function Test-Login { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # START TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processStart = [datetime]::now #----------------------------------------------- # LOG #----------------------------------------------- $moduleName = "TESTLOGIN" # Start the log Write-Log -message $Script:logDivider Write-Log -message $moduleName -Severity INFO # Log the params, if existing Write-Log -message "INPUT:" if ( $InputHashtable ) { $InputHashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $InputHashtable[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } } } process { #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK CLEVERREACH CONNECTION #----------------------------------------------- try { $c = get-crmdata -Object contacts -Limit 1 } catch { #$msg = "Failed to connect to CleverReach, unauthorized or token is expired" #Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR Write-Log -Message $_.Exception -Severity ERROR throw $msg exit 4 } #----------------------------------------------- # STOP TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processEnd = [datetime]::now $processDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $processStart -End $processEnd Write-Log -Message "Needed $( [int]$processDuration.TotalSeconds ) seconds in total" #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN VALUES TO PEOPLESTAGE #----------------------------------------------- # return object $return = [Hashtable]@{ # General return value to identify this custom channel in the broadcasts detail tables "CustomProvider"= $moduleName "ProcessId" = $Script:processId } # log the return object Write-Log -message "RETURN:" $return.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $return[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } # return the results $return } end { } } |