function New-AnyBoxButton { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Text, [string]$Name, [string]$ToolTip, [switch]$IsCancel, [switch]$IsDefault, [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$OnClick, [ValidateSet($null, 'ExploreGrid', 'SaveGrid', 'CopyMessage')] [string]$Template ) if ($Name -and $Name -notmatch '^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$') { Write-Warning "Name ($Name) must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores." $Name = $null } $b = New-Object AnyBox.Button if ($Template) { $b.Name = $Template switch ($Template) { 'ExploreGrid' { $b.Text = 'Explore' $b.ToolTip = 'Explore data in a separate grid window.' $b.OnClick = { if ($form['data_grid']) { $form['data_grid'].Items | Select-Object * | Out-GridView -Title 'Data' } } break } 'SaveGrid' { $b.Text = 'Save' $b.ToolTip = 'Save data to a CSV file.' $b.OnClick = { if ($form['data_grid']) { try { $savWin = New-Object Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog $savWin.InitialDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop" $savWin.FileName = 'data.csv' $savWin.Filter = 'CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv' $savWin.OverwritePrompt = $true if ($savWin.ShowDialog()) { $form['data_grid'].Items | Export-Csv -Path $savWin.FileName -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ASCII -Force Start-Process -FilePath $savWin.FileName } } catch { $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message $_.Exception.Message -Buttons 'OK' } } } break } 'CopyMessage' { $b.Text = 'Copy' $b.ToolTip = 'Copy message to clipboard' $b.OnClick = { try { if (-not $form['Message'].Text) { $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message 'There is no message to copy.' -Buttons 'OK' } else { [System.Windows.Clipboard]::SetDataObject($form['Message'].Text, $true) $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message 'Successfully copied message to clipboard.' -Buttons 'OK' } } catch { $err_msg = 'Error accessing clipboard:{0}{1}' -f [Environment]::NewLine, $_.Exception.Message $null = Show-AnyBox @childWinParams -Message $err_msg -Buttons 'OK' } } break } } } if ($Name) { $b.Name = $Name } if ($Text) { $b.Text = $Text } if ($ToolTip) { $b.ToolTip = $ToolTip } if ($OnClick) { $b.OnClick = $OnClick } $b.IsCancel = $IsCancel -as [bool] $b.IsDefault = $IsDefault -as [bool] return($b) } Set-Alias -Name 'New-Button' -Value 'New-AnyBoxButton' -Description 'New-AnyBoxButton' -Scope 'Global' |