
function Test-Same ($Expected, $Actual) {
    [object]::ReferenceEquals($Expected, $Actual)

function Is-CollectionSize ($Expected, $Actual) {
    if ($Expected.Length -is [Int] -and $Actual.Length -is [Int]) {
        return $Expected.Length -eq $Actual.Length
    else {
        return $Expected.Count -eq $Actual.Count

function Is-DataTableSize ($Expected, $Actual) {
        return $Expected.Rows.Count -eq $Actual.Rows.Count

function Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage ($Expected, $Actual, $Property, $Options) {
    $Expected = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
    $Actual = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
    $propertyInfo = if ($Property) { " property $Property with value" }
    $comparison = if ("Equality" -eq $Options.Comparator) { 'equal' } else { 'equivalent' }
    "Expected$propertyInfo '$Expected' to be $comparison to the actual value, but got '$Actual'."

function Get-CollectionSizeNotTheSameMessage ($Actual, $Expected, $Property) {
    $expectedLength = if ($Expected.Length -is [int]) {$Expected.Length} else {$Expected.Count}
    $actualLength = if ($Actual.Length -is [int]) {$Actual.Length} else {$Actual.Count}
    $Expected = Format-Collection -Value $Expected
    $Actual = Format-Collection -Value $Actual

    $propertyMessage = $null
    if ($property) {
        $propertyMessage = " in property $Property with values"
    "Expected collection$propertyMessage '$Expected' with length '$expectedLength' to be the same size as the actual collection, but got '$Actual' with length '$actualLength'."

function Get-DataTableSizeNotTheSameMessage ($Actual, $Expected, $Property) {
    $expectedLength = $Expected.Rows.Count
    $actualLength = $Actual.Rows.Count
    $Expected = Format-Collection -Value $Expected
    $Actual = Format-Collection -Value $Actual

    $propertyMessage = $null
    if ($property) {
        $propertyMessage = " in property $Property with values"
    "Expected DataTable$propertyMessage '$Expected' with length '$expectedLength' to be the same size as the actual DataTable, but got '$Actual' with length '$actualLength'."

function Compare-CollectionEquivalent ($Expected, $Actual, $Property, $Options) {
    if (-not (Is-Collection -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a collection."

    if (-not (Is-Collection -Value $Actual))
        v -Difference "`$Actual is not a collection it is a $(Format-Nicely (Get-Type $Actual)), so they are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Collection -Value $Expected
        $expectedLength = $expected.Length
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $actual
        return "Expected collection '$expectedFormatted' with length '$expectedLength', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    if (-not (Is-CollectionSize -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual)) {
        v -Difference "`$Actual does not have the same size ($($Actual.Length)) as `$Expected ($($Expected.Length)) so they are not equivalent."
        return Get-CollectionSizeNotTheSameMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Property

    $eEnd = if ($Expected.Length -is [int]) {$Expected.Length} else {$Expected.Count}
    $aEnd = if ($Actual.Length -is [int]) {$Actual.Length} else {$Actual.Count}
    v "Comparing items in collection, `$Expected has lenght $eEnd, `$Actual has length $aEnd."
    $taken = @()
    $notFound = @()
    $anyDifferent = $false
    for ($e=0; $e -lt $eEnd; $e++) {
        # todo: retest strict order
        v "`nSearching for `$Expected[$e]:"
        $currentExpected = $Expected[$e]
        $found = $false
        if ($StrictOrder) {
            $currentActual = $Actual[$e]
            if ($taken -notcontains $e -and (-not (Compare-Equivalent -Expected $currentExpected -Actual $currentActual -Path $Property -Options $Options)))
                $taken += $e
                $found = $true
                v -Equivalence "`Found `$Expected[$e]."
        else {
            for ($a=0; $a -lt $aEnd; $a++) {
                # we already took this item as equivalent to an item
                # in the expected collection, skip it
                if ($taken -contains $a) {
                    v "Skipping `$Actual[$a] because it is already taken."
                    continue }
                $currentActual = $Actual[$a]
                # -not, because $null means no differences, and some strings means there are differences
                v "Comparing `$Actual[$a] to `$Expected[$e] to see if they are equivalent."
                if (-not (Compare-Equivalent -Expected $currentExpected -Actual $currentActual -Path $Property -Options $Options))
                    # add the index to the list of taken items so we can skip it
                    # in the search, this way we can compare collections with
                    # arrays multiple same items
                    $taken += $a
                    $found = $true
                    v -Equivalence "`Found equivalent item for `$Expected[$e] at `$Actual[$a]."
                    # we already found the item we
                    # can move on to the next item in Exected array
        if (-not $found)
            v -Difference "`$Actual does not contain `$Expected[$e]."
            $anyDifferent = $true
            $notFound += $currentExpected

    # do not depend on $notFound collection here
    # failing to find a single $null, will return
    # @($null) which evaluates to false, even though
    # there was a single item that we did not find
    if ($anyDifferent) {
        v -Difference "`$Actual and `$Expected arrays are not equivalent."
        $Expected = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $Actual = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        $notFoundFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value ( $notFound | ForEach-Object { Format-Nicely -Value $_ } )

        $propertyMessage = if ($Property) {" in property $Property which is"}
        return "Expected collection$propertyMessage '$Expected' to be equivalent to '$Actual' but some values were missing: '$notFoundFormatted'."
    v -Equivalence "`$Actual and `$Expected arrays are equivalent."

function Compare-DataTableEquivalent ($Expected, $Actual, $Property, $Options) {
    if (-not (Is-DataTable -Value $Expected)) {
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a DataTable."

    if (-not (Is-DataTable -Value $Actual)) {
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Collection -Value $Expected
        $expectedLength = $expected.Rows.Count
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $actual
        return "Expected DataTable '$expectedFormatted' with length '$expectedLength', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    if (-not (Is-DataTableSize -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual)) {
        return Get-DataTableSizeNotTheSameMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Property

    $eEnd = $Expected.Rows.Count
    $aEnd = $Actual.Rows.Count
    $taken = @()
    $notFound = @()
    for ($e = 0; $e -lt $eEnd; $e++) {
        $currentExpected = $Expected.Rows[$e]
        $found = $false
        if ($StrictOrder) {
            $currentActual = $Actual.Rows[$e]
            if ((-not (Compare-Equivalent -Expected $currentExpected -Actual $currentActual -Path $Property -Options $Options)) -and $taken -notcontains $e) {
                $taken += $e
                $found = $true
        else {
            for ($a = 0; $a -lt $aEnd; $a++) {
                $currentActual = $Actual.Rows[$a]
                if ((-not (Compare-Equivalent -Expected $currentExpected -Actual $currentActual -Path $Property -Options $Options)) -and $taken -notcontains $a) {
                    $taken += $a
                    $found = $true
        if (-not $found) {
            $notFound += $currentExpected
    $Expected = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
    $Actual = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
    $notFoundFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value ( $notFound | ForEach-Object { Format-Nicely -Value $_ } )

    if ($notFound) {
        $propertyMessage = if ($Property) {" in property $Property which is"}
        return "Expected DataTable$propertyMessage '$Expected' to be equivalent to '$Actual' but some values were missing: '$notFoundFormatted'."

function Compare-ValueEquivalent ($Actual, $Expected, $Property, $Options) {
    $Expected = $($Expected)
    if (-not (Is-Value -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a Value."

    # we don't specify the options in some tests so here we make
    # sure that equivalency is used as the default
    # not ideal but better than rewriting 100 tests
    if (($null -eq $Options) -or
        ($null -eq $Options.Comparator) -or
        ("Equivalency" -eq $Options.Comparator)) {
        v "Equivalency comparator is used, values will be compared for equivalency."
        # fix that string 'false' becomes $true boolean
        if ($Actual -is [Bool] -and $Expected -is [string] -and "$Expected" -eq 'False')
            v "`$Actual is a boolean, and `$Expected is a 'False' string, which we consider equivalent to boolean `$false. Setting `$Expected to `$false."
            $Expected = $false
            if ($Expected -ne $Actual)
                v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual)."
                return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Property -Options $Options
            v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual)."

        if ($Expected -is [Bool] -and $Actual -is [string] -and "$Actual" -eq 'False')
            v "`$Actual is a 'False' string, which we consider equivalent to boolean `$false. `$Expected is a boolean. Setting `$Actual to `$false."
            $Actual = $false
            if ($Expected -ne $Actual)
                v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual)."
                return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Property -Options $Options
            v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual)."

        #fix that scriptblocks are compared by reference
        if (Is-ScriptBlock -Value $Expected)
            # todo: compare by equivalency like strings?
            v "`$Expected is a ScriptBlock, scriptblocks are considered equivalent when their content is equal. Converting `$Expected to string."
            #forcing scriptblock to serialize to string and then comparing that
            if ("$Expected" -ne $Actual)
                # todo: difference on index?
                v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to `$Expected because their contents differ."
                return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options
            v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to `$Expected because their contents are equal."
        v "Equality comparator is used, values will be compared for equality."

    v "Comparing values as $(Format-Nicely (Get-Type $Expected)) because `$Expected has that type."
    # todo: shorter messages when both sides have the same type (do not compare by using -is, instead query the type and compare it) because -is is true even for parent types
    $type = Get-Type $Expected
    $coalescedActual = $Actual -as $type
    if ($Expected -ne $Actual)
        v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual), and $(Format-Nicely $Actual) coalesced to $(Format-Nicely $type) is $(Format-Nicely $coalescedActual)."
        return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Property -Options $Options
    v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected) because it is $(Format-Nicely $Actual), and $(Format-Nicely $Actual) coalesced to $(Format-Nicely $type) is $(Format-Nicely $coalescedActual)."

function Compare-HashtableEquivalent ($Actual, $Expected, $Property, $Options) {
    if (-not (Is-Hashtable -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a hashtable."

    if (-not (Is-Hashtable -Value $Actual))
        v -Difference "`$Actual is not a hashtable it is a $(Format-Nicely (Get-Type $Actual)), so they are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected hashtable '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    # todo: if either side or both sides are empty hashtable make the verbose output shorter and nicer

    $actualKeys = $Actual.Keys
    $expectedKeys = $Expected.Keys

    v "`Comparing all ($($expectedKeys.Count)) keys from `$Expected to keys in `$Actual."
    $result = @()
    foreach ($k in $expectedKeys)
        if (-not (Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Hashtable -Path $Property -Options $Options -InputObject $k)) {

        $actualHasKey = $actualKeys -contains $k
        if (-not $actualHasKey)
            v -Difference "`$Actual is missing key '$k'."
            $result += "Expected has key '$k' that the other object does not have."

        $expectedValue = $Expected[$k]
        $actualValue = $Actual[$k]
        v "Both `$Actual and `$Expected have key '$k', comparing thier contents."
        $result += Compare-Equivalent -Expected $expectedValue -Actual $actualValue -Path "$Property.$k" -Options $Options

    if (!$Options.ExcludePathsNotOnExpected) {
        # fix for powershell 2 where the array needs to be explicit
        $keysNotInExpected = @( $actualKeys | Where-Object { $expectedKeys -notcontains $_ })

        $filteredKeysNotInExpected = @( $keysNotInExpected | Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Hashtable -Path $Property -Options $Options)

        # fix for powershell v2 where foreach goes once over null
        if ($filteredKeysNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ }) {
            v -Difference "`$Actual has $($filteredKeysNotInExpected.Count) keys that were not found on `$Expected: $(Format-Nicely @($filteredKeysNotInExpected))."
        else {
            v "`$Actual has no keys that we did not find on `$Expected."

        foreach ($k in $filteredKeysNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ })
            $result += "Expected is missing key '$k' that the other object has."

    if ($result | Where-Object { $_ })
        v -Difference "Hashtables `$Actual and `$Expected are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected hashtable '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'.`n$($result -join "`n")"

    v -Equivalence "Hastables `$Actual and `$Expected are equivalent."

function Compare-DictionaryEquivalent ($Actual, $Expected, $Property, $Options) {
    if (-not (Is-Dictionary -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a dictionary."

    if (-not (Is-Dictionary -Value $Actual))
        v -Difference "`$Actual is not a dictionary it is a $(Format-Nicely (Get-Type $Actual)), so they are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected dictionary '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    # todo: if either side or both sides are empty dictionary make the verbose output shorter and nicer

    $actualKeys = $Actual.Keys
    $expectedKeys = $Expected.Keys

    v "`Comparing all ($($expectedKeys.Count)) keys from `$Expected to keys in `$Actual."
    $result = @()
    foreach ($k in $expectedKeys)
        if (-not (Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Hashtable -Path $Property -Options $Options -InputObject $k)) {

        $actualHasKey = $actualKeys -contains $k
        if (-not $actualHasKey)
            v -Difference "`$Actual is missing key '$k'."
            $result += "Expected has key '$k' that the other object does not have."

        $expectedValue = $Expected[$k]
        $actualValue = $Actual[$k]
        v "Both `$Actual and `$Expected have key '$k', comparing thier contents."
        $result += Compare-Equivalent -Expected $expectedValue -Actual $actualValue -Path "$Property.$k" -Options $Options
    if (!$Options.ExcludePathsNotOnExpected) {
        # fix for powershell 2 where the array needs to be explicit
        $keysNotInExpected = @( $actualKeys | Where-Object { $expectedKeys -notcontains $_ } )
        $filteredKeysNotInExpected = @( $keysNotInExpected | Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Hashtable -Path $Property -Options $Options )

        # fix for powershell v2 where foreach goes once over null
        if ($filteredKeysNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ }) {
            v -Difference "`$Actual has $($filteredKeysNotInExpected.Count) keys that were not found on `$Expected: $(Format-Nicely @($filteredKeysNotInExpected))."
        else {
            v "`$Actual has no keys that we did not find on `$Expected."

        foreach ($k in $filteredKeysNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ })
            $result += "Expected is missing key '$k' that the other object has."

    if ($result)
        v -Difference "Dictionaries `$Actual and `$Expected are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected dictionary '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'.`n$($result -join "`n")"
    v -Equivalence "Dictionaries `$Actual and `$Expected are equivalent."

function Compare-ObjectEquivalent ($Actual, $Expected, $Property, $Options) {

    if (-not (Is-Object -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be an object."

    if (-not (Is-Object -Value $Actual)) {
        v -Difference "`$Actual is not an object it is a $(Format-Nicely (Get-Type $Actual)), so they are not equivalent."
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected object '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    $actualProperties = $Actual.PsObject.Properties
    $expectedProperties = $Expected.PsObject.Properties

    v "Comparing ($(@($expectedProperties).Count)) properties of `$Expected to `$Actual."
    foreach ($p in $expectedProperties)
        if (-not (Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Property -InputObject $p -Options $Options -Path $Property))

        $propertyName = $p.Name
        $actualProperty = $actualProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $propertyName}
        if (-not $actualProperty)
            v -Difference "Property '$propertyName' was not found on `$Actual."
            "Expected has property '$PropertyName' that the other object does not have."
        v "Property '$propertyName` was found on `$Actual, comparing them for equivalence."
        $differences = Compare-Equivalent -Expected $p.Value -Actual $actualProperty.Value -Path "$Property.$propertyName" -Options $Options
        if (-not $differences) {
            v -Equivalence "Property '$propertyName` is equivalent."
        else {
            v -Difference "Property '$propertyName` is not equivalent."

    if (!$Options.ExcludePathsNotOnExpected) {
        #check if there are any extra actual object props
        $expectedPropertyNames = $expectedProperties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

        $propertiesNotInExpected =  @( $actualProperties | Where-Object { $expectedPropertyNames -notcontains $ })

        # fix for powershell v2 we need to make the array explicit
        $filteredPropertiesNotInExpected = $propertiesNotInExpected |
            Test-IncludedPath -PathSelector Property -Options $Options -Path $Property

        if ($filteredPropertiesNotInExpected) {
            v -Difference "`$Actual has ($(@($filteredPropertiesNotInExpected).Count)) properties that `$Expected does not have: $(Format-Nicely @($filteredPropertiesNotInExpected))."
        else {
            v -Equivalence "`$Actual has no extra properties that `$Expected does not have."

        # fix for powershell v2 where foreach goes once over null
        foreach ($p in $filteredPropertiesNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ })
            "Expected is missing property '$($p.Name)' that the other object has."

function Compare-DataRowEquivalent ($Actual, $Expected, $Property, $Options) {

    if (-not (Is-DataRow -Value $Expected))
        throw [ArgumentException]"Expected must be a DataRow."

    if (-not (Is-DataRow -Value $Actual)) {
        $expectedFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Expected
        $actualFormatted = Format-Nicely -Value $Actual
        return "Expected DataRow '$expectedFormatted', but got '$actualFormatted'."

    $actualProperties = $Actual.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object {'RowError','RowState','Table','ItemArray','HasErrors' -notcontains $_.Name }
    $expectedProperties = $Expected.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object  {'RowError','RowState','Table','ItemArray','HasErrors' -notcontains $_.Name }

    foreach ($p in $expectedProperties)
        $propertyName = $p.Name
        $actualProperty = $actualProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $propertyName}
        if (-not $actualProperty)
            "Expected has property '$PropertyName' that the other object does not have."

        Compare-Equivalent -Expected $p.Value -Actual $actualProperty.Value -Path "$Property.$propertyName" -Options $Options

    #check if there are any extra actual object props
    $expectedPropertyNames = $expectedProperties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    $propertiesNotInExpected =  @($actualProperties | Where-Object {$expectedPropertyNames -notcontains $ })

    # fix for powershell v2 where foreach goes once over null
    foreach ($p in $propertiesNotInExpected | Where-Object { $_ })
        "Expected is missing property '$($p.Name)' that the other object has."

function v {
        [String] $String,
        [Switch] $Difference,
        [Switch] $Equivalence,
        [Switch] $Skip

    # we are using implict variable $Path
    # from the parent scope, this is ugly
    # and bad practice, but saves us ton of
    # coding and boilerplate code

    $p = ""
    $p += if ($null -ne $Path) {

    $p += if ($Difference) {
        " DIFFERENCE"

    $p += if ($Equivalence) {
        " EQUIVALENCE"

    $p += if ($Skip) {
        " SKIP"

    $p += if (""-ne $p) {
        " - "

    Write-Verbose ("$p$String".Trim() + " ")

# compares two objects for equivalency and returns $null when they are equivalent
# or a string message when they are not
function Compare-Equivalent {
        $Options = (&{
            Write-Warning "Getting default equivalency options, this should never be seen. If you see this and you are not developing Assert, please file issue at"

    if ($null -ne $Options.ExludedPaths -and $Options.ExcludedPaths -contains $Path) {
        v -Skip "Current path '$Path' is excluded from the comparison."

    #start by null checks to avoid implementing null handling
    #logic in the functions that follow
    if ($null -eq $Expected)
        v "`$Expected is `$null, so we are expecting `$null."
        if ($Expected -ne $Actual)
            v -Difference "`$Actual is not equivalent to $(Format-Nicely $Expected), because it has a value of type $(Format-Nicely $Actual.GetType())."
            return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options
        # we terminate here, either we passed the test and return nothing, or we did not
        # and the previous statement returned message
        v -Equivalence "`$Actual is equivalent to `$null, because it is `$null."

    if ($null -eq $Actual)
        v -Difference "`$Actual is $(Format-Nicely), but `$Expected has value of type $(Format-Nicely Get-Type $Expected), so they are not equivalent."
        return Get-ValueNotEquivalentMessage -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path

    v "`$Expected has type $(Get-Type $Expected), `$Actual has type $(Get-Type $Actual), they are both non-null."

    #test value types, strings, and single item arrays with values in them as values
    #expand the single item array to get to the value in it
    if (Is-Value -Value $Expected)
        v "`$Expected is a value (value type, string, single value array, or a scriptblock), we will be comparing `$Actual to value types."
        Compare-ValueEquivalent -Actual $Actual -Expected $Expected -Property $Path -Options $Options

    #are the same instance
    if (Test-Same -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual)
        v -Equivalence "`$Expected and `$Actual are equivalent because they are the same object (by reference)."

    if (Is-Hashtable -Value $Expected)
        v "`$Expected is a hashtable, we will be comparing `$Actual to hashtables."
        Compare-HashtableEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

    # dictionaries? (they are IEnumerable so they must go before collections)
    if (Is-Dictionary -Value $Expected)
        v "`$Expected is a dictionary, we will be comparing `$Actual to dictionaries."
        Compare-DictionaryEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

    #compare DataTable
    if (Is-DataTable -Value $Expected) {
        # todo add verbose output to data table
        v "`$Expected is a datatable, we will be comparing `$Actual to datatables."
        Compare-DataTableEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

    #compare collection
    if (Is-Collection -Value $Expected) {
        v "`$Expected is a collection, we will be comparing `$Actual to collections."
        Compare-CollectionEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

    #compare DataRow
    if (Is-DataRow -Value $Expected) {
        # todo add verbose output to data row
        v "`$Expected is a datarow, we will be comparing `$Actual to datarows."
        Compare-DataRowEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

    v "`$Expected is an object of type $(Get-Type $Expected), we will be comparing `$Actual to objects."
    Compare-ObjectEquivalent -Expected $Expected -Actual $Actual -Property $Path -Options $Options

function Assert-Equivalent {
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
        $Options = (Get-EquivalencyOption),
        [Switch] $StrictOrder

    $areDifferent = Compare-Equivalent -Actual $Actual -Expected $Expected -Options $Options | Out-String

    if ($areDifferent)
        $optionsFormatted = Format-EquivalencyOptions -Options $Options
        # the paremeter is -Option not -Options
        $message = Get-AssertionMessage -Actual $actual -Expected $Expected -Option $optionsFormatted -Pretty -CustomMessage "Expected and actual are not equivalent!`nExpected:`n<expected>`n`nActual:`n<actual>`n`nSummary:`n$areDifferent`n<options>"
        throw [Assertions.AssertionException]$message

    v -Equivalence "`$Actual and `$Expected are equivalent."

function Get-EquivalencyOption {
        [string[]] $ExcludePath = @(),
        [switch] $ExcludePathsNotOnExpected,
        [ValidateSet('Equivalency', 'Equality')]
        [string] $Comparator = 'Equivalency'

        ExcludedPaths = [string[]] $ExcludePath
        ExcludePathsNotOnExpected = [bool] $ExcludePathsNotOnExpected
        Comparator = [string] $Comparator

function Test-IncludedPath {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [ValidateSet("Property", "Hashtable")]

    begin {
        $selector = switch ($PathSelector) {
            "Property" { { param($InputObject) $InputObject.Name } }
            "Hashtable" { { param($InputObject) $InputObject } }
            Default {throw "Unsupported path selector."}

    process {
        if ($null -eq $Options.ExcludedPaths)
            return $InputObject

        $subPath =  &$selector $InputObject
        $fullPath = "$Path.$subPath".Trim('.')

        if ($fullPath | Like-Any $Options.ExcludedPaths)
            v -Skip "Current path $fullPath is excluded from the comparison."

function Format-EquivalencyOptions ($Options) {
    $Options.ExcludedPaths | ForEach-Object { "Exclude path '$_'" }
    if ($Options.ExcludePathsNotOnExpected) { "Excluding all paths not found on Expected" }

function Like-Any {
        [String[]] $PathFilters,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [String] $Path
    process {
        foreach ($pathFilter in $PathFilters | Where-Object { $_ }) {
            $r = $Path -like $pathFilter
            if ($r) {
                v -Skip "Path '$Path' matches filter '$pathFilter'."
                return $true

        return $false