

$TOOL_IDS = @(

$package_updates = @{}
$feeds_cache = @{}

function GetVersionId($version) {
    return $version.replace('.', '')

function GetReleaseRootUrl($version) {
    return "$QT_ROOT_URL/qt5_$(GetVersionId $version)"

function FetchToolsUpdatePackages($toolsId) {
    FetchUpdatePackages "$QT_ROOT_URL/tools_$toolsId"

function FetchReleaseUpdatePackages($version) {
    FetchUpdatePackages "$(GetReleaseRootUrl $version)"
    FetchUpdatePackages "$(GetReleaseRootUrl $version)_src_doc_examples"

function SplitString($str) {
    $arr = @()
    if ($str) {
        foreach($item in $str.split(',')) {
            $arr += $item.trim()
    return $arr

function FetchUpdatePackages($feedRootUrl) {
    $feedUrl = "$feedRootUrl/Updates.xml"
    if (-not $feeds_cache.ContainsKey($feedUrl)) {
        # load xml
        Write-Host "Fetching $feedUrl..." -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray
        $feedXml = [xml](New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($feedUrl)
        $feeds_cache[$feedUrl] = $feedXml

        # index 'PackageUpdate' nodes
        $totalPackages = 0
        foreach($packageNode in $feedXml.Updates.PackageUpdate) {

            $package = @{
                BaseUrl = $feedRootUrl
                Name = $packageNode.Name
                DisplayName = $packageNode.DisplayName
                Version = $packageNode.Version
                Dependencies = SplitString $packageNode.Dependencies
                DownloadableArchives = SplitString $packageNode.DownloadableArchives
                Installed = $false

            $package_updates[$package.Name] = $package
        Write-Host "$totalPackages"

function Install-QtComponent {

    if ($Version -and $Name) {
        FetchReleaseUpdatePackages $version
        InstallComponentById "qt.qt5.$(GetVersionId $version).$Name" $Path -whatif:$whatIf -excludeDocs:$excludeDocs -excludeExamples:$excludeExamples
    } elseif ($Id) {
        InstallComponentById $Id $Path -whatif:$whatIf -excludeDocs:$excludeDocs -excludeExamples:$excludeExamples
    } else {
        throw "Either -Version and -Name should be specified or -Id."

function InstallComponentById {

    Write-Host "Installing $componentId" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    $comp = $package_updates[$componentId]

    # if ($whatIf -eq $true) {
    # $comp
    # }

    if (-not $destPath) {
        $destPath = $QT_INSTALL_DIR

    if ($comp.Installed) {
        Write-Host "Already installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    if ($excludeDocs -eq $true -and $componentId.EndsWith('.doc')) {
        Write-Host "Skipped documentation installation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    if ($excludeExamples -eq $true  -and $componentId.EndsWith('.examples')) {
        Write-Host "Skipped examples installation" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    # download and extract component archives
    foreach($downloadableArchive in $comp.DownloadableArchives) {
        $fileName = "$($comp.Version)$downloadableArchive"
        $downloadUrl = "$($comp.BaseUrl)/$($comp.Name)/$fileName"
        $sha1 = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("$downloadUrl.sha1")

        $tempDir = "$env:TEMP\qt5-installer-temp"
        New-Item $tempDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        Write-Host "$($comp.Name)/$fileName - Downloading..." -NoNewline
        $tempFileName = "$tempDir\$fileName"
        (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, $tempFileName)
        $downloadedSha1 = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1 $tempFileName).Hash.ToLowerInvariant()

        if ($sha1 -ne $downloadedSha1) {
            throw "SHA1 hashes don't match for $downloadUrl ($sha1) and $tempFileName ($downloadedSha1)"

        Write-Host "Extracting..." -NoNewline
        7z x $tempFileName -aoa -o"$destPath" | Out-Null

        Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green
        $comp.Installed = $true
        Remove-Item $tempFileName

    # recurse dependencies
    foreach($dependencyId in $comp.Dependencies) {
        InstallComponentById $dependencyId $destPath -whatif:$whatIf -excludeDocs:$excludeDocs -excludeExamples:$excludeExamples

function ConfigureQtVersion($qtRoot, $version) {
    $versionRoot = [IO.Path]::Combine($qtRoot, $version)
    foreach($componentDir in (Get-ChildItem $versionRoot)) {
        $componentPath = $componentDir.FullName
        $componentBin = [IO.Path]::Combine($componentPath, 'bin')

        # qt.conf
        if (Test-Path $componentBin) {
            $qtConfPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($componentBin, 'qt.conf')
            Write-Host "Creating $qtConfPath"

            Set-Content -Path $qtConfPath -Value "[Paths]

            $qtEnvPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($componentBin, 'qtenv2.bat')
            Write-Host "Creating $qtEnvPath"

            $mingwDir = $null
            if ($componentDir.Name -eq 'mingw73_32') {
                $mingwDir = 'mingw730_32'
            } elseif ($componentDir.Name -eq 'mingw73_64') {
                $mingwDir = 'mingw730_64'
            } elseif ($componentDir.Name -eq 'mingw53_32') {
                $mingwDir = 'mingw530_32'
            } elseif ($componentDir.Name -eq 'mingw53_64') {
                $mingwDir = 'mingw530_64'

            if ($mingwDir) {
                $mingwBin = [IO.Path]::Combine($qtRoot, 'Tools', $mingwDir, 'bin')
                Set-Content -Path $qtEnvPath -Value "@echo off
echo Setting up environment for Qt usage...
set PATH=$componentBin;$mingwBin;%PATH%
cd /D $componentPath"

            } else {
                Set-Content -Path $qtEnvPath -Value "@echo off
echo Setting up environment for Qt usage...
set PATH=$componentBin;%PATH%
cd /D $componentPath
echo Remember to call vcvarsall.bat to complete environment setup!"


        $mkspecPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($componentPath, 'mkspecs', 'qconfig.pri')
        if (Test-Path $mkspecPath) {
            Write-Host "Patching $mkspecPath"
            $spec = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($mkspecPath)
            $spec = $spec.Replace('QT_EDITION = Enterprise', 'QT_EDITION = OpenSource').Replace('QT_LICHECK = licheck.exe', 'QT_LICHECK =')
            [IO.File]::WriteAllText($mkspecPath, $spec)

# fetch tools packages
foreach($tool_id in $TOOL_IDS) {
    FetchToolsUpdatePackages $tool_id

# fetch licenses
FetchUpdatePackages "$QT_ROOT_URL/licenses"