
function ConvertTo-TextYN {
    Used by As Built Report to convert true or false automatically to Yes or No.
        Version: 0.3.0
        Author: LEE DAILEY

        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    switch ($TEXT)
            "" {"--"}
            $Null {"--"}
            "True" {"Yes"; break}
            "False" {"No"; break}
            default {$TEXT}
    } # end
function Get-UnixDate ($UnixDate) {
    Used by As Built Report to convert Date to a more nice format.
        Version: 0.2.0
        Author: LEE DAILEY

} # end
function ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller {
    Used by As Built Report to convert empty culumns to "-".
        Version: 0.5.0
        Author: Jonathan Colon

        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    switch ($TEXT) {
            "" {"-"; break}
            $Null {"-"; break}
            "True" {"Yes"; break}
            "False" {"No"; break}
            default {$TEXT}
    } # end

function ConvertTo-VIobject {
    Used by As Built Report to convert object to VIObject.
        Version: 0.1.0
        Author: Jon Colon

        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    if (get-view $OBJECT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique) {
        return get-view $OBJECT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique
    else {
        return $OBJECT
} # end
function ConvertTo-HashToYN {
        Used by As Built Report to convert array content true or false automatically to Yes or No.
        Version: 0.1.0
        Author: Jonathan Colon

    Param (
        [Parameter (Position = 0, Mandatory)]
        [Hashtable] $TEXT

    $result = [ordered] @{}
    foreach($i in $inObj.GetEnumerator()) {
        try {
            $result.add($i.Key, (ConvertTo-TextYN $i.Value))
        catch {
            Write-PscriboMessage -IsWarning "Unable to process $($i.key) values"
    if ($result) {
        return $result
    } else {return $TEXT}
} # end

function ConvertTo-FileSizeString {
    Used by As Built Report to convert bytes automatically to GB or TB based on size.
        Version: 0.4.0
        Author: LEE DAILEY

    Param (
        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,
    switch ($Size) {
        {$_ -gt 1TB} {[string]::Format("{0:0} TB", $Size / 1TB); break}
        {$_ -gt 1GB} {[string]::Format("{0:0} GB", $Size / 1GB); break}
        {$_ -gt 1MB} {[string]::Format("{0:0} MB", $Size / 1MB); break}
        {$_ -gt 1KB} {[string]::Format("{0:0} KB", $Size / 1KB); break}
        {$_ -gt 0} {[string]::Format("{0} B", $Size); break}
        {$_ -eq 0} {"0 KB"; break}
        default {"0 KB"}
} # end >> function Format-FileSize