
     Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2019 v5.6.157
     Created on: 2/20/2019 22:59
     Created by: jisodl0
     Filename: ServicePortal.ps1
        A collection of functions for interacting with the J. B. Hunt IT Service

$ChromePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
$ServicePortalURL = "http://itrequests.jbhunt.com"

        Opens an Incident Record in the J.B. Hunt IT Service Portal.
        The number of the IR to open.
        PS C:\> Open-IncidentRecord -IRNumber '5772012'

function Open-IncidentRecord {
  [Alias('Open-IR', 'oir')]
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
  if (($IRNumber.StartsWith("IR")) -eq $false -and $IRNumber.Length -eq 7) {
    $IRNumber = "IR$IRNumber"
  Start-Process -FilePath $ChromePath -ArgumentList "$ServicePortalURL/Incident/Edit/$IRNumber"

        Opens a Change Record in the J.B. Hunt IT Service Portal.
        The number of the CR to open.
        PS C:\> Open-ChangeRecord -CRNumber '5772012'

function Open-ChangeRecord {
  [Alias('Open-CR', 'ocr')]
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
  if (($CRNumber.StartsWith("CR")) -eq $false -and $CRNumber.Length -eq 7) {
    $CRNumber = "CR$CRNumber"
  Start-Process -FilePath $ChromePath -ArgumentList "$ServicePortalURL/ChangeRequest/Edit/$CRNumber"

        Opens a Service Record in the J.B. Hunt IT Service Portal.
        The number of the SR to open.
        PS C:\> Open-ServiceRecord -SR '5772012'

function Open-ServiceRecord {
  [Alias('Open-SR', 'osr')]
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
  if (($SRNumber.StartsWith("SR")) -eq $false -and $SRNumber.Length -eq 7) {
    $SRNumber = "SR$SRNumber"
  Start-Process -FilePath $ChromePath -ArgumentList "$ServicePortalURL/ServiceRequest/Edit/$SRNumber"