
$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules'

# Import the ArcGIS Common Modules
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath `
        -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'ArcGIS.Common' `
            -ChildPath 'ArcGIS.Common.psm1'))

        Makes a request to the installed Server to create a New Server Site or Join it to an existing Server Site
    .PARAMETER Ensure
        Indicates to make sure GeoEvents Server is Configured Correcly. Take the values Present or Absent.
        - "Present" ensures that GeoEvents Server is Configured Correcly, if not Configured created.
        - "Absent" ensures that GeoEvents Server is unconfigured, i.e. if present (not implemented).
    .PARAMETER ServerHostName
        Optional Host Name or IP of the Machine on which the GeoEvent has been installed and is to be configured.
    .PARAMETER Version
        Version of the Geoevent Server
        Name of the Geoevent Server Resource
    .PARAMETER SiteAdministrator
        A MSFT_Credential Object - Primary Site Administrator for the Server
    .PARAMETER WebSocketContextUrl
        WebSocket Url for GeoEvent Server
    .PARAMETER SiteAdminUrl
        Server Site Admin URL

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null
    $VersionArray = $Version.Split('.')
    $IsBuild1071orAbove = ($VersionArray[0] -eq 11 -or ($VersionArray[0] -eq 10 -and $VersionArray[1] -gt 7) -or $Version -ieq "10.7.1")
    $ServiceName = 'ArcGISGeoEvent'
    $GatewayServiceName = 'ArcGISGeoEventGateway'
    if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') {
        Write-Verbose "Stopping the service '$ServiceName'"    
        Stop-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore    
        Wait-ForServiceToReachDesiredState -ServiceName $ServiceName -DesiredState 'Stopped'
        Write-Verbose "Installing Windows Feature: IIS-WebSockets as a PreReq for GeoEvents Server"
        if (Get-Command "Get-WindowsOptionalFeature" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
            if(-not((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName IIS-WebSockets -online).State -ieq "Enabled")){
                Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-WebSockets -All
            Write-Verbose "Unable to Install Window Feature - IIS-WebSockets"

        $FQDN = if($ServerHostName){ Get-FQDN $ServerHostName }else{ Get-FQDN $env:COMPUTERNAME }
        $ServerUrl = "https://$($FQDN):6443"   
        $Referer = $ServerUrl
        Wait-ForUrl -Url "$ServerUrl/arcgis/admin" -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 90 -SleepTimeInSeconds 5
        $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint $ServerUrl -ServerSiteName 'arcgis' -Credential $SiteAdministrator -Referer $Referer 

        $ConfigStoreProps = Get-ArcGISAdminConfigStore -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer
        $LocalRepositoryPath = $ConfigStoreProps.localRepositoryPath
        Write-Verbose "Local Repository Path is $($LocalRepositoryPath)"
        if(-not($LocalRepositoryPath)) {
            $LocalRepositoryPath = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive 'arcgisserver\local\zookeeper'
            Write-Verbose "Using default path $LocalRepositoryPath"

        $platformServices = Get-ArcGISPlatformServices -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token
        $syncService = $platformServices.platformservices | Where-Object { $_.type -ieq 'SYNCHRONIZATION_SERVICE' }
            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $syncServiceId = $syncService.id
        Write-Verbose "ID of Synchronization Service is $syncServiceId"

            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $synchronizationService = Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $syncServiceId -Referer $Referer 
        Write-Verbose "Status of Synchronization Service is $($synchronizationService.configuredState)"
        if($synchronizationService.configuredState -ine 'STARTED') {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is already stopped"
        }else {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is already started"
            Stop-ArcGISPlatformService -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $syncServiceId -Referer $Referer         
        $ZooKeeperFolder = Join-Path $LocalRepositoryPath 'zookeeper'
        if(Test-Path $ZooKeeperFolder) {
            Write-Verbose "Deleting ZooKeeper folder $ZooKeeperFolder"
            Remove-Item -Path $ZooKeeperFolder -Recurse -Force 

        if($SiteAdminUrl) {
            $machineProps = Get-ArcGISMachineProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -MachineName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer 
            if($machineProps.adminURL -ine $SiteAdminUrl) {
                Write-Verbose "Configured AdminUrl '$($machineProps.adminURL)' does not match expected value of '$SiteAdminUrl'. Updating it"
                $machineProps.adminURL = $SiteAdminUrl
                    Set-ArcGISMachineProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -MachineName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer -MachineProperties $machineProps
                }catch {
                    Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- Set-ArcGISMachineProperties applied. Operation typically causes a restart and does not return a response"
                Write-Verbose "Updated the AdminUrl. Wait for Server to return (if it restarts)"
                Wait-ForUrl -Url "$ServerUrl/arcgis/admin" -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 90 -SleepTimeInSeconds 5

        $platformServices = Get-ArcGISPlatformServices -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis'  -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token        
            $messageBus = $platformServices.platformservices | Where-Object { $_.type -ieq 'MESSAGE_BUS' }
                throw "No Message Bus found in platform service" 
            $messageBusId = $messageBus.id
            Write-Verbose "ID of Message Bus is $messageBusId"

                throw "No Message Bus found in platform service" 
            $messageBusService = Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $messageBusId -Referer $Referer 
            Write-Verbose "Status of Message Bus is $($messageBusService.configuredState)"
            if($messageBusService.configuredState -ine 'STARTED') {
                Write-Verbose "Starting Message Bus Service"
                Start-ArcGISPlatformService -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $messageBusId -Referer $Referer
                Write-Verbose "Started Message Bus Service"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Message Bus Service is already started"

        $syncService = $platformServices.platformservices | Where-Object { $_.type -ieq 'SYNCHRONIZATION_SERVICE' }
            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $syncServiceId = $syncService.id
        Write-Verbose "ID of Synchronization Service is $syncServiceId"

            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $synchronizationService = Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $syncServiceId -Referer $Referer 
        Write-Verbose "Status of Synchronization Service is $($synchronizationService.configuredState)"
        if($synchronizationService.configuredState -ine 'STARTED') {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is already stopped"
        }else {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is already started. stopping it"
            Stop-ArcGISPlatformService -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $syncServiceId -Referer $Referer            

        Write-Verbose "Checking if WebSocketContextURL in sys props is $WebSocketContextUrl"
        $sysProps = Get-ArcGISAdminSystemProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token
        if($sysProps.WebSocketContextURL -ine $WebSocketContextUrl) {
            Write-Verbose "Current Value of WebSocketContextURL in sys props is '$($sysProps.WebSocketContextURL)' and does not match '$WebSocketContextUrl'. Setting it"
            if(-not($sysProps)) { $sysProps = @{} }
            if(-not($sysProps.WebSocketContextURL)) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $sysProps -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'WebSocketContextURL' -Value $WebSocketContextUrl
            }else {
                $sysProps.WebSocketContextURL = $WebSocketContextUrl
            $setResponse = Set-ArcGISAdminSystemProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer -Properties $sysProps
            Write-Verbose "Response from Set Properties:- $setResponse"
        Write-Verbose "Starting the service '$ServiceName'"    
        Start-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore       
        Wait-ForServiceToReachDesiredState -ServiceName $ServiceName -DesiredState 'Running' -Verbose
        Write-Verbose "Starting Sleep - 60 Seconds"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        Write-Verbose "Ended Sleep - 60 Seconds"
        Write-Warning 'Absent not implemented'

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]    

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null

    $ServiceName = 'ArcGISGeoEvent'
    $result = $true    
    $result = (Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore).Status -ieq 'Running'
    $VersionArray = $Version.Split('.')
    $IsBuild1071orAbove = ($VersionArray[0] -eq 11 -or ($VersionArray[0] -eq 10 -and $VersionArray[1] -gt 7) -or $Version -ieq "10.7.1")

    if($result) {
        $FQDN = if($ServerHostName){ Get-FQDN $ServerHostName }else{ Get-FQDN $env:COMPUTERNAME }
        $ServerUrl = "https://$($FQDN):6443"   
        $Referer = $ServerUrl
        Wait-ForUrl -Url "$ServerUrl/arcgis/admin" -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 90 -SleepTimeInSeconds 5
        $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint $ServerUrl -ServerSiteName 'arcgis' -Credential $SiteAdministrator -Referer $Referer 

        Write-Verbose "Checking if WebSocketContextURL in sys props is $WebSocketContextUrl"
        $sysProps = Get-ArcGISAdminSystemProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token
        if($sysProps.WebSocketContextURL -ine $WebSocketContextUrl) {
            Write-Verbose "Current Value of WebSocketContextURL in sys props is '$($sysProps.WebSocketContextURL)'"
            $result = $false

        if($result -and $SiteAdminUrl) {
            $machineProps = Get-ArcGISMachineProperties -ServerHostName $FQDN -MachineName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer 
            if($machineProps.adminURL -ine $SiteAdminUrl) {
                Write-Verbose "Configured AdminUrl '$($machineProps.adminURL)' does not match expected value of '$SiteAdminUrl'"
                $result = $false

    if($result -and -not($IsBuild1071orAbove)){
        $platformServices = Get-ArcGISPlatformServices -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token
        $messageBus = $platformServices.platformservices | Where-Object { $_.type -ieq 'MESSAGE_BUS' }
            throw "No Message Bus found in platform service" 
        $messageBusId = $messageBus.id
        Write-Verbose "ID of Message Bus is $messageBusId"

            throw "No Message Bus found in platform service" 
        $messageBusService = Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $messageBusId -Referer $Referer 
        Write-Verbose "Status of Message Bus is $($messageBusService.configuredState)"
        if($messageBusService.configuredState -ine 'STARTED') {
            Write-Verbose "Message Bus is not started"
            $result = $false            
        }else {
            Write-Verbose "Message Bus is started"

    if($result) {
        $platformServices = Get-ArcGISPlatformServices -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Referer $Referer -Token $token.token
        $syncService = $platformServices.platformservices | Where-Object { $_.type -ieq 'SYNCHRONIZATION_SERVICE' }
            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $syncServiceId = $syncService.id
        Write-Verbose "ID of Synchronization Service is $syncServiceId"

            throw "No Synchronization Service found in platform service" 
        $synchronizationService = Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus -ServerHostName $FQDN -SiteName 'arcgis' -Token $token.token -PlatformServiceId $syncServiceId -Referer $Referer 
        Write-Verbose "Status of Synchronization Service is $($synchronizationService.configuredState)"
        if($synchronizationService.configuredState -ine 'STARTED') {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is not started."
        }else {
            Write-Verbose "Synchronization Service is started. It should be stopped!"
            $result = $false 

    if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') {
    elseif($Ensure -ieq 'Absent') {        

function Get-ArcGISMachineProperties


        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443

    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
    Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/machines/' + $MachineName + '/') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer

function Set-ArcGISMachineProperties


        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443,

    $Props = @{ 
                machineName = $MachineProperties.machineName
                adminURL = $MachineProperties.adminURL
                webServerMaxHeapSize = $MachineProperties.webServerMaxHeapSize
                webServerCertificateAlias = $MachineProperties.webServerCertificateAlias
                appServerMaxHeapSize = $MachineProperties.appServerMaxHeapSize
                socMaxHeapSize = $MachineProperties.socMaxHeapSize
                OpenEJBPort = $MachineProperties.ports.OpenEJBPort
                JMXPort = $MachineProperties.ports.JMXPort
                NamingPort = $MachineProperties.ports.NamingPort
                DerbyPort = $MachineProperties.ports.DerbyPort
                f = 'json'
                token = $Token
              $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/machines/' + $MachineName + '/edit') -HttpFormParameters $Props -Referer $Referer -HttpMethod 'POST' 

function Get-ArcGISAdminSystemProperties

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/system/properties/') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer

function Get-ArcGISAdminConfigStore

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/system/configstore/') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer

function Set-ArcGISAdminSystemProperties

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443,

    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/system/properties/update') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token; properties = (ConvertTo-Json $Properties -Depth 5) } -Referer $Referer

function Get-ArcGISPlatformServices

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',


        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + '/admin/system/platformservices/') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer

function Get-ArcGISPlatformServiceStatus

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',



        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + "/admin/system/platformservices/$PlatformServiceId/status/") -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer -TimeOutSec 90

function Start-ArcGISPlatformService

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',



        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + "/admin/system/platformservices/$PlatformServiceId/start/") -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer -TimeOutSec 90

function Stop-ArcGISPlatformService

        $SiteName = 'arcgis',



        $Referer = 'http://localhost',
        $ServerPort = 6443
    $Scheme = if($ServerPort -eq 6080 -or $ServerPort -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' }
   Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$($ServerPort)/$SiteName" + "/admin/system/platformservices/$PlatformServiceId/stop/") -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource