowStyle = 'SingleBorderWindow',
        [ValidateSet('NoResize', 'CanMinimize', 'CanResize', 'CanResizeWithGrip')]
        [System.Windows.ResizeMode]$ResizeMode = 'CanMinimize',
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [uint16]$MinHeight = 50,
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [uint16]$MinWidth = 50,
        [uint16]$MaxHeight = 0,
        [uint16]$MaxWidth = 0,
        [System.Windows.Window]$ParentWindow = $null,

        [ValidateSet('None', 'SingleCell', 'SingleRow', 'MultiRow')]
        [string]$SelectionMode = 'SingleCell',

    if ($NoResize -or ($HideTaskbarIcon -and $ResizeMode -ne 'NoResize' -and @('None', 'ToolWindow') -notcontains $WindowStyle)) {
        # No minimize button
        $ResizeMode = 'NoResize'

    $form = @{'Result'=@{}} # [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{ 'Result' = @{})

    [string[]]$action_btns = @()

    if ($GridData -and -not $HideGridSearch) {
        $action_btns += @('Explore', 'Save')

    if ($ShowCopyButton -and $Message) {
        $action_btns += 'Copy'

    if ($Buttons -or $action_btns) {
        if (-not $Buttons) {
            $Buttons = @($action_btns)
        else {
            if ($Buttons.Length -eq 1) {
                if ($Buttons[0] -is [AnyBox.Button]) {
                    $Buttons[0].IsDefault = $true
                else { # string
                    $DefaultButton = $Buttons[0]

            $Buttons | where { $_ -is [string] -or -not $_.OnClick } | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -is [AnyBox.Button]) {
                    if ($_.Name) {
                        $form.Result.Add($_.Name, $false)
                    else {
                        $form.Result.Add($_.Text, $false)
                else { # string
                    $form.Result.Add($_ -as [string], $false)

            if ($action_btns) {
                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Buttons = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Buttons
                $Buttons.InsertRange(1, $action_btns)
            # $Buttons = @($Buttons | Select-Object -Unique)

    [xml]$xaml = @"
    AllowsTransparency="False" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" ShowActivated="True"
    Topmost="$($Topmost -as [bool])" ShowInTaskbar="$(-not ($HideTaskbarIcon -as [bool]))" MinWidth="$MinWidth" MinHeight="$MinHeight"
    WindowStyle="$WindowStyle" ResizeMode="$ResizeMode">
    <Border Name="padBorder" Padding="10, 0, 10, 10">
        <Grid Name="grid" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" ShowGridLines="False">
                <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <StackPanel Name="highStack" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0"/>
            <DataGrid Name='data_grid' Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
            <StackPanel Name="lowStack" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0"/>

    $form.Window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml))
    $xaml.SelectNodes('//*[@Name]').Name | ForEach-Object { $form.Add($_, $form.Window.FindName($_)) }
    $xaml = $null

    if ($MaxHeight -ge $MinHeight) {
        $form.Window.MaxHeight = $MaxHeight

    if ($MaxWidth -ge $MinWidth) {
        $form.Window.MaxWidth = $MaxWidth

    if ($WindowStyle -eq 'None') {
        $form.Window.BorderBrush = 'Black'
        $form.Window.BorderThickness = '1'

    if ($Title) { $form.Window.Title = $Title }
    if ($FontColor) { $form.Window.Foreground = $FontColor }
    if ($BackgroundColor) {
        $form.Window.Background = $BackgroundColor

    if ($Icon) {
        $form.Window.Icon = [System.Windows.Interop.Imaging]::CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(([System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::$Icon).Handle, `
                                                                [System.Windows.Int32Rect]::Empty, `

    [hashtable]$childWinParams = @{
        FontFamily = $FontFamily
        FontSize = $FontSize
        FontColor = $FontColor
        BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        HideGridSearch = $true
        WindowStyle = 'None'
        ResizeMode = 'NoResize'
        NoResize = $true
        MinHeight = 25
        MinWidth = 25
        HideTaskbarIcon = $true
        Topmost = $true
        ParentWindow = $form.Window

    $ok_btn = New-AnyBoxButton -Text 'OK' -IsDefault

    if ($ParentWindow) {
        $form.Window.Owner = $ParentWindow
        $form.Window.WindowStartupLocation = 'CenterOwner'
        $form.Window.Topmost = $false
    else {
        $form.Window.Owner = $null
        $form.Window.WindowStartupLocation = 'CenterScreen'

    if ($Image) {
        $img = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Image

        if ($Image.Length -gt 260 -and $Image.Length % 4 -eq 0) {
            # 260 is max path-length and base64 is a multiple of 4.
            $img.Source = $bmp | ConvertTo-BitmapImage
        elseif (Test-Path $Image) {
            $img.Source = $Image
        elseif (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Image") {
            $img.Source = "$PSScriptRoot\$Image"

        if (-not $img.Source) {
            $img = $null
            $Image = $null
        else {
            $img.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
            $img.MaxWidth = $img.Source.Width
            $img.MaxHeight = $img.Source.Height
            $img.HorizontalAlignment = 'Center'
            $img.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'

    function New-TextBlock ($text, $name, $font, $size, $color, $margin, $align)
        if (-not $font) { $font = $FontFamily }
        if (-not $size) { $size = $FontSize }
        if (-not $color) { $color = $FontColor }
        if (-not $align) { $align = $ContentAlignment }

        if ($text -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text.Trim())) {
            $txtBlk = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock
            $txtBlk.Text = $text
            $txtBlk.FontFamily = $font
            $txtBlk.FontSize = $size
            $txtBlk.Foreground = $color
            $txtBlk.TextWrapping = 'Wrap'
            if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('margin')) {
                $txtBlk.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
            else {
                $txtBlk.Margin = $margin
            $txtBlk.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
            $txtBlk.HorizontalAlignment = $align
            $txtBlk.TextAlignment = $align

            if ($name) {
                $txtBlk.Name = $name
                $form.Add($txtBlk.Name, $txtBlk)

            return $txtBlk

        return $null

    # Add message textblocks.
    if (($txtMsg = New-TextBlock -text $($Message -join [environment]::NewLine) -name 'txt_Message')) {

    [uint16]$i = 0

    [scriptblock]$addMsgBox = {

        if (($inPrmpt = New-TextBlock -text $p.Message -font $p.FontFamily -size $p.FontSize -color $p.FontColor -align $p.Alignment)) {
            if ($p.Collapsible) {
                $inPrmpt.Margin = 0
                $expander.Header = $inPrmpt
            elseif ($p.MessagePosition -eq [AnyBox.MessagePosition]::Left) {
                $inPrmpt.Margin = "0, 10, 5, 0"
            elseif ($group_stack) {
            else {

    $tab_panel = $null
    if ($Prompts | where { $_.Tab }) {
        $tab_panel = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TabControl
        $tab_panel.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $tab_panel.VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $tab_panel.Margin = '0, 10, 0, 0'
        $tab_panel.Padding = "5, 0, 5, 10"
        $tab_panel.Background = 'Transparent'

    $Prompts | Group-Object -Property 'Tab', 'Group' | foreach {

        $tabName = $_.Values[0]
        $groupName = $_.Values[1]

        $group_stack = $null

        if ($tab_panel -or $groupName) {
            $group_stack = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
            $group_stack.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
            $group_stack.VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch'
            $group_stack.Margin = '5, 0, 5, 0'

        # Add prompt-message textblocks and input textboxes.
        foreach ($prmpt in $_.Group)
            $inBox = $null
            $inPanel = $null # when 'MessagePosition' = 'Left'
            $expander = $null # when 'Collapsible' = $true

            if ($prmpt -is [string]) {
                $prmpt = New-AnyBoxPrompt -Name "Input_$i" -Message $prmpt
                $Prompts[$i] = $prmpt
            elseif (-not $prmpt.Name) {
                $prmpt.Name = "Input_$i"

            $form.Result.Add($prmpt.Name, $prmpt.DefaultValue)

            if (-not $prmpt.Alignment) { $prmpt.Alignment = $ContentAlignment }
            if (-not $prmpt.FontFamily) { $prmpt.FontFamily = $FontFamily }
            if (-not $prmpt.FontSize) { $prmpt.FontSize = $FontSize }
            if (-not $prmpt.FontColor) { $prmpt.FontColor = $FontColor }

            if ($prmpt.Collapsible) {
                $expander = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Expander
                $expander.BorderThickness = 1
                $expander.BorderBrush = $AccentColor
                $expander.Padding = 3
                $expander.IsExpanded = $true
                $expander.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                $expander.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                $expander.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
                $expander.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Stretch'
            elseif ($prmpt.MessagePosition -eq [AnyBox.MessagePosition]::Left) {
                $inPanel = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel
                $inPanel.LastChildFill = $true

            if ($prmpt.ValidateSet)
                & $addMsgBox $prmpt

                if ($prmpt.ShowSetAs -eq [AnyBox.SetPresentation]::ComboBox)
                    $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox
                    $inBox.MinHeight = 25
                    $inBox.IsReadOnly = $true
                    $inBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                    $inBox.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                    $inBox.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                    $prmpt.ValidateSet | foreach {
                        $null = $inBox.Items.Add((New-TextBlock -text $_ -font $prmpt.FontFamily -size $prmpt.FontSize -color 'Black' -margin 0 -align $prmpt.Alignment))

                    if ($prmpt.DefaultValue) {
                        $inBox.SelectedItem = $prmpt.DefaultValue

                        $form.Result[$_.Source.Name] = $_.Source.SelectedItem.Text
                {    # radio
                    $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
                    $inBox.HorizontalAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                    if ($prmpt.ShowSetAs -eq [AnyBox.SetPresentation]::Radio_Wide) {
                        $inBox.Orientation = 'Horizontal'

                    $prmpt.ValidateSet | foreach {
                        $r = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.RadioButton
                        if ($prmpt.RadioGroup) {
                            $r.GroupName = $prmpt.RadioGroup
                        else {
                            $r.GroupName = "Group_$i"
                        $r.Content = $_
                        $r.Margin = '5, 5, 0, 0'
                        $r.Padding = 0
                        $r.IsChecked = $($_ -eq $prmpt.DefaultValue)
                        $r.FontSize = $prmpt.FontSize
                        $r.FontFamily = $prmpt.FontFamily
                        $r.Foreground = $prmpt.FontColor
                        # $r.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                        $r.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                        $r.HorizontalAlignment = 'Left'
                        $r.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Left'

                            if ($form.Result[$_.Source.Parent.Name] -eq $_.Source.Content) {
                                $form.Result[$_.Source.Parent.Name] = $null

                            $form.Result[$_.Source.Parent.Name] = $_.Source.Content

            elseif ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Checkbox)
            { # Check box
                $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox
                $inBox.Content = $prmpt.Message
                $inBox.FontSize = $prmpt.FontSize
                $inBox.FontFamily = $prmpt.FontFamily
                $inBox.Foreground = $prmpt.FontColor
                $inBox.IsChecked = $($prmpt.DefaultValue -eq [bool]::TrueString)
                $inBox.HorizontalAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Left'

                    $form.Result[$_.Source.Name] = $_.Source.IsChecked
            elseif ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Password)
            {    # Password box
                & $addMsgBox $prmpt
                $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox
                $inBox.MinHeight = 25
                $inBox.Padding = '3, 0, 0, 0'
                # $inBox.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
                $inBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                $inBox.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                # $inBox.FontStyle = 'Normal'
                $inBox.Background = 'WhiteSmoke'

                    $form.Result[$_.Source.Name] = $_.Source.SecurePassword
            elseif ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Date)
            {    # Date picker
                & $addMsgBox $prmpt

                $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.DatePicker
                $inBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.DisplayDate = [datetime]::Today
                $inBox.DisplayDateStart = [datetime]::MinValue
                $inBox.DisplayDateEnd = [datetime]::MaxValue
                $inBox.SelectedDateFormat = [System.Windows.Controls.DatePickerFormat]::Short
                $inBox.Text = $prmpt.DefaultValue
                $inBox.Background = 'WhiteSmoke'

                    $form.Result[$_.Source.Name] = $_.Source.Text
            elseif ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Link)
            { # Hyperlink
                $inBox = New-TextBlock -text $prmpt.Message -font $prmpt.FontFamily -size $prmpt.FontSize -color $prmpt.FontColor -align $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.TextDecorations = 'Underline'
                $inBox.Cursor = 'Hand'
                $inBox.Tooltip = $prmpt.DefaultValue
                [string]$onClick = $null # "`$_.Source.Foreground = 'Navy'; "
                if ($prmpt.DefaultValue) {
                    $onClick = "`$form.Result[`$_.Source.Name] = `$true; start '$($prmpt.DefaultValue)'"
                else {
                    $onClick = "`$form.Result[`$_.Source.Name] = `$true; start '$($prmpt.Message)'"
            {    # Text box
                & $addMsgBox $prmpt

                $inBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
                $inBox.MinHeight = 25
                $inBox.Padding = '3, 0, 0, 0'
                $inBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.TextAlignment = $prmpt.Alignment
                $inBox.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                $inBox.AcceptsTab = $false
                $inBox.TextWrapping = 'NoWrap'
                $inBox.Background = 'WhiteSmoke'
                $inBox.IsReadOnly = $prmpt.ReadOnly
                $inBox.IsEnabled = (-not $prmpt.ReadOnly)

                if ($prmpt.DefaultValue -ne $null) {
                    $inBox.Text = $prmpt.DefaultValue

                if ($prmpt.LineHeight -gt 1)
                    $inBox.AcceptsReturn = $true
                    $inBox.TextWrapping = 'Wrap'
                    $inBox.MinWidth = 75
                    $inBox.MaxHeight = 25 * $prmpt.LineHeight
                    $inBox.Height = $inBox.MaxHeight
                    $inBox.MaxHeight = 25 * @($prmpt.DefaultValue -split "`n").Count
                    $inBox.Height = $inBox.MaxHeight


                    $form.Result[$_.Source.Name] = $_.Source.Text


                if ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::FileOpen -or $prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::FileSave) {
                    $filePanel = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel
                    $filePanel.LastChildFill = $true
                    $filePanel.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
                    # $filePanel.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'

                    $fileBtn = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Button
                    $fileBtn.Name = 'btn_' + $prmpt.Name
                    $fileBtn.Height = 25
                    $fileBtn.Width = 25
                    # $fileBtn.Margin = "0, 5, 0, 0"

                    # $inBox.Margin = "0, 5, 0, 0"
                    $inBox.Padding = "0, 0, $($fileBtn.Width.ToString()), 0"

                    $fileBtn.ToolTip = 'Browse'
                    $fileBtn.Content = '...'

                    if ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::FileOpen)
                            [string]$inBoxName = $_.Source.Name.Replace('btn_','')
                            $opnWin = New-Object Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog
                            $opnWin.Title = 'Open File'
                            $opnWin.CheckFileExists = $true
                            if ($opnWin.ShowDialog()) {
                                if (-not (Test-Path $opnWin.FileName)) {
                                    Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message 'File not found.' -Buttons $ok_btn
                                else {
                                    $form[$inBoxName].Text = $opnWin.FileName
                    {    # if ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::FileSave) {
                            [string]$inBoxName = $_.Source.Name.Replace('btn_','')
                            $savWin = New-Object Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog
                            $savWin.Title = 'Save File'
                            $savWin.OverwritePrompt = $false
                            if ($savWin.ShowDialog() -and $savWin.FileName) {
                                $form[$inBoxName].Text = $savWin.FileName

                    # $filePanel.AddChild($inBox)
                    $form.Add($fileBtn.Name, $fileBtn)



            $inBox.Name = $prmpt.Name.ToString()

            $form.Add($inBox.Name, $inBox)

            if ($filePanel) {
                $inBox = $filePanel
                $filePanel = $null

            $toAdd = $null

            if ($expander) {
                $inBox.Margin = 0
                $expander.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
                $expander.Content = $inBox
                $toAdd = $expander
                # $form.highStack.AddChild($expander)
                $inBox.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"

                if ($inPanel) {
                    $toAdd = $inPanel
                    # $form.highStack.AddChild($inPanel)
                else {
                    $toAdd = $inBox
                    # $form.highStack.AddChild($inBox)

            if ($group_stack) {
            else {

            if ($prmpt.ShowSeparator) {
                $sep = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Separator
                $sep.Margin = "10, 10, 10, 0"
                $sep.Background = $AccentColor

                if ($group_stack) {
                else {

            $inBox = $null
            $inPanel = $null
            $expander = $null

        if ($group_stack)
            $group_box = $null
            if ($groupName) {
                if ($CollapsibleGroups) {
                    $group_box = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Expander
                    $group_box.IsExpanded = $true
                else {
                    $group_box = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.GroupBox

                if ($groupName -imatch '[a-z]') {
                    $header = New-TextBlock $groupName
                    $header.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                    $header.HorizontalAlignment = 'Left'
                    $header.Margin = 0
                    $group_box.Header = $header

                $group_box.Margin = '0, 10, 0, 0'
                $group_box.BorderThickness = 1
                $group_box.BorderBrush = $AccentColor
                $group_box.Padding = 3
                $group_box.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
                $group_box.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                $group_box.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
                $group_box.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Stretch'

                $group_box.Content = $group_stack

            if (-not $tabName) {
                if ($groupName) {
                else {
            else {
                $tab = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TabItem

                $tabHead = New-TextBlock -text $tabName -color 'black' -margin 0
                $tab.Header = $tabHead

                if ($groupName) {
                    $tab.Content = $group_box
                else {
                    $tab.Content = $group_stack
                $null = $tab_panel.Items.Add($tab)

    if ($tab_panel) {

    if ($GridData)
        $dataGrid = $form['data_grid']

        $form.Result.Add('grid_select', $null)

        if ($GridAsList) {
            $GridData = $GridData | ConvertTo-Long

        $dataGrid.ItemsSource = $GridData

        $dataGrid.Visibility = 'Visible'

        if ($SelectionMode -eq 'None') {
            $dataGrid.IsEnabled = $false
        else {
            if ($SelectionMode -like 'Multi*') {
                $dataGrid.SelectionMode = 'Extended'
            else {
                $dataGrid.SelectionMode = 'Single'

            if ($SelectionMode -like '*Row') {
                $dataGrid.SelectionUnit = 'FullRow'
            else {
                $dataGrid.SelectionUnit = 'Cell'

        $dataGrid.ClipboardCopyMode = 'ExcludeHeader'
        $dataGrid.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
        $dataGrid.IsReadOnly = $true
        $dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = $true
        $dataGrid.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = 'Auto'
        $dataGrid.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = 'Auto'
        $dataGrid.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $dataGrid.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $dataGrid.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $dataGrid.VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch'
        $dataGrid.HeadersVisibility = 'Column'
        $dataGrid.AlternatingRowBackground = 'WhiteSmoke'
        $dataGrid.CanUserSortColumns = $true
        $dataGrid.CanUserResizeColumns = $true
        $dataGrid.CanUserResizeRows = $false
        $dataGrid.CanUserReorderColumns = $false
        $dataGrid.CanUserDeleteRows = $true
        $dataGrid.GridLinesVisibility = 'All'
        $dataGrid.FontSize = 12

            if ($form['data_grid'].SelectedCells.Count -gt 0 -or $form['data_grid'].SelectedItems.Count -gt 0)
                $selection = $null

                switch ($SelectionMode)
                    'SingleCell' {
                        [string]$selection = $form['data_grid'].SelectedCells[0].Item.ToString()
                    'SingleRow' {
                        [psobject]$selection = $form['data_grid'].SelectedItem
                    'MultiRow' {
                        [psobject[]]$selection = @($form['data_grid'].SelectedItems)

                $form.Result['grid_select'] = $selection
            else {
                $form.Result['grid_select'] = $null

        if (-not $HideGridSearch)
            $gridMsg = New-TextBlock -text $('{0} Results' -f $GridData.Count) -name 'txt_Grid'

            [scriptblock]$filterGrid = {
                if (-not $form.filterText.Text) {
                    $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = $GridData
                    $form['txt_Grid'].Text = '{0} Results' -f $GridData.Count
                elseif ($form.filterBy.SelectedItem) {
                    [string]$filterBy = $form.filterBy.SelectedItem.ToString()
                    [string]$filter = $form.filterText.Text

                    switch ($form.filterMatch.SelectedItem)
                        'contains' {
                            $filter = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($filter)
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -match $filter)
                        'not contains' {
                            $filter = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($filter)
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -notmatch $filter)
                        'starts with' {
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -like "$filter*")
                        'ends with' {
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -like "*$filter")
                        'equals' {
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -eq $filter)
                        'not equals' {
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = @($GridData | Where-Object $filterBy -ne $filter)
                        Default {
                            $form.data_grid.ItemsSource = $GridData

                    $form['txt_Grid'].Text = '{0} / {1} Results' -f ([Collections.Generic.IEnumerable``1[object]]$form.data_grid.ItemsSource).Count, $GridData.Count

            # $form['data_grid'].add_SourceUpdated($filterGrid)
            $fltrBy = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox
            $fltrBy.Name = 'filterBy'
            $fltrBy.FontSize = $FontSize
            $fltrBy.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
            $fltrBy.MinHeight = 25
            $fltrBy.IsReadOnly = $true
            $fltrBy.HorizontalAlignment = 'Left'
            $fltrBy.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Left'
            $fltrBy.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrBy.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'

            $fltrMatch = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox
            $fltrMatch.Name = 'filterMatch'
            $fltrMatch.FontSize = $FontSize
            $fltrMatch.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
            $fltrMatch.MinHeight = 25
            $fltrMatch.IsReadOnly = $true
            $fltrMatch.HorizontalAlignment = 'Left'
            $fltrMatch.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Left'
            $fltrMatch.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrMatch.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrMatch.ItemsSource = @('contains', 'not contains', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'equals', 'not equals')
            $fltrMatch.SelectedIndex = 0

            $fltrBox = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
            $fltrBox.Name = 'filterText'
            $fltrBox.Padding = '3, 0, 0, 0'
            $fltrBox.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"
            $fltrBox.MinWidth = 50
            $fltrBox.TextAlignment = 'Left'
            $fltrBox.MinHeight = 25
            $fltrBox.HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
            $fltrBox.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrBox.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrBox.VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
            $fltrBox.TextWrapping = 'Wrap'
            $fltrBox.FontSize = $FontSize
            $fltrBox.AcceptsReturn = $false
            $fltrBox.AcceptsTab = $false
            $fltrPanel = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel
            $fltrPanel.LastChildFill = $true
            $form.Add($fltrBy.Name, $fltrBy)
            $form.Add($fltrMatch.Name, $fltrMatch)
            $form.Add($fltrBox.Name, $fltrBox)

    # Add comment textblocks.
    if (($txtMsg = New-TextBlock -text $($Comment -join [environment]::NewLine) -name 'txt_Explain')) {
        $txtMsg.FontStyle = 'Italic'
        $txtMsg.FontWeight = 'Normal'
    if ($Timeout -and $Timeout -gt 0 -and $Countdown) {
        # Create countdown textblock.
        $txtTime = New-TextBlock -text '---' -name 'txt_Countdown'

    if ($Buttons.Count -gt 0) {
        function Test-ValidInput
            [bool]$valid = $true
            foreach ($prmpt in $Prompts)
                [string]$msg = $null

                if ($prmpt.ValidateNotEmpty -and -not $form.Result[$prmpt.Name]) {
                        if ($prmpt.ValidateSet) {
                            $msg = 'Please make a selection.'
                        elseif ($prmpt.InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Link) {
                            $msg = 'Please click the link.'
                        elseif ($prmpt.Message) {
                            $msg = "Please provide input for '{0}'" -f $prmpt.Message.TrimEnd(':').Trim()
                        else {
                            $msg = 'Please provide input for required fields.'
                elseif ($prmpt.ValidateScript -and -not ($form.Result[$prmpt.Name] | ForEach-Object -Process $prmpt.ValidateScript)) {
                    if ($prmpt.Message) {
                        $msg = "Invalid input for '{0}'" -f $prmpt.Message.TrimEnd(':')
                    else {
                        $msg = "Invalid input provided."

                if ($msg) {
                    $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message $msg -Buttons $ok_btn
                    $null = $form[$prmpt.Name].Focus()
                    $valid = $false

        [int]$btn_per_row = [math]::Ceiling($Buttons.Count / ([double]$ButtonRows))

        [uint16]$c = 0

        1..$ButtonRows | foreach {
            # Create a horizontal stack-panel for buttons and populate it.
            $btnStack = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
            $btnStack.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
            $btnStack.HorizontalAlignment = 'Center'
            $btnStack.Margin = "0, 10, 0, 0"

            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $btn_per_row -and $c -lt $Buttons.Count; $i++) {
                $btn = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Button
                $btn.MinHeight = 35
                $btn.MinWidth = 75
                $btn.FontSize = $FontSize
                $btn.Margin = "10, 0, 10, 0"
                $btn.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
                $btn.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Center'

                if ($Buttons[$c] -is [AnyBox.Button])
                    $btn.Name = $Buttons[$c].Name
                    $btn.Content = '_' + $Buttons[$c].Text
                    $btn.IsCancel = $Buttons[$c].IsCancel
                    $btn.IsDefault = $Buttons[$c].IsDefault

                    if ($Buttons[$c].OnClick) {
$form.Result | Foreach-Object -Process {{
 -f $Buttons[$c].OnClick.ToString())))
                    elseif ($Buttons[$c].IsCancel) {
                            [string]$btn_name = $null
                            if ($_.Source.Name) {
                                $btn_name = $_.Source.Name
                            else {
                                $btn_name = $_.Source.Content.TrimStart('_')

                            $form.Result[$btn_name] = $true
                    else {
                            if (Test-ValidInput) {
                                [string]$btn_name = $null
                                if ($_.Source.Name) {
                                    $btn_name = $_.Source.Name
                                else {
                                    $btn_name = $_.Source.Content.TrimStart('_')

                                $form.Result[$btn_name] = $true
                else {
                    # $btn.Name = $Buttons[$c]
                    $btn.Content = '_' + ($Buttons[$c] -as [string])

                    if ($Buttons[$c] -eq 'Explore') {
                        $btn.ToolTip = 'Explore data in a separate grid window.'
                        $btn.add_Click({ $form.data_grid.Items | Select-Object * | Out-GridView -Title ' ' })
                    elseif ($Buttons[$c] -eq 'Copy') {
                        $btn.ToolTip = 'Copy the message to the clipboard.'
                            if ($form.txt_Message.Text) {
                                try {
                                    [System.Windows.Clipboard]::SetDataObject($form.txt_Message.Text, $true)
                                catch {
                                    $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message 'Error accessing clipboard' -Buttons $ok_btn
                    elseif ($Buttons[$c] -eq 'Save') {
                        $btn.ToolTip = 'Save data to a CSV file.'
                            try {
                                $savWin = New-Object Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog
                                $savWin.InitialDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop"
                                $savWin.FileName = 'data.csv'
                                $savWin.Filter = 'CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv'
                                $savWin.OverwritePrompt = $true
                                if ($savWin.ShowDialog()) {
                                    $form.data_grid.Items | Export-Csv -Path $savWin.FileName -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ASCII -Force
                                    Start-Process -FilePath $savWin.FileName
                            catch {
                                $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message $_.Exception.Message -Buttons $ok_btn
                    else {
                        if ($CancelButton -eq $Buttons[$c]) {
                                [string]$btn_name = $_.Source.Content.TrimStart('_')
                                $form.Result[$btn_name] = $true
                            $btn.IsCancel = $true
                        else {
                                if (Test-ValidInput) {
                                    [string]$btn_name = $_.Source.Content.TrimStart('_')
                                    $form.Result[$btn_name] = $true

                            if ($DefaultButton -eq $Buttons[$c]) {
                                $btn.IsDefault = $true




        if ($form.Window.Owner) {
            $form.Window.Owner.Opacity = 0.4

        if ($PrepScript) {
            $null = $form | foreach -Process $PrepScript

        if ($GridData) {
            if (-not $HideGridSearch) {
                $form.filterBy.ItemsSource = @($form.data_grid.Columns.Header)
                $form.filterBy.SelectedIndex = 0
            $form.data_grid.Columns | ForEach-Object {
                $_.CanUserSort = $true
                $_.SortMemberPath = $_.Header.ToString()
                $_.SortDirection = "Ascending"
        if ($Prompts) {
            [bool]$focused = $false
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Prompts.Length; $i++) {
                if (($form[$Prompts[$i].Name] -is [System.Windows.Controls.TextBox] -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($form[$Prompts[$i].Name].Text)) -or `
                        ($form[$Prompts[$i].Name] -is [System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox] -and $form[$Prompts[$i].Name].SecurePassword.Length -eq 0)) {
                    $null = $form[$Prompts[$i].Name].Focus()
                    $focused = $true

            if (-not $focused -and $form[$Prompts[0].Name] -is [System.Windows.Controls.TextBox]) {
                $null = $form[$Prompts[0].Name].Focus()

        if ($Timeout -and $Timeout -gt 0)
            $form.Result.Add('TimedOut', $false)

            $timer = New-Object System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
            $timer.Interval = [timespan]::FromSeconds(1.0)
            [datetime]$script:end_at = [datetime]::Now.AddSeconds($Timeout)

                if ([datetime]::Now -lt $script:end_at) {
                    if ($Countdown) { $form.txt_Countdown.Text = $script:end_at.Subtract([datetime]::now).ToString('hh\:mm\:ss') }
                else {
                    $form.Result.TimedOut = $true

            $form.Add('Timer', $timer)


        # $form.Window.MinHeight = $form.Window.ActualHeight
        # $form.Window.MinWidth = $form.Window.ActualWidth


        if ($Timeout -gt 0 -and $form['Timer'].IsEnabled) {
            $form['Timer'] = $null

        if ($form.Window.Owner) {
            $form.Window.Owner.Opacity = 1.0

    $null = $form.Window.ShowDialog()

    $form = $null