
  Provides basic management CLI for Atempo Lina continuous data protection solution
  Provides basic management CLI for Atempo Lina continuous data protection solution
# You may have to set the execution policy before using the module
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Connect-LinaServer -Server "" -User "superadmin" -Password "MyPassword"
New-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant2"
New-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API"
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API" | Set-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API-RENAMED"
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API*" | Set-LinaAgent -Tenant "MyTenant2"
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API-RENAMED" | Remove-LinaAgent
# Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-API" | Set-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-QA-RENAMED" -Tenant "MyTenant2" -Group "Group2" -Strategy "Strat2" -Protection "Protection2"
$mystrat = @{
    RPOInMinutes = 1 ;
    RetentionInDays = 90 ;
    AlwaysEncrypt = $True ;
    WanMode = $True ;
$mystrat | New-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStratInTenant2" -Tenant "MyTenant2"
Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStratInTenant2" | Remove-LinaStrategy
Get-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant2" | Set-LinaCurrentTenant
Remove-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant2"

    Rajouter write-host "Could not find" sur Get-
    Go back to current tenant on new- (à tester si le tenant change après chaque new-)
    Managing agent protections and strategies
    Managing LinaTenantConfig (strategies, protections and rules ?)
    improve agent stats
    manage display of replications
    missing objects (groups, paths, rules etc)
    Ability to pipe commands => should be done everywhere

<# Other URLS :
Global stats / info.xml : Objects in infolist
Protection / lst_dataprofiles.xml : Objects in HNConfig.DataProfileArray.DataProfile
Protection rules / lst_filters.xml : Objects in HNConfig.FilterRuleArray.FilterRule
Paths / lst_predefinedpaths.xml : Objects in HNConfig.PredefinedPathArray.PredefinedPath
File Types / lst_filetypes.xml : Objects in HNConfig.FileTypeArray.FileType
Agent groups / lst_hierarchies.xml : Objects in HNConfig.HierarchyArray.Hierarchy
User groups / ADM/list_user_group.json : Objects in user_groups
Groups to users / ADM/list_prof_ug_relation.json : Objects in relations

# Needed for URLEncode
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web


# ============ Internal Variables =============== #
$global:LoggedSession = $null
$global:GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER = $null
$global:LINA_TRANSLATIONS = $null

    Name                        = "Name" ;
    RPOInMinutes                = "ParamSchedule" ;
    RetentionInDays             = "ParamDataAging" ;
    AlertAfterDays              = "ParamAlertTime" ;
    ThroughputLimitKBps         = "ParamThroughputLimit" ;
    AlwaysEncrypt               = "ParamEncryptionActivated" ;
    WanMode                     = "ParamWanActivated" ;
    CompressionAlgo             = "ParamCompression" ;
    ReplicationTargetID         = "ParamRepliTargetID";
    AllowClientRPO              = "ParamAllowClientRPO" ;
    AllowClientRules            = "ParamAllowClientRules" ;
    AllowClientPause            = "ParamAllowClientPause" ;
    AllowClientBoost            = "ParamAllowClientBoost" ;
    AllowClientNetworkParams    = "ParamAllowClientNetworkParams" ;
    AllowWebAccess              = "ParamAllowWebAccess" ;
    QuotaMaxProtSizeMB          = "ParamQuotaMaxProtSize" ;
    QuotaMaxProtObjs            = "ParamQuotaMaxProtObjs" ;
    QuotaMaxHistSizeMB          = "ParamQuotaMaxHistSize" ;
    QuotaMaxHistObjs            = "ParamQuotaMaxHistObjs" ;
    ReplicationTargets          = "RepliTarget" ;
    TenantID                    = "DomainID"

function Get-LinaHelp() {
Opens the HTML help of this module.
Opens the HTML help file located in the module folder with default browser.
Opens the HTML help file located in the module folder with default browser.

    $current_modulepath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    Start-Process "$current_modulepath\help.html"

function Disable-SslVerification{
    if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]"TrustEverything").Type)
        Add-Type -TypeDefinition  @"
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public static class TrustEverything
    private static bool ValidationCallback(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain,
        SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }
    public static void SetCallback() { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ValidationCallback; }
    public static void UnsetCallback() { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null; }

function Enable-SslVerification {
    if (([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]"TrustEverything").Type)

function CallAPI(){
    if ($Path -like "*.json*") {
    }else {
        # most content is XML so this is default

    if ($FirstConnection) {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 -AND $GLOBAL_IGNORE_CERTIFICATES) {
            <# Disable Certificate checking for WebRequest (Pre-PowerShell 6.0) #>
            $request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER$Path -SessionVariable Currentsession
        } elseif ($GLOBAL_IGNORE_CERTIFICATES) {
            <# Disable Certificate checking for WebRequest (PowerShell >= 6.0) #>
            $request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER$Path -SessionVariable Currentsession -SkipCertificateCheck
        }else {
            # Certificate check is enabled
            $request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER$Path -SessionVariable Currentsession
        Set-Variable -name LoggedSession -Scope global -Value $Currentsession

    } else {
        # Next connections reuse the Session Cookie set globally
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6 -AND $GLOBAL_IGNORE_CERTIFICATES) {
            <# Disable Certificate checking for WebRequest (PowerShell >= 6.0) #>
            $request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER$Path -ContentType $ContentType -Method "Post" -Body $Body -WebSession $LoggedSession -SkipCertificateCheck
        }else {
            # Same request if enabled or not. Checkingt is disabled globally on PowerShell > 6.0
            $request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER$Path -ContentType $ContentType -Method "Post" -Body $Body -WebSession $LoggedSession
    if ($LINA_DEBUG_MODE) { Write-Host "Call API $Path : $request / Body : $Body" }
    Return $request
function LinaToLocalTime ($lina_time) { 
    <# Lina Times are UTC based ? Not GMT ?#>
    $date=(Get-Date 01.01.1970)+([System.TimeSpan]::fromseconds($lina_time/1000))
    $oFromTimeZone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("UTC")
    $oToTimeZone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById([System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.Id)
    $utc = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($date, $oFromTimeZone)
    $newTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($utc,$oToTimeZone)
    return $newTime

function HumanFriendlyTimespan ($last_backup_time) { 
    if ((Get-Date $last_backup_time -format "yyyy") -eq 1970) {
        return "Never"

    $since = New-TimeSpan -Start $last_backup_time
    if ($since_d -ge 1) {
        if ($since_d -gt 1) { $plural="s"}
        return "$since_d day$plural ago"
    }elseif ($since_h -ge 1) {
        if ($since_h -gt 1) { $plural="s"}
        return "$since_h hour$plural ago"
    }elseif ($since_m -ge 1) {
        if ($since_m -gt 1) { $plural="s"}
        return "$since_m minute$plural ago"
    }else {
        if ($since_s -gt 1) { $plural="s"}
        return "$since_s second$plural ago"

function TranslateErrorCode() {
    $ERROR_CODES = @{"0"="OK";"1"="Undefined ID";"2"="Bad syntax (XML)";"3"="Cannot delete referenced object";"4"="Name already exists";"5"="Undefined referenced ID";"6"="Bad parameter";"7"="Cannot modify immutable object";"8"="Bad path syntax / path too long";"9"="Bad extension syntax / extension too long";"10"="Bad Name syntax / name too long";"11"="Buffer too short (internal)";"12"="Unexpected XML tag";"13"="Permission error, no admin session found";"101"="Conversion error (internal)";"102"="Duplicate ID (internal)";"103"="XML error (internal)";"104"="XML data error (internal)";"105"="Memory allocation error (internal)";"107"="Bad data header (internal)";"108"="Bad command (internal)";"199"="Generic internal";"999"="Unidentified error"}
    $translated_error = $ERROR_CODES[$error_clean]

    if ($translated_error) {
        $found_error = $translated_error
    }else {
        $found_error = "Unknown Error # $translated_error"
    Write-Host "ERROR occurred trying to $FailedAction : $found_error / Error $LinaError" -ForegroundColor Red

function InitTranslations() {
    $request = CallAPI "/Admin/locale/$lang.js"
    # Web request does not like the encoding on this one !
    $temp_utf = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes($request.ToString()))
    $temp_split = $temp_utf -split '\n'
    $lines = ($temp_split | Select-String -Pattern "SERVER_NAME_","UNCAT_AGENTS_LABEL" ).line
    $translations = @{}
    foreach ($line in $lines) {
        $splitted = $line -split ': "'
        $key = $splitted[0].Trim().Replace('SERVER_NAME_','').Replace("__","_")
        $value = $splitted[1].Replace('",','').Trim()
    Set-Variable -name LINA_TRANSLATIONS -Scope global -Value $translations

function TranslateSystemCategories() {
    $system_categories = @{"256"="Windows";"512"="Linux";"768"="macOS";"272"="Windows Server";"528"="Linux Server";"784"="macOS Server"}
    if ($translated) {
        return $translated
    }else {
        return $ToTranslate
function Translate() {

    $ToTranslate = $ToTranslate.TrimStart("_").TrimEnd("_")

    if ($ToTranslate -eq "UNCAT") { $ToTranslate = "UNCAT_AGENTS_LABEL"; }
    $translated = $LINA_TRANSLATIONS[$ToTranslate.Replace("__","_")]

    if ($translated) {
        return $translated
    }else {
        # No translation available. Use original text.
        return $ToTranslate

function LinaTimestamp {
    return [math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1970") -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds*1000)
function Connect-LinaServer {
Connects to an Atempo Lina server.
Connects to an Atempo Lina server 5.0+ usually using superadmin credentials.
Select your locale using the -Locale switch. Locale is used only to display the default strategies and protections with localized names.
Please note : there is no support for multiple connections to different or same server.
Specify the IP address or the DNS name of the Lina server to which you want to connect.
Also specify the protocol and ports. For example : or
Specify the user name you want to use for authenticating with the server.
Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the server.
Specifies the language that will be used for default strategies and protections labels.
Optional. Default value is English.
Possible values are : "en","fr","es","de"
Select a specific tenant for actions (listing, creation will be limited to this tenant)
Optional. Default value is -1 (All tenant / Global view)
Connect-LinaServer -Server "" -User "superadmin" -Password "mypassword"
Connection to using default locale and global view (no tenant).
Connect-LinaServer -Server "" -User "superadmin" -Password "mypassword" -Locale "fr" -Tenant "MyTenant"
Connection to using french language and filtered on the tenant MyTenant.


    Set-Variable -name GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER -Scope global -Value $Server
    Write-Host "Connecting to Lina server $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER : " -NoNewline
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/login.html?user=$userenc&password=$passenc" -FirstConnection
    if ([string]$request -like "*- OK*") {
        Write-Host "Successfully connected."
    } else {
        Write-Error "Error occurred trying to connect : \"TranslateErrorCode($request)"\"

function Disconnect-LinaServer {
Disconnects from an Atempo Lina server.
Disconnects current session.
Disconnects current session.

    Write-Host "Disconnecting from Lina server $GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER : " -NoNewline
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/logout.json"
    if ([string]$request -like "*- OK*") {
        Write-Host "Successfully disconnected."
    } else {
        Write-Error "Error occurred trying to disconnect : \"TranslateErrorCode($request)"\"

function Get-LinaGlobalStats {
Retrieves the global stats and configuration of the current Lina server.
Retrieves the global stats and configuration of the current Lina server such as the server version deduplication ratio, volume stored etc
LinaStats Object
Retrieve global infos of current Lina Server
$lina_version = (Get-LinaGlobalStats).ALNVersion
Get current installed version of Lina sofware.

    Write-Host "Getting global stats"
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/info.xml"
    $stats = ([xml]$request).infolist
    $LinaStats = [PSCustomObject]@{
        PSTypeName                  = 'LinaStats'
        ALNVersion                  = $stats.aln_version
        PercentDiskUse              = $stats.disk_use
        DedupRatio                  = $stats.dedup_ratio
        CompressionRatio            = $stats.cpr_ratio
        DiskAvailableGB             = [math]::Round(($stats.disk_avail)/(1024*1024*1024),2)

        DiskSavingGB                = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected-$stats.vol_stored)/(1024*1024*1024),1)
        VolumeProtectedGB           = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected)/(1024*1024*1024),1)
        VolumeRestoredGB            = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_restored)/(1024*1024*1024),1)
        VolumeStoredGB              = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_stored)/(1024*1024*1024),1)

        VolumeProtectedMB           = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_protected)/(1024*1024))
        VolumeRestoredMB            = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_restored)/(1024*1024))
        VolumeStoredMB              = [math]::Round(($stats.vol_stored)/(1024*1024))
    Return $LinaStats

function Get-LinaTenantConfig {
    Retrieves the global config of a Tenant
    Retrieves the global config of a Tenant such as the default protections and strategies
    LinaTenant Object
    LinaTenantConfig Object
    Retrieve global config of current tenant (or of all tenants if in global view)
    Get-LinaTenantConfig -Name "MyTenant"
    Retrieve global config of the Tenant MyTenant
    Get-LinaTenant -ID "2" | Get-LinaTenantConfig
    Retrieve global config of the Tenant with ID 2
    Set-CurrentTenant -All
    Get-LinaTenantConfig | Select-Object -Property Name,DefaultStrategy
    Get the default strategy of each tenant (needs to be in global view)

        $LinaItems = @()
        $current_tenant = Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null

        # Get All Strategies and protections once and for all to avoid too many API Calls (would be slower)
        Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All 6>$null

        if ($Name) { 
            $lina_tenants = Get-LinaTenant -Name "$Name"
        }elseif (!$lina_tenants) {
            # No name or pipeline => getting config of current tenant or all tenants if in global view
            if ($current_tenant -isnot [pscustomobject]) {
                # Global view (-1 returned instead of object LinaTenant) => Getting all tenants
                Write-Verbose "Nothing provided and we are in global view => Getting all tenants configs"
                $lina_tenants = Get-LinaTenant
            }else {
                # In a tenant => Getting current tenant
                Write-Verbose "Nothing provided and we are in a tenant => Getting current tenant config"
                $lina_tenants = Get-LinaTenant -ID $current_tenant.ID
        foreach ($lina_tenant in $lina_tenants) {
            $lina_tenant | Set-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
            Write-Verbose "Getting Lina Tenant Config"
            $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_globals.xml"
            $prefs = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.Globals
            $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                PSTypeName                  = 'LinaTenantConfig'
                Name                        = $lina_tenant.Name
                ID                          = $lina_tenant.ID
                AutoCreateClients           = [bool][int]$prefs.AutoCreateClients
                WindowsDefaultProtection    = ($cache_protections | Where-Object {$prefs.WinDefaultDataProfileID -eq $_.ID}).Label
                MacDefaultProtection        = ($cache_protections | Where-Object {$prefs.MacDefaultDataProfileID -eq $_.ID}).Label
                LinuxDefaultProtection      = ($cache_protections | Where-Object {$prefs.LinuxDefaultDataProfileID -eq $_.ID}).Label
                DefaultStrategy             = ($cache_strategies | Where-Object {$prefs.WinDefaultServiceProfileID -eq $_.ID}).Label
                WebRestoreEnabled           = [bool][int]$prefs.WebRestoreActive

                WindowsDefaultProtectionID    = $prefs.WinDefaultDataProfileID
                MacDefaultProtectionID        = $prefs.MacDefaultDataProfileID
                LinuxDefaultProtectionID      = $prefs.LinuxDefaultDataProfileID      
                DefaultStrategyID             = $prefs.WinDefaultServiceProfileID
            $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
        Return $LinaItems
    END{$current_tenant_id | Set-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null }
function Get-LinaAgent {
Retrieves the agents on a Lina server.
Retrieves the agents on a Lina server. Returns a set of agents that correspond to the filter criteria provided
Array of LinaAgent Objects
Name of the agent(s) to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *DESKTOP*
ID of the agent to retrieve. For example : 134.
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST"
Will retrieve the agent named "TEST" and display its properties.
$agents_desktop = Get-LinaAgent -Name "*DESKTOP*"
Will retrieve all the agents with DESKTOP inside their names. The list returned can be passed to other functions.
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST" | Remove-LinaAgent
Will get the agent named TEST then pass it to the next command for deletion.

    Write-Verbose "Getting list of agents"
    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_clients.xml?timestamp=$timestamp&type=agent"
    $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.ClientArray.Client
    $Tenants = Get-LinaTenant
    $LinaItems = @()
    foreach ($Item in $Items) {
        <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #>
        if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR  $Item.ID -eq $ID)) {
            $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                PSTypeName                  = 'LinaAgent'
                Name                        = $Item.Name
                ID                          = $Item.ID
                Tenant                      = $Tenants | where-object {$_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                AgentGroup                  = Translate($Item.AttachementArray.Attachement.Group.Name)
                Strategy                    = Translate($Item.ServiceProfile.Name)
                Protection                  = Translate($Item.DataProfile.Name)

                TenantID                    = $Item.DomainID
                AgentGroupID                = $Item.AttachementArray.Attachement.Group.ID
                StrategyID                  = $Item.ServiceProfile.ID
                ProtectionID                = $Item.DataProfile.ID
                StrategyInternalName        = $Item.ServiceProfile.Name
                ProtectionInternalName      = $Item.DataProfile.Name

            $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
    Return $LinaItems

function Get-LinaStrategy {
Retrieves the strategies on a Lina server.
Retrieves the strategies on a Lina server. Returns a set of strategies that correspond to the filter criteria provided.
If TenantID = 0, it is a global strategy across tenants.
Array of LinaStrategy Objects
Optional : Name (label) of the strategy to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *STRAT*
Optional : ID of the strategy to retrieve.
Will retrieve all the strategies.
Get-LinaStrategy -Name "*STRAT*"
Will retrieve all the strategies with STRAT inside their names.
Get-LinaStrategy -Name "*STRAT*" | Select-Object -Property Name,RPOInMinutes
Displays the list of strategies and their configured RPO in minutes.

    Write-Verbose "Getting list of strategies"
    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_serviceprofiles.xml?timestamp=$timestamp"
    $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.ServiceProfileArray.ServiceProfile
    $Tenants = Get-LinaTenant
    $LinaItems = @()
    foreach ($Item in $Items) {
        if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR  $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name") ) {        
            if ([int]$Item.RepliTarget.ID -eq 0) {
                $replitarget = "None"
            }else {
                $replitarget = $Item.RepliTarget.Name
            $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                PSTypeName                  = 'LinaStrategy'
                Name                        = Translate($Item.Name)
                ID                          = $Item.ID

                Tenant                      = $Tenants | where-object {$_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                RPOInMinutes                = ($Item.ParamSchedule/60)
                RetentionInDays             = $Item.ParamDataAging
                AlertAfterDays              = ($Item.ParamAlertTime/(24*3600))
                ThroughputLimitKBps         = $Item.ParamThroughputLimit
                ReplicationTarget           = $replitarget
                AlwaysEncrypt               = ![bool][int]$Item.ParamEncryptionActivated
                WanMode                     = [bool][int]$Item.ParamWanActivated
                CompressionAlgo             = $Item.ParamCompression
                AllowClientRPO              = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientRPO
                AllowClientRules            = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientRules
                AllowClientPause            = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientPause
                AllowClientBoost            = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientBoost
                AllowClientNetworkParams    = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowClientNetworkParams
                AllowWebAccess              = [bool][int]$Item.ParamAllowWebAccess
                QuotaMaxProtSizeMB          = [math]::Round(($Item.ParamQuotaMaxProtSize)/(1024*1024))
                QuotaMaxProtObjs            = $Item.ParamQuotaMaxProtObjs
                QuotaMaxHistSizeMB          = [math]::Round(($Item.ParamQuotaMaxHistSize)/(1024*1024))
                QuotaMaxHistObjs            = $Item.ParamQuotaMaxHistObjs
                ReplicationTargetID         = $Item.RepliTarget.ID
                TenantID                    = $Item.DomainID
                InternalName                = $Item.Name
            $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
    Return $LinaItems

function Get-LinaProtection {
    Retrieves the protection policies on a Lina server.
    Retrieves the protection policies on a Lina server. Returns a set of portections that correspond to the filter criteria provided.
    Array of LinaProtection Objects
    Optional : Name (label) of the protection to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *PROT*
    Optional : ID of the protection to retrieve.
    Will retrieve all the protections.
    Get-LinaProtection -Name "*PROT*"
    Will retrieve all the protection with PROT inside their names.

        Write-Verbose "Getting list of protection policies"
        $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_dataprofiles.xml?timestamp=$timestamp"
        $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.DataProfileArray.DataProfile
        $Tenants = Get-LinaTenant
        $LinaItems = @()
        foreach ($Item in $Items) {
            if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $Item.Name -like "$Name" -OR  $Item.ID -eq $ID -OR (Translate($Item.Name)) -like "$Name" ) ) {        
                $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PSTypeName                  = 'LinaStrategy'
                    Name                        = Translate($Item.Name)
                    ID                          = $Item.ID

                    Tenant                      = $Tenants | where-object {$_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                    OS                          = $Item.OS
                    BareMetalRestore            = [bool][int]$Item.BMR

                    TenantID                    = $Item.DomainID
                    InternalName                = $Item.Name
                $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
        Return $LinaItems
function Get-LinaTenant {
Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server.
Retrieves the tenants (entities) on a Lina server. Returns a set of tenants that correspond to the filter criteria provided.
Array of LinaTenant Objects
Optional : Name of the tenant to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *Tenant*
Optional : ID of the tenant to retrieve.
Retrieve all tenants
Get-LinaTenant -Name "BaasCustomer1"
Retrieve Tenant named BaasCustomer1
Get-LinaTenant | where {$_.IsDefault}
Retrieve the default tenant.

    Write-Verbose "Getting list of tenants"
    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/list_domain.json?timestamp=$timestamp"
    $Items = $
    $LinaItems = @()
    foreach ($Item in $Items) {
        if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR $ -like "$Name" -OR $Item.ID -eq $ID ) {
            $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                PSTypeName                  = 'LinaTenant'
                Name                        = $
                ID                          = $

                # Had to reencode to UTF-8 because of a bug or maybe to bad return type
                Comment                     = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes($Item.comment))
                IsDefault                   = [bool][int]$Item.def_domain

                UUID                        = $Item.uuid
            $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
    Return $LinaItems

function Get-LinaAgentStats {
Retrieves the agents statistics and advanced information on a Lina server.
Retrieves the agents statistics and advanced information on a Lina server. Statistics are only available for agent that have been online at least one time.
Array of LinaAgentStats Objects
Name of the agent(s) to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *DESKTOP*
ID of the agent to retrieve. For example : 134.
Retrieve all agent stats
Get-LinaAgentStats | where {$_.LastLogon -like "*mike*"}
Retrieve agent info on agents where mike is logged in.
Get-LinaAgentStats | where {$_.LastCompletedSession -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}
Retrieve agent info on agents with no completed backups in last 7 days

    Write-Verbose "Getting agents Statistics (only available if has been online)"
    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/stats_clients.xml?timestamp=$timestamp"
    $Items = ([xml]$request).Stats.ClientArray.Client
    $LinaItems = @()
    foreach ($Item in $Items) {
        <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #>
        if ((!$Name -AND !$ID -AND !$lina_agent) -OR ($Item.AdminName -like "$Name" -OR  $Item.AdminID -eq $ID -OR $lina_agent.ID -eq $Item.AdminID ) ) {
            $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                PSTypeName                  = 'LinaAgentStats'
                Name                        = $Item.AdminName
                ID                          = $Item.AdminID

                ComputerName                = $Item.ComputerName
                System                      = $Item.System
                SystemCategory              = TranslateSystemCategories($Item.SystemCategory)
                AgentVersion                = $Item.AgentVersion
                Strategy                    = Translate($Item.AdminServiceProfileName)
                Protection                  = Translate($Item.AdminDataProfileName)
                LastLogon                   = $Item.LastLogon
                Email                       = $Item.Email
                Alert                       = $Item.Alert
                LastStartedSession          = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastStartedSession
                LastCompletedSession        = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastCompletedSession
                LastConnectionTime          = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastConnectionTime
                LastSyncTime                = LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastSyncTime

                LastSessionStart                 = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastStartedSession)
                LastBackup                       = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastCompletedSession)
                LastConnection                   = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastConnectionTime)
                LastSync                         = HumanFriendlyTimeSpan (LinaToLocalTime $Item.LastSyncTime)
                StrategyInternalName           = $Item.AdminServiceProfileName
                ProtectionInternalName         = $Item.AdminDataProfileName
            $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
    Return $LinaItems

function Get-LinaAgentGroup {
Retrieves the agent groups
Retrieves the agent groups (Main view of agents)
Array of LinaAgentGroup Objects
Name of the Group to retrieve. Wildcards can be used. For example : *UNCATEGOR*
ID of the group retrieve. For example : 4.
Name of the Tenant hosting the groups
Can also be used in conjunction with -Name to filter by name AND Tenant.
Can be useful if multiple groups have the same name in multiple tenants.
Retrieve all agent groups
Get-LinaAgentGroup -ID 131
Retrieve agent group by it ID. Will return a unique object.
Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group1"
Retrieve agent group by its Name. Wildcards can be used.
Warning : result may not be unique even without using wildcards. Group names may not be unique across tenants.
Get-LinaAgentGroup -Tenant "MyTenant"
Retrieve agent groups of the Tenant MyTenant
Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group1" -Tenant "BaasCustomer1"
Filter agent group by name and by Tenant MyTenant. If not using wildcards in name, return will be unique.

        if ($Tenant) {
            $TenantID=(Get-LinaTenant -Name $Tenant).ID
            Write-Verbose "Getting agent groups for Tenant $Tenant (ID $TenantID)"
        }else {
            Write-Verbose "Getting agent groups"
        $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/lst_hierarchies.xml?timestamp=$timestamp"
        $Items = ([xml]$request).HNConfig.HierarchyArray.Hierarchy.GroupArray.Group
        $Tenants = Get-LinaTenant
        $LinaItems = @()
        foreach ($Item in $Items) {
            # PreFiltering By Tenant (Groups in tenant 0 are for all Tenants, example : Unsorted agents)
            if (!$TenantID -OR $Item.DomainID -eq $TenantID -OR $Item.DomainID -eq 0 ) {
            <# Filtering on ID or Name (only if provided) #>
                $name_translation = Translate($Item.Name) 
                if ((!$Name -AND !$ID) -OR ( $name_translation -like "$Name" -OR  $Item.ID -eq $ID) ) {
                    $CurrentLinaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PSTypeName                  = 'LinaAgentGroup'
                        Name                        = $name_translation
                        ID                          = $Item.ID
                        Tenant                      = $Tenants | where-object {$_.ID -eq $Item.DomainID} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                        NbAgents                    = $Item.NbRefs 

                        InternalName                = $Item.Name
                        TenantID                    = $Item.DomainID
                    $LinaItems += $CurrentLinaItem
        Return $LinaItems

function New-LinaAgent {
Creates a new agent.
Creates a new agent with the provided name.
LinaAgent Object
Name of the agent to create
Optional : Name of the tenant where the agent should be created.
If not provided, agent will be created in the current tenant.
In global view (no tenant selected), agent will be created in the default tenant.
New-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-CREATE"
Creates a new agent in current tenant.
New-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-CREATE2" -Tenant "MyTenant"
Creates a new agent in tenant MyTenant

    Write-Host "Creating a Lina agent named $Name"
    $current_tenant = Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
    if (!$Tenant) {
        if (!$current_tenant -OR $current_tenant.ID -le 1) {
            # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
            $domain =  Get-LinaTenant 6>$null | Where-Object {$_.IsDefault} 
            if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                # No default Tenant ....
                Write-Host "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
            Write-Host "No tenant selected, agent will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        } else {
            # Using Current tenant
            $domain =  Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
            Write-Host "No tenant selected, agent will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
    }else {
        $domain =  Get-LinaTenant 6>$null | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Tenant}
        if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
            Write-Host "Error : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
    Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null

    $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADD</Func><Client><Name>'+$Name+'</Name></Client></HNConfig>'
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
    # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgent command
    $current_tenant | Set-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
        Write-Host "Agent $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name"
        $agent_created = Get-LinaAgent -Name $Name
        Return $agent_created
    } else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create agent $Name"
        Return $null

function New-LinaStrategy {
    Creates a new strategy from scrath or from another one (cloning).
    Creates a new strategy with the provided name and configuration.
    Current limitations : two parameters (gateways where encryption is disabled or WAN mode disabled) are not kept when cloning/creating
    Single LinaStrategy Object or Array of parameters
    LinaStrategy Object
    Name of the strategy to create
    .PARAMETER Tenant
    Optional : Name of the tenant where the new strategy should be created.
    If not provided, agent will be created in the same tenant as the original (global if not provided)
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat" | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat2"
    Clone the strategy MyStrat to Strat2 in same tenant and keep all settings
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat" | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat2" -Tenant "Customer2"
    Clone the strategy MyStrat to Strat2 in tenant Customer2 and keep all settings
    @{ RPOInMinutes = 1 } | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat4"
    Creates a new strategy will all default parameters except for RPO.

            if ($Tenant) {
                $current_tenant = Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
                $domain =  Get-LinaTenant 6>$null | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Tenant}
                if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                    Write-Host "Error : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
                Write-Host "Creating strategy $Name in Tenant $Tenant"
            } else {
                Write-Host "Creating strategy $Name in same Tenant as the original (or global if none)"
            $xml='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADD</Func><ServiceProfile><Name>'+$Name+'</Name>'
            if ([string]$lina_strategy.GetType() -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") {
                $items = $lina_strategy.PSObject.Properties
            }else {
                $items = $lina_strategy.GetEnumerator()
            foreach ($param in $items) {
                if ([string]$lina_strategy.GetType() -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") {
                    $current_key = $($param.Name)
                    $current_value = $($param.Value)
                }else {
                    $current_key = $param.Key
                    $current_value = $param.Value
                    switch ($current_key) {
                        RPOInMinutes { $current_value = $current_value*60}
                        AlwaysEncrypt { $current_value = !$current_value}
                        AlertAfterDays { $current_value = $current_value*24*3600}
                        QuotaMaxProtSizeMB { $current_value = $current_value*1024*1024}
                        QuotaMaxHistSizeMB { $current_value = $current_value*1024*1024}
                        TenantID { 
                            # Replacing the Tenant with the one provided
                            if ($domain_id -ge 0) {  $current_value = $domain_id } 
                    # Convert Boolean to 0 or 1
                    If ($current_value -eq $True -OR $current_value -eq $false) { $current_value = [int]$current_value }
                    # Translate Powershell names to XML tags
                    $int_trans = $INT_STRATEGIES_MAPPINGS[$current_key]

                    if ($current_key -notin "Name","ID","InternalName","ReplicationTarget","Tenant" ) {
                        # Filter out some parameters for creation
                        $xml +="<$int_trans>$current_value</$int_trans>"
            $body ="data=$xml"
            $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_serviceprofile.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
            if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                Write-Host "Strategy $Name successfully created."
                $strategy_created = Get-LinaStrategy -Name $Name
                # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgentGroup command
                $current_tenant | Set-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
                Return $strategy_created
            } else {
                TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create strategy $Name"
                Return $null
        END { }

function New-LinaAgentGroup {
    Creates a new agent group
    Creates a new agent group with the provided name.
    LinaAgentGroup Object
    Name of the agent group to create
    .PARAMETER Tenant
    Optional : Name of the tenant where the agent group should be created.
    If not provided, agent group will be created in the current tenant.
    In global view (no tenant selected), agent group will be created in the default tenant.
    New-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Test-Group"
    Creates a new agent group in current tenant.
    New-LinaAgent -Name "Test-Group" -Tenant "MyTenant"
    Creates a new agent group in tenant MyTenant

        Write-Host "Creating a Lina agent group named $Name"
        $current_tenant = Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
        if (!$Tenant) {
            if (!$current_tenant -OR $current_tenant.ID -le 1) {
                # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
                $domain =  Get-LinaTenant 6>$null | Where-Object {$_.IsDefault} 
                if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                    # No default Tenant ....
                    Write-Host "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
                Write-Host "No tenant selected, agent group will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
            } else {
                # Using Current tenant
                $domain =  Get-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
                Write-Host "No tenant selected, agent group will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        }else {
            $domain =  Get-LinaTenant 6>$null | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Tenant}
            if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                Write-Host "Error : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
        Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
        # Needs to clarify if ID of hierarchy can be anything else than 1 or not (<ID>1</ID>)
        $body ='data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADDG</Func><Hierarchy><ID>1</ID><Group><Name>'+$Name+'</Name></Group></Hierarchy></HNConfig>'
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_hierarchy.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
        # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgentGroup command
        $current_tenant | Set-LinaCurrentTenant 6>$null
        if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
            Write-Host "Agent group $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
            $agent_created = Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name $Name -Tenant $domain_name
            Return $agent_created
        } else {
            TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create agent group $Name"
            Return $null

function New-LinaTenant {
        Creates a new tenant
        Creates a new tenant with the provided name. Needs to be logged as superadmin in order to work.
        LinaTenant Object
        .PARAMETER Name
        Name of the tenant to create
        .PARAMETER Comments
        Name of the tenant to create
        .PARAMETER Default
        Optional : If set to true, the new tenant will be the default tenant.
        New-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant"
        Creates a new tenant named "Mytenant"

            Write-Host "Creating a new Lina Tenant"

            $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/add_domain.json?name=$name_enc&comment=$comment_enc" -ContentType "application/json"

            if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                $tenant_id = $ 
                Write-Host "Tenant $Name successfully created in Tenant $Name (ID $tenant_id)"
                $tenant_created = Get-LinaTenant -ID $tenant_id
                Return $agent_created
            } else {
                TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create tenant $Name"
                Return $null

function Get-LinaCurrentTenant {
Get the current tenant
Get the current tenant. If current tenant is the Global View (no tenant selected), it will return -1.
Current tenant ID
$current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenant
Get the current tenant ID.

    Write-Verbose "Getting current tenant"
    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/check_session.xml?timestamp=$timestamp"
    $current_tenant_id = [int](([xml]$request).session.effective_domain_id)
    if ($current_tenant_id -eq -1 -OR $current_tenant_id -eq 1) {
        # Notes on tenant numbers : -1 and 0 => Global View, 1 = Root (first level tenant invisible/ contains superadmin and guest). >1 : Second level tenants
        Write-Host "No current tenant selected (ID = -1 or 1). Global view on all tenants."
        Return -1
    }elseif ($current_tenant_id -gt 1) {
        $current_tenant = Get-LinaTenant -ID $current_tenant_id
        $current_tenant_name = $current_tenant.Name 
        Write-Host "Current tenant is $current_tenant_name (ID $current_tenant_id)"
        Return $current_tenant
    } else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "get current tenant"
        Return $null

function Set-LinaCurrentTenant {
Set the current tenant
Set the current tenant. When set, all listings and actions will be executed and filtered inside this tenant.
To set the global view (view across all tenants), use the -All switch.
LinaTenant Object
ID of the tenant to set
Name of the tenant to set
Switch to set the global view (view across all tenants). Available for superadmin only.
Get-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant" | Set-LinaCurrentTenant
Set the current tenant to MyTenant
Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All
Enable global view across all tenants (superadmin only)
Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID 2
Set the current tenant to Tenant with ID 2

    if ($Name) {
        Get-LinaTenant -Name $Name | Set-LinaCurrentTenant
    # All tenants is 1 or -1 (no tenant selected, global view)
    if ($All) {
        $tenant_name="Global View / All Tenants"
    }elseif ($lina_tenant -AND $lina_tenant.ID -ge 1) {
    }elseif (!$ID) {
        $tenant_name="Global View / All Tenants"
    Write-Verbose "Setting current tenant to Tenant ID $ID"
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/domain_set_current.json?domain_id=$ID"
    if ($request.status -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Current tenant has been set to $tenant_name (ID $ID)"
    } else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request.status -FailedAction "to set current tenant to tenant ID $ID"

function Remove-LinaAgent {
Deletes a Lina Agent from a Lina Server.
Deletes a Lina Agent. Unique data will be reclaimed automatically by server after some time (configurable).
Accept pipelining of LinaAgent objects (from Get-LinaAgent for example)
Name of the agent to delete. Wildcards are accepted (don't forget to enable Bulk mode for actions on multiple agents).
No actual deletion will happen if set. It will only display what agents would be deleted.
Sometimes also called "Dry Run mode"
Security parameter to enable deletion of multiple agents. If not set only one agent will be deleted.
Remove-LinaAgent -Name "AGENT132"
Real deletion of a single agent by name
Get-LinaAgent -Name "AGENT132" | Remove-LinaAgent
Same example as #1 but using piped commands
Get-LinaAgent -Name "AGENT1*" | Remove-LinaAgent -Bulk -WhatIf
Simulates deletion of a multiple agents by name (WhatIf mode)
Get-LinaAgent -Name "AGENT1*" | Remove-LinaAgent -Bulk
Real deletion of a multiple agents by name
Get-LinaAgent -ID 164 | Remove-LinaAgent -WhatIf
Simulates deletion of a single agent by ID



        # Do not delete, only show will be done

        # Enable deleting multiple agents
    BEGIN {
        if ($Name) {
            $LinaAgents = Get-LinaAgent -Name $Name 6>$null
        foreach ($LinaAgent in $LinaAgents) {
            # Should be useless now
            If(!$LinaAgent.ID) { return }

            $Name = $LinaAgent.Name
            $delete_id = $LinaAgent.ID

            if ($nb_of_agents_deleted -ge 1 -AND !$Bulk) {
                Write-Host "WARNING : Bulk mode has not been enabled. Agent $Name will not be deleted."

            if (!$delete_id) {
                Write-Host "WARNING : No agent found with this name."
            }else {
                $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>DEL</Func><Client><ID>'+$delete_id+'</ID></Client></HNConfig>'
                if (!$WhatIf) {
                    #$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER/mng_client.html" -Method "POST" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body -WebSession $LoggedSession
                    $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body 
                }else {
                    # WhatIf mode enabled => does not delete agent
                    $request = "WHATIF"
                if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                    Write-Host "Agent $Name successfully deleted."
                } elseif ($request -eq "WHATIF") {
                    Write-Host "Agent $Name will be deleted if not using 'WhatIf' mode"
                }else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "delete agent $Name"
            $nb_of_agents_deleted +=1
    END {}


function Remove-LinaStrategy {
    Deletes a Lina Strategy from a Lina Server.
    Deletes a Lina Strategy.
    Accept pipelining of LinaStrategy objects (from Get-LinaStrategy for example)
    Name of the Strategy to delete. Wildcards are accepted (don't forget to enable Bulk mode for actions on multiple agents).
    No actual deletion will happen if set. It will only display what strategy would be deleted.
    Sometimes also called "Dry Run mode"
    Security parameter to enable deletion of multiple strategies. If not set only one strategy will be deleted.
    Remove-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat"
    Real deletion of a single strategy by name
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat" | Remove-LinaStrategy
    Same example as #1 but using piped commands
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat*" | Remove-LinaStrategy -Bulk -WhatIf
    Simulates deletion of a multiple strategies by name (WhatIf mode)
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat" | Remove-LinaStrategy -Bulk
    Real deletion of a multiple strategies by name

            # Do not delete, only show will be done
            # Enable deleting multiple strategies
        BEGIN {
            if ($Name) {
                $LinaStrategies = Get-LinaStrategy -Name $Name
        PROCESS {
            foreach ($LinaStrategy in $LinaStrategies) {
                # Should be useless now
                If(!$LinaStrategy.ID) { return }
                $Name = $LinaStrategy.Name
                $delete_id = $LinaStrategy.ID
                if ($nb_of_strategies_deleted -ge 1 -AND !$Bulk) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : Bulk mode has not been enabled. Strategy $Name will not be deleted."
                if (!$delete_id) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : No strategy found with this name."
                }else {
                    $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>DEL</Func><ServiceProfile><ID>'+$delete_id+'</ID></ServiceProfile></HNConfig>'
                    if (!$WhatIf) {
                       $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_serviceprofile.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body 
                    }else {
                        # WhatIf mode enabled => does not delete strategy
                        $request = "WHATIF"
                    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                        Write-Host "Strategy $Name successfully deleted."
                    } elseif ($request -eq "WHATIF") {
                        Write-Host "Strategy $Name will be deleted if not using 'WhatIf' mode"
                    }else {
                        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "delete strategy $Name"
                $nb_of_strategies_deleted +=1
        END {}
function Remove-LinaAgentGroup {
    Deletes a Lina Agent Group from a Lina Server.
    Deletes a Lina Agent Group. Agents in this group will go to the "unsorted" group.
    Accept pipelining of LinaAgentGroup objects (from Get-LinaAgentGroup for example)
    Name of the agent group to delete. Wildcards are accepted (don't forget to enable Bulk mode for actions on multiple groups).
    No actual deletion will happen if set. It will only display what agent groups would be deleted.
    Sometimes also called "Dry Run mode"
    Security parameter to enable deletion of multiple agent group. If not set only one group will be deleted.
    Remove-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group132"
    Real deletion of a single agent group by name
    Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group132" | Remove-LinaAgentGroup
    Same example as #1 but using piped commands
    Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Group1*" | Remove-LinaAgentGroup -Bulk -WhatIf
    Simulates deletion of a multiple agent groups by name (WhatIf mode)
    Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name Group1*" | Remove-LinaAgentGroup -Bulk
    Real deletion of a multiple agent groups by name
    Get-LinaAgentGroups -ID 164 | Remove-LinaAgentGroups -WhatIf
    Simulates deletion of a single agent group by ID

            # Do not delete, only show will be done
            # Enable deleting multiple groups
        BEGIN {
            if ($Name) {
                $LinaAgentGroups = Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name $Name
            }elseif (!$LinaAgentGroups) {
                    Write-Host "No agent group to delete."

        PROCESS {

            foreach ($LinaAgentGroup in $LinaAgentGroups) {
                # Should be useless now
                If(!$LinaAgentGroup.ID) { return }
                $Name = $LinaAgentGroup.Name
                $delete_id = $LinaAgentGroup.ID
                If($LinaAgentGroup.InternalName -eq "UNCAT") {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : The default agent group ($Name) cannot be removed."

                if ($nb_of_agentgroups_deleted -ge 1 -AND !$Bulk) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : Bulk mode has not been enabled. Agent group $Name will not be deleted."
                if (!$delete_id) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : No agent group found with this name."
                }else {
                    $body='data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>DELG</Func><Hierarchy><ID>1</ID><Group><ID>'+$delete_id+'</ID></Group></Hierarchy></HNConfig>'
                    if (!$WhatIf) {
                        #$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER/mng_client.html" -Method "POST" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body -WebSession $LoggedSession
                        $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_hierarchy.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body 
                    }else {
                        # WhatIf mode enabled => does not delete agent
                        $request = "WHATIF"
                    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                        Write-Host "Agent group $Name successfully deleted."
                    } elseif ($request -eq "WHATIF") {
                        Write-Host "Agent group $Name will be deleted if not using 'WhatIf' mode"
                    }else {
                        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "delete agent group $Name"
                $nb_of_agentgroups_deleted +=1
        END {}
function Remove-LinaTenant {
    Deletes a Tenant from a Lina Server.
    Deletes a Tenant from a Lina Server.
    Accept pipelining of LinaTenant objects (from Get-LinaTenant for example)
    Name of the Tenant to delete. Wildcards are accepted (don't forget to enable Bulk mode for actions on multiple tenants).
    No actual deletion will happen if set. It will only display what tenants would be deleted.
    Sometimes also called "Dry Run mode"
    Security parameter to enable deletion of multiple tenants. If not set only one tenant will be deleted.
    Remove-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant"
    Real deletion of a single tenant by name
    Get-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant" | Remove-LinaTenant
    Same example as #1 but using piped commands
    Get-LinaTenant -Name "Group1*" | Remove-LinaTenant -Bulk -WhatIf
    Simulates deletion of a multiple Tenants by name (WhatIf mode)
    Get-LinaTenant -Name Group1*" | Remove-LinaTenant -Bulk
    Real deletion of a multiple Tenants by name
    Get-LinaTenant -ID 164 | Remove-LinaTenant -WhatIf
    Simulates deletion of a single Tenant by ID

            # Do not delete, only show will be done
            # Enable deleting multiple groups
        BEGIN {
            if ($Name) {
                $LinaTenants = Get-LinaTenant -Name $Name
        PROCESS {
            foreach ($LinaTenant in $LinaTenants) {
                # Should be useless now
                If(!$LinaTenant.ID) { return }
                $Name = $LinaTenant.Name
                $delete_id = $LinaTenant.ID
                if ($nb_of_tenants_deleted -ge 1 -AND !$Bulk) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : Bulk mode has not been enabled. Tenant $Name will not be deleted."
                if (!$delete_id) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : No Tenant found with this name."
                }else {
                    if (!$WhatIf) {
                        #$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$GLOBAL_LINA_SERVER/mng_client.html" -Method "POST" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body -WebSession $LoggedSession
                        $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/del_domain.json?id=$delete_id" -ContentType "application/json"
                    }else {
                        # WhatIf mode enabled => does not delete agent
                        $request = "WHATIF"
                    if ($request.status -eq 0) {
                        Write-Host "Tenant $Name successfully deleted."
                    } elseif ($request -eq "WHATIF") {
                        Write-Host "Tenant $Name will be deleted if not using 'WhatIf' mode"
                    }else {
                        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request.status -FailedAction "delete Tenant $Name"
                $nb_of_agentgroups_deleted +=1
        END {}
function Set-LinaAgent {
Changes the configuration of an agent.
Changes the configuration of an agent for example its name.
Array of LinaAgent Objects
The modified LinaAgent Objects
New name for the agent. If multiple agent are passed, only the first one will be renamed as names have to be unique.
Change the strategy for this agent
.PARAMETER Protection
Change the protection for this agent
Move the agent to this tenant.
Move the agent to this agent group.
Note : Agent group has to be in the same tenant as the agent or in its new tenant (if Tenant is provided)
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST1" | Set-LinaAgent -NewName "TEST2"
Changes the name of the agent from TEST1 to TEST2
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST1" | Set-LinaAgent -Tenant "MyTenant"
Moves the agent TEST1 to the Tenant MyTenant
Get-LinaAgent -Name "TEST1" | Set-LinaAgent -NewName "TEST2" -Tenant "MyTenant" -Group "MyGroup" -Strategy "MyStrategy" -Protection "MyProtection"
Changes everything at the same time (Name, Tenant, Group, Strategy and Protection)

    BEGIN {

        foreach($LinaAgent in $LinaAgents) {
            $agent_name = $LinaAgent.Name
            $agent_id = $LinaAgent.ID
            $agent_tenantname = $LinaAgent.Tenant
            $timestamp = LinaTimestamp

            if ($NewName) {
                # Renaming Agent => can only be done on one agent at a time
                if ($lina_agents_processed -ge 1) {
                    Write-Host "WARNING : You cannot rename multiple agents with the same name. Agent $agent_name will be ignored."
                }else {
                    Write-Host "Renaming Lina agent named $agent_name to new name $NewName"
                    $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
                    $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>REN</Func><Client><ID>'+$agent_id+'</ID><Name>'+$NewName+'</Name></Client></HNConfig>'
                    $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html?timestamp=$timestamp" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
                    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                        Write-Host "Agent $agent_name successfully renamed to $NewName."
                        $agent_name = $NewName
                    }else {
                        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "Renaming agent $agent_name to new name $NewName"

            if ($Tenant) {
                # Moving to new tenant
                $tenant_id = (Get-LinaTenant -Name $Tenant).ID
                if ($tenant_id -le 1) { 
                    Write-Error "ERROR : No tenant found with this name."
                $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>MOV</Func><Client><ID>'+$agent_id+'</ID><DomainID>'+$tenant_id+'</DomainID><Name>@auto</Name></Client></HNConfig>'
                Write-Host "Moving Lina agent named $agent_name to Tenant $Tenant"
                $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
                $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html?timestamp=$timestamp" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
                if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                    Write-Host "Agent $agent_name successfully moved to Tenant $Tenant."
                    $agent_tenantname = $Tenant
                }else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "Moving agent $Name to Tenant $Tenant"

            if ($Strategy) {
                # Setting a new strategy
                $strategy_id = (Get-LinaStrategy -Name $Strategy).ID
                if ($strategy_id -lt 1) { 
                    Write-Error "ERROR : No Strategy found with this name."
                $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>SET</Func><Client><ID>'+$agent_id+'</ID><ServiceProfileID>'+$strategy_id+'</ServiceProfileID></Client></HNConfig>'
                Write-Host "Assigning strategy $Strategy on Lina agent named $agent_name"
                $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
                $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html?timestamp=$timestamp" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
                if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                    Write-Host "Strategy $Strategy assigned successfully to Agent $agent_name."
                }else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "Assigning strategy $Strategy to agent $Name"

            if ($Protection) {
                # Setting a new strategy
                $protection_id = (Get-LinaProtection -Name $Protection).ID
                if ($protection_id -lt 1) { 
                    Write-Error "ERROR : No Protection found with this name."
                $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>SET</Func><Client><ID>'+$agent_id+'</ID><DataProfileID>'+$protection_id+'</DataProfileID></Client></HNConfig>'
                Write-Host "Assigning protection $Protection on Lina agent named $agent_name"
                $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
                $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html?timestamp=$timestamp" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
                if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                    Write-Host "Protection $Protection assigned successfully to Agent $agent_name."
                }else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "Assigning protection $Protection to agent $Name"

            if ($Group) {
                # Moving to group, filtering to group in the same tenant as the agent to move
                $group_id = (Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name $Group -Tenant $agent_tenantname).ID 
                if ($group_id -le 0) { 
                    Write-Error "ERROR : No group found with this name in the same tenant as the agent."
                $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>SETG</Func><Client><ID>'+$agent_id+'</ID><AttachementArray><Attachement><HierarchyID>1</HierarchyID><GroupID>'+$group_id+'</GroupID></Attachement></AttachementArray></Client></HNConfig>'
                Write-Host "Moving Lina agent named $agent_name to agent group $Group"
                $timestamp = LinaTimestamp
                $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html?timestamp=$timestamp" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
                if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                    Write-Host "Agent $agent_name successfully moved to agent group $Group in Tenant $agent_tenantname."
                }else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "Moving agent $Name to Group $Group in Tenant $agent_tenantname."
            Return Get-LinaAgent -ID $agent_id

    END{ }

function Set-LinaDefaultTenant {
    Changes the configuration of a Tenant.
    Changes the configuration of a tenant for example its Comments.
    LinaTenant Object
    The modified LinaTenant Object
    Get-LinaTenant -ID 2 | Set-LinaDefaultTenant
    Set the Tenant with ID 2 as the default tenant
    Get-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant" | Set-LinaDefaultTenant
    Set the Tenant MyTenant as the default tenant

        PROCESS {

            foreach($Tenant in $LinaTenants) {
                If ($tenants_modified -ge 1) {
                    Write-Host "Warning : Only one tenant can be set as the default one. Only the first one will be set as the default tenant"
                $tenant_name = $Tenant.Name
                $tenant_id = $Tenant.ID
                $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/domain_set_default.json?id=$tenant_id" -ContentType "application/json"
                if ($request.status -eq 0) {
                    Write-Host "Tenant $tenant_name is now the default Tenant"
                    Return Get-LinaTenant -ID $tenant_id
                } else {
                    TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request.status -FailedAction "set tenant $tenant_name as the default tenant"
        END{ }