function Register-NewToken { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String] $GroupId ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # NOTES #----------------------------------------------- <# good hints: #> #----------------------------------------------- # SOME SETTINGS #----------------------------------------------- $oauthSettingsFile = $Script:settings.token.tokenSettingsFile } process { #----------------------------------------------- # READ THE OAUTH SETTTINGS #----------------------------------------------- If (( Test-Path -Path $oauthSettingsFile -IsValid )) { If (( Test-Path -Path $oauthSettingsFile )) { $tokenSettings = Get-Content -Path $oauthSettingsFile -Encoding UTF8 -raw | Convertfrom-json } else { $msg = "Token settings file does not exist" Write-Log $msg -severity ERROR throw $msg } } else { $msg = "Path to token settings file is not valid" Write-Log $msg -severity ERROR throw $msg } $lastUpdate = ConvertFrom-UnixTime -Unixtime $tokenSettings.unixtime -ConvertToLocalTimezone Write-Log "Last token settings file update was made on: $( $lastUpdate.toString() )" #----------------------------------------------- # BUILD THE NEEDED PARAMETERS #----------------------------------------------- $body = @{ "client_id" = $tokenSettings.payload.clientid "client_secret" = Convert-SecureToPlaintext $tokenSettings.payload.secret #$tokenSettings.payload.secret "grant_type" = "refresh_token" "refresh_token" = $tokenSettings.refreshtoken #"resource" } #----------------------------------------------- # REFRESH THE TOKEN #----------------------------------------------- # Could also be:<tenant id>/oauth2/token $refreshUrl = [uri]"" $newToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $refreshUrl -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Method POST -Body $body #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN #----------------------------------------------- $newToken } end { } } |