
Function Publish-SsisVariables {
Publish and associate variables in publish json file to corresponding environment and project.
For each environment variable in json file, function checks if variable already exists.
If it does not exist then it creates it.
If it does exist then it checks if any of hte following have altered:
If any of these have changed it alters those values only.
If both data type and value have changed, then current var is dropped and re-created, as blocking changes.
Functionality to create/alter are in separate functions:
.Parameter jsonPsCustomObject
Tested json object loaded from Import-Json
.Parameter sqlConnection
The SQL Connection to SSISDB
.Parameter ssisFolderName
Optional parameter. We may wish to override the value of what is in the json file.
.Parameter ssisEnvironmentName
Optional parameter. We may wish to override the value of what is in the json file.
.Parameter ssisProjectName
Optional parameter. We may wish to override the value of what is in the json file.
.Parameter LocalVariables
Optional parameter. If used then values stored in json file are used. If not used then PowerShell variables need to exist that have the exact same name as variables in json file.
.Parameter WhatIf
Optional parameter. If used then no hcnages are made on server.
Publish-SsisVariables -ssisPublishFilePath $thisSsisPublishFilePath -sqlConnection $ssisdb -localVariables
Non-mandatory params here can be used to overwrite the values stored in the publish json file passed in

        [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
        [PSCustomObject] $jsonPsCustomObject,
        [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $sqlConnection,
        [Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $ssisFolderName,
        [Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $ssisEnvironmentName,
        [Parameter(Position = 4, mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $ssisProjectName,
        [Parameter(Position = 5, mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $localVariables,
        [Parameter(Position = 6, mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $whatIf)
    $ssisJson = $jsonPsCustomObject
    $ssisProperties = New-IscProperties -jsonObject $ssisJson
    if ($ssisFolderName) {
        $ssisProperties = Set-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -newSsisFolderName $ssisFolderName
    if ($ssisEnvironmentName) {
        $ssisProperties = Set-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -newSsisEnvironmentName $ssisEnvironmentName
    if ($ssisProjectName) {
        $ssisProperties = Set-IscProperty -iscProperties $ssisProperties -newSsisProjectName $ssisProjectName
    if (!$localVariables) {
        $keys = $($ssisJson.ssisEnvironmentVariable)
        foreach ($var in $keys) {
            $varName = $var.VariableName
            if (Test-Path variable:$varName) {
                $value = Get-Variable $varName -ValueOnly
                Write-Verbose ('Setting ssisEnvironmentVariable variable: {0} = {1}' -f $varName, $value) -Verbose
                $ssisJson.ssisEnvironmentVariable[$keys.IndexOf($var)].value = $value
            else {
                [string]$missingVariables += $var.VariableName
        if ($missingVariables.Count -gt 0) {
            throw ('The following ssisEnvironmentVariable variables are not defined in the session (but are defined in the json file): {0}' -f ($missingVariables -join " `n"))
    $sqlDropVars = "
    WITH cte
    AS (
        SELECT referenced_variable_name
        FROM CATALOG.object_parameters p
        WHERE project_id = (
                SELECT project_id
                FROM CATALOG.projects proj
                WHERE proj.NAME = @1
                    AND proj.folder_id = (
                        SELECT folder.folder_id
                        FROM CATALOG.folders folder
                        WHERE folder.NAME = @2
                            AND folder.folder_id = (
                                SELECT environment.folder_id
                                FROM CATALOG.environments environment
                                WHERE environment.NAME = @0
                AND p.project_id = (
                    select er.project_id from CATALOG.environment_references er
                    where er.environment_name = @0)
        SELECT referenced_variable_name, CASE eevee.sensitive WHEN 0 THEN 'False' ELSE 'True' END as sensitive, eevee.description, eevee.type as data_type, eevee.value
        FROM cte
        INNER JOIN CATALOG.environment_variables eevee on eevee.NAME = cte.referenced_variable_name
        WHERE eevee.environment_id = (SELECT environment_id FROM CATALOG.environments environment
        WHERE environment.NAME = @0)

    $sqlCmdDropVars = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlDropVars, $sqlConnection)
    $sqlCmdDropVars.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", $ssisProperties.ssisEnvironmentName) | Out-Null
    $sqlCmdDropVars.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", $ssisProperties.ssisProjectName) | Out-Null
    $sqlCmdDropVars.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", $ssisProperties.ssisFolderName) | Out-Null
    $sqlDropVarAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $sqlCmdDropVars
    $sqlDropVarDataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $sqlDropVarAdapter.Fill($sqlDropVarDataset) | Out-Null
    $sqlDropVarDataTable = $sqlDropVarDataSet.Tables[0]
    Write-Verbose "$($sqlDropVarDataTable.Rows.Count) variables found." -Verbose
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sqlDropVarDataTable.Rows.Count; $i++) {
        $sqlVarToDrop = $sqlDropVarDataTable.Rows[$i][0]
        if (($ssisJson.ssisEnvironmentVariable.VariableName -contains $sqlVarToDrop) -eq $false) {
            $sqlDropVar = "
            EXEC CATALOG.delete_environment_variable @folder_name = @2
            ,@environment_name = @0
            ,@variable_name = @1"

            $sqlCmdDropVar = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlDropVar, $sqlConnection)
            $sqlCmdDropVar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", $ssisProperties.ssisEnvironmentName) | Out-Null
            $sqlCmdDropVar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", $sqlVarToDrop) | Out-Null
            $sqlCmdDropVar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", $ssisProperties.ssisFolderName) | Out-Null
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Dropping $sqlVarToDrop" -Verbose
                if (!$whatIf) {
                    $sqlCmdDropVar.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception
    foreach ($ssisVariable in $ssisJson.ssisEnvironmentVariable) {
        $whatIs = $sqlDropVarDataTable.Select("referenced_variable_name = '$($ssisVariable.variableName)'")
        if ($null -eq $whatIs.ItemArray) {
            if (!$whatIf) {
                New-SsisVariable -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Variable $($ssisVariable.Variablename) already exists. Checking for inconsistencies with server version. If any are found then variable will be altered." -Verbose
            [bool]$altered = $false
            if ($whatIs.value -ne $ssisVariable.value) {
                $altered = $true
                if ($whatIs.data_type -ne $ssisVariable.dataType) {
                    Write-Verbose "As both data type and value of $($ssisVariable.variablename) have altered, we will need to drop and re-create." -Verbose
                    if (!$whatIf) {
                        New-SsisVariable -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties            
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Value of $($ssisVariable.Variablename) needs to be updated." -Verbose
                    if (!$whatIf) {
                        Set-EnvironmentVariableValue -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties       
            if ($whatIs.Sensitive -ne $ssisVariable.isSensitive) {
                $altered = $true
                Write-Verbose "Protection level of $($ssisVariable.Variablename) needs to be updated." -Verbose
                if (!$whatIf) {
                    Set-EnvironmentVariableProtection -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties
                Write-Verbose "As protection level has altered, value of $($ssisVariable.Variablename) needs to be updated." -Verbose
                if (!$whatIf) {
                    Set-EnvironmentVariableValue -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties 
            if ($whatIs.Description -ne $ssisVariable.Description) {
                $altered = $true
                Write-Verbose "Description of $($ssisVariable.Variablename) needs to be updated." -Verbose
                if (!$whatIf) {
                    Set-EnvironmentVariableProperty -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties -PropertyName "Description" -PropertyValue $ssisVariable.Description
            if ($whatIs.data_type -ne $ssisVariable.dataType) {
                $altered = $true
                Write-Verbose "Data Type of $($ssisVariable.Variablename) needs to be updated." -Verbose
                if (!$whatIf) {
                    Set-EnvironmentVariableProperty -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties -PropertyName "Type" -PropertyValue $ssisVariable.dataType
            if ($altered -eq $false) {
                Write-Verbose "Variable $($ssisVariable.Variablename) not altered." -Verbose
        if (!$whatIf) {
            Set-ObjectParameterValue -sqlConn $sqlConnection -ssisVar $ssisVariable -ssisProp $ssisProperties