
function Test-JDEMobileApprovalsSignInWebPage {

    Tests that the JD Edwards Mobile Approvals sign in web page is available.
    The Test-JDEMobileApprovalsSignInWebPage function uses the Selenium PowerShell module to test that the JD
    Edwards Mobile Approvals sign in web page is available, and loads as expected.
    PS C:\> Test-JDEMobileApprovalsSignInWebPage -URL http://WebServer:1234/Approvals
    This tests the JD Edwards Mobile Approvals sign in web page on the URL 'http://WebServer:1234/Approvals'.
    Specifies the URL of the JD Edwards Mobile Approvals sign in web page.
    System.Bool or None.

    param (
        # Web server URL
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $URL

    try {

        VerifyURL -URL $URL # Check that the web page is available

        $Driver = Start-SeFirefox -Headless -SuppressLogging # Start the web driver with logging supressed

        # Web driver not running
        if (-not $Driver) {
            # Write an error record
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorRecord (

                    [System.Exception]::new("The Selenium web driver failed to start"),

        GoToWebPage -Driver $Driver -URL $URL # Go to the web page

        # Check that the username field is present
        if (-not (Find-SeElement -Driver $Driver -Id "username")) {

            # Write an error record
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorRecord (

                    [System.Exception]::new("The username field cannot be found"),

        # Check that the password field is present
        if (-not (Find-SeElement -Driver $Driver -Id "password")) {

            # Write an error record
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorRecord (

                    [System.Exception]::new("The password field cannot be found"),

        # Check that the login button is present
        if (-not (Find-SeElement -Driver $Driver -Id "login-button")) {

            # Write an error record
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorRecord (

                    [System.Exception]::new("The login button cannot be found"),

        return $true
    catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem) }
    finally { if ($Driver) { $Driver.Dispose() } } # Dispose of the web driver