
function New-LinaAgent {
Creates a new agent.
Creates a new agent with the provided name.
LinaAgent Object
Name of the agent to create
Optional : Name of the tenant where the agent should be created.
If not provided, agent will be created in the current tenant.
In global view (no tenant selected), agent will be created in the default tenant.
Optional : Name of the Lina server node where the agent should be created.
If not provided when in Multi-server mode, the node with least agents will be selected
New-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-CREATE"
Creates a new agent in current tenant.
New-LinaAgent -Name "TEST-CREATE2" -Tenant "MyTenant"
Creates a new agent in tenant MyTenant

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 2)]
    Write-Host2 "Creating a Lina agent named $Name"
    if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
        Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

    $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
    if (!$Tenant) {
        if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
            # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
            if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                # No default Tenant ....
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        else {
            # Using Current tenant
            $domain = Get-LinaTenant -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
    else {
        $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
        $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
        $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
        if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"

    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
    if ($GLOBAL_LINA_SERVERTYPE -eq "master") {
        # Selecting node when in Multi-server
        if ($NodeName) {  
            $node_id = (Get-LinaNode -Name $NodeName | Select-Object -last 1).ID 6>$null
        } else {
            # Automatic selection
            Write-Host2 "No node provided, Server node with least agents will be automatically selected"
            $node_id = (Get-LinaNode | Sort-Object -Property NbAgents -Descending | Select-Object -last 1).ID 6>$null

    if ($node_id) { $server_id="<ServerID>$node_id</ServerID>" } else { $server_id="" }
    $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADD</Func><Client><Name>' + $Name + '</Name>'+$server_id+'</Client></HNConfig>'

    if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -lt 60) {
        # Lina < 6.0
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
    } else {
        # Lina > 6.0
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_client.json" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
    # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgent command
    #Write-Host "Current tenant ID is : "
    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
        Write-Host2 "Agent $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name"
        $agent_created = Get-LinaAgent -Name $Name
        Return $agent_created
    else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create agent $Name"
        Return $null

function New-LinaStrategy {
    Creates a new strategy from scratch or from another one (cloning).
    Creates a new strategy with the provided name and configuration.
    Current limitations : two parameters (gateways where encryption is disabled or WAN mode disabled) are not kept when cloning/creating
    Single LinaStrategy Object or Array of parameters
    LinaStrategy Object
    Name of the strategy to create
    .PARAMETER Tenant
    Optional : Name of the tenant where the new strategy should be created.
    If not provided, strategy will be created in the same tenant as the original (global if not provided)
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat" | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat2"
    Clone the strategy MyStrat to Strat2 in same tenant and keep all settings
    Get-LinaStrategy -Name "MyStrat" | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat2" -Tenant "Customer2"
    Clone the strategy MyStrat to Strat2 in tenant Customer2 and keep all settings
    @{ RPOInMinutes = 1 } | New-LinaStrategy -Name "Strat4"
    Creates a new strategy with default parameters except for RPO.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByObject")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByObject", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByObject", Position = 1)]
    BEGIN {    
        if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
            Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 
        $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
        if ($Tenant) {
            $domain = LinaTenantShort -Name $Tenant 6>$null
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
            Write-Host2 "Creating strategy $Name in Tenant $Tenant"
        elseif ($current_tenant_id -gt 1 ) {
            $tenant_name = (LinaTenantShort -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null).Name
            Write-Host2 "Creating strategy $Name in current Tenant $tenant_name (ID = $current_tenant_id)"
        elseif ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
            # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant instead
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
            if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                # No default Tenant ....
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant to create this strategy."
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, strategy will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADD</Func><ServiceProfile><Name>' + $Name + '</Name>'
        if ($lina_strategy) {
            if ([string]$lina_strategy.GetType() -like "*PSCustomObject*") {
                $items = $lina_strategy.PSObject.Properties
            else {
                $items = $lina_strategy.GetEnumerator()
        foreach ($param in $items) {
            if ([string]$lina_strategy.GetType() -like "*PSCustomObject*") {
                $current_key = $($param.Name)
                $current_value = $($param.Value)
            else {
                $current_key = $param.Key
                $current_value = $param.Value
            switch ($current_key) {
                RPOInMinutes { $current_value = $current_value * 60 }
                AlwaysEncrypt { $current_value = !$current_value }
                AlertAfterDays { $current_value = $current_value * 24 * 3600 }
                QuotaMaxProtSizeMB { $current_value = $current_value * 1024 * 1024 }
                QuotaMaxHistSizeMB { $current_value = $current_value * 1024 * 1024 }
                TenantID { 
                    # Replacing the Tenant with the one provided
                    if ($domain_id -ge 0) { $current_value = $domain_id } 
            # Convert Boolean to 0 or 1
            If ($current_value -eq $True -OR $current_value -eq $false) { $current_value = [int]$current_value }
            # Translate Powershell names to XML tags
            $int_trans = $INT_STRATEGIES_MAPPINGS[$current_key]

            if ($current_key -notin "Name", "ID", "InternalName", "ReplicationTarget", "Tenant" ) {
                # Filter out some parameters for creation
                $xml += "<$int_trans>$current_value</$int_trans>"
        $xml += "</ServiceProfile></HNConfig>"
        $body = "data=$xml"
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_serviceprofile.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
        if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
            Write-Host2 "Strategy $Name successfully created."
            $strategy_created = Get-LinaStrategy -Name $Name
            # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaStrategy command
            if ($Tenant) { Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null }
            Return $strategy_created
        else {
            TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create strategy $Name"
            Return $null
    END { }

function New-LinaAgentGroup {
    Creates a new agent group
    Creates a new agent group with the provided name.
    LinaAgentGroup Object
    Name of the agent group to create
    .PARAMETER Tenant
    Optional : Name of the tenant where the agent group should be created.
    If not provided, agent group will be created in the current tenant.
    In global view (no tenant selected), agent group will be created in the default tenant.
    New-LinaAgentGroup -Name "Test-Group"
    Creates a new agent group in current tenant.
    New-LinaAgent -Name "Test-Group" -Tenant "MyTenant"
    Creates a new agent group in tenant MyTenant

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 1)]
    Write-Host2 "Creating a Lina agent group named $Name"
    if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
        Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 
    $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
    if (!$Tenant) {
        if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
            # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
            if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                # No default Tenant ....
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent group will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        else {
            # Using Current tenant
            $domain = LinaTenantShort -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent group will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
    else {
        $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
        $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
        $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
        if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
    # Hierarchy ID 1 = legacy groups with Lina < 6.0
    # Hierarchy ID 2 = new agent groups with inheritance

    if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -lt 60 ) {
        # Legacy mode
    }else {
        # New agents groups
    $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HNConfig><Func>ADDG</Func><Hierarchy><ID>'+$hierarchy_id+'</ID><Group><Name>' + $Name + '</Name></Group></Hierarchy></HNConfig>'
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/mng_hierarchy.html" -ContentType "application/xml" -Body $body
    # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgentGroup command
    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
        Write-Host2 "Agent group $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        $agent_created = Get-LinaAgentGroup -Name $Name -Tenant $domain_name
        Return $agent_created
    else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create agent group $Name"
        Return $null

function New-LinaTenant {
        Creates a new tenant
        Creates a new tenant with the provided name. Needs to be logged as superadmin in order to work.
        LinaTenant Object
        .PARAMETER Name
        Name of the tenant to create
        .PARAMETER Comments
        Name of the tenant to create
        .PARAMETER Default
        Optional : If set to true, the new tenant will be the default tenant.
        New-LinaTenant -Name "MyTenant"
        Creates a new tenant named "Mytenant"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 1)]

    if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
        Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

    if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -le 60) {
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/check_session.xml"
        $current_tenant_id = [int](([xml]$request).session.effective_domain_id)
    }else {
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/check_session.json"
        $current_tenant_id = $request.effective_domain_id
    if ($current_tenant_id -gt 1) {
        Write-Host2 "WARNING : to create a tenant you should be logged as superadmin and be in the global view (using Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All). Current tenant ID is : $current_tenant_id"
        return ""
    Write-Host2 "Creating a new Lina Tenant"

    $name_enc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Name)
    $comment_enc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Comments)
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/add_domain.json?name=$name_enc&comment=$comment_enc" -ContentType "application/json"

    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
        $tenant_id = $ 
        Write-Host2 "Tenant $Name successfully created (ID $tenant_id)"
        # Going back to global view to be able to list tenants
        Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All 6>$null
        $tenant_created = Get-LinaTenant -ID $tenant_id
        Return $tenant_created
    else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create tenant $Name"
        Set-LinaCurrentTenant -All 6>$null
        Return $null

function New-LinaUserProfile {
            (Deprecated in Lina 6.1+, use Copy-LinaUserGroup instead) Creates a new user profile
            Creates a new user profile with the provided name or using its original name.
            Note : Requires PowerShell 5.0 or greater.
            Single LinaUserProfile Object or Array of parameters
            LinaUserProfile Object
            .PARAMETER Name
            Optional : Name of the User Profile to create. DO NOT pass the name if you pipe multiple User Profiles to the command as only the first one will be created.
            .PARAMETER Tenant
            Optional : Name of the tenant where the user profile should be created.
            If not provided, user profile will be created in the current tenant.
            In global view (no tenant selected), user profile will be created in the default tenant.
            Get-LinaUserProfile -Name "TemplateProfile" | New-LinaUserProfile -Name "MyUserProfile"
            Creates a new user profile in current tenant with same config as TemplateProfile
            Get-LinaUserProfile -Tenant "MyTenant" | Where { $_.BuiltIn -ne $True -AND $_.InternalName -ne "Default" } | New-LinaUserProfile -Tenant 'MyTenant2'
            Clone all custom user profiles from Tenant MyTenant to MyTenant2

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = "ByObject")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByObject", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByObject", Position = 1)]
    BEGIN {
        $nb_of_userprofiles_to_create = 0
        if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
            Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

        if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -ge 61) {
            Write-Warning "UserProfiles are deprecated and have been merged with User Groups. Use Copy-LinaUserGroup instead." 

        foreach ($LinaUserProfile in $LinaUserProfiles) {
            $nb_of_userprofiles_to_create += 1
            # Should be useless now
            If (!$LinaUserProfile.ID) { return }
            if (!$Name) {
                $Name = $LinaUserProfile.Name 
            elseif ($nb_of_userprofiles_to_create -gt 1) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : You cannot use -Name if you pipe multiple user profiles. Remove the -Name option, Original Names will be kept"

            Write-Host2 "Creating a Lina user profile named $Name"
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : This cmdlet requires PowerShell 5.0 or greater in order to work"

            $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
            if (!$Tenant) {
                if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
                    # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
                    $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
                    if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                        # No default Tenant ....
                        Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
                    $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                    $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
                    Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user profile will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
                else {
                    # Using Current tenant
                    $domain = LinaTenantShort -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
                    $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                    $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
                    Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user profile will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
            else {
                $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
                $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
                if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                    Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
            $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
            # Needs to clarify if ID of hierarchy can be anything else than 1 or not (<ID>1</ID>)

            $profilename_exists = Get-LinaUserProfile -Name $Name 6>$null
            if ($Null -ne $profilename_exists) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : A user profile already exists with this name ($Name) in this Tenant"

            if ($LinaUserProfile) {
                $ObjectType = [string]$LinaUserProfile.GetType()
                if ($ObjectType -like "*PSCustomObject*") {
                    $item = $LinaUserProfile.PSObject.Properties
                    $role1 = 0
                    $role2 = 0
                    $role3 = 0
                    $role4 = 0
                    foreach ($param in $item) {
                        if ($ObjectType -like "*PSCustomObject*") {
                            $current_key = $($param.Name)
                            $current_value = $($param.Value)
                        else {
                            $current_key = $param.Key
                            $current_value = $param.Value
                        switch ($current_key) {
                            InternalRoles1 { $role1 = $current_value }
                            InternalRoles2 { $role2 = $current_value }
                            InternalRoles3 { $role3 = $current_value }
                            InternalRoles4 { $role4 = $current_value }
                    $name_enc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Name)

                    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/add_profile.json?name=$name_enc&roles1=$role1&roles2=$role2&roles3=$role3&roles4=$role4" -ContentType "application/json"
                    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
                        $userprofile_id = $ 
                        Write-Host2 "User Profile $Name successfully created (ID $userprofile_id)"
                        $userprofile_created = Get-LinaUserProfile -ID $userprofile_id
                        # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgentGroup command
                        $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
                        Return $userprofile_created
                    else {
                        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create user profile $Name"
                        # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaAgentGroup command
                        $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
                        Return $null
                else {
                    Write-Host2 "ERROR : This method is not supported yet. Please provide an existing UserProfile as input : Get-LinaUserProfile | New-LinaUserProfile"
                    Return $null
                    #$item = $LinaUserProfile.GetEnumerator()
    END { }   

function New-LinaUser {
Creates a new user.
Creates a new user.
The new LinaUser Object
Optional : Name of the tenant where the user should be created.
If not provided, agent will be created in the current tenant.
In global view (no tenant selected), agent will be created in the default tena
Mandatory : Name for the user
Mandatory : Password for the user
Mandatory : Status of the user. Can be $True (Disabled) or $False (Enabled)
Mandatory : User group (and user profile) for the user
Note : User group has to be in the same tenant as the user
New-LinaUser -Name "MyUser" -Tenant "MyTenant" -Password "V3ryS3CuRe$" -UserGroup "Groupe d'utilisateurs administrateurs"
Creates a new user MyUser in Tenant MyTenant. By default, newly created users are enabled and can log in.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        Write-Host2 "Creating a user $Name"
        if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
            Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

        $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
        if (!$Tenant) {
            if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
                # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
                $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
                if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                    # No default Tenant ....
                    Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
                $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
                Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
            else {
                # Using Current tenant
                $domain = Get-LinaTenant -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
                $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
                Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        else {
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
        $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
        $user_group = Get-LinaUserGroup -Name $UserGroup
        if ($user_group) {
            $user_group_id = $user_group.ID
        }else {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No user group found with name ($UserGroup) in Tenant $domain_name. Please input the exact name of the user group"

        $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/add_user.json?user=$name_enc&pass=$pass_enc&type=1&ug_id=$user_group_id" -ContentType "application/json"
        # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaUser command
        if ($request.status -eq 0) {
            Write-Host2 "User $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name"
            $user_created = Get-LinaUser -ID $request.ID
            $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
            Return $user_created
        else {
            TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create user $Name in Tenant $domain_name"
            Return $null

function New-LinaUserGroup {
Creates a new user group.
Creates a new user group.
The new LinaUserGroup Object
Optional : Name of the tenant where the user group should be created.
If not provided, user group will be created in the current tenant.
In global view (no tenant selected), agent will be created in the default tena
Mandatory : Name for the User Group
.PARAMETER UserProfile
Mandatory : User profile for the user
Note : User profile has to be in the same tenant as the user group
New-LinaUserGroup -Name "MyUserGroup" -Tenant "MyTenant" -UserProfile "Profil administrateur"
Creates a new user groupe MyUserGroup in Tenant MyTenant using User Profile "Profil administrateur"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    Write-Host2 "Creating a user group $Name"
    if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
        Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

    if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -ge 61) {
        Write-Warning "This cmdlet is not yet supported in Lina 6.1+. Use Copy-LinaUserGroup instead." 
        $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
        if (!$Tenant) {
            if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
                # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
                $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
                if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                    # No default Tenant ....
                    Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
                $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
                Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user group will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
            else {
                # Using Current tenant
                $domain = Get-LinaTenant -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
                $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
                $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
                Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, user group will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        else {
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"
        $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null
        $user_profile = Get-LinaUserProfile -Name $UserProfile
        if ($user_profile) {
            $user_profile_id = $user_profile.ID
        }else {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No user profile found with name ($UserGroup) in Tenant $domain_name. Please input the exact name of the user profile"

        $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/add_user_group.json?name=$name_enc" -ContentType "application/json"
        if ($request.status -eq 0) {
            $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADM/attach_prof_to_ug.json?prof_id=$user_profile_id&ug_id=$usergroup_id" -ContentType "application/json"
            if ($request.status -eq 0) {
                Write-Host2 "User group $Name successfully created in Tenant $domain_name"
                $usergroup_created = Get-LinaUserGroup -ID $usergroup_id
                # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New- command
                $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null
                Return $usergroup_created
            else {
                TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "attaching user group $Name to user profile $UserProfile in Tenant $domain_name"
                Return $null
        else {
            TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create user group $Name in Tenant $domain_name"
            Return $null

function New-LinaCrossRestoreToken {
Creates a new cross restore token.
Creates a cross restore token code to access backups of an agent for define period.
The new LinaCrossRestoreToken Object
Mandatory : Name of the agent.
Note : this command currently supports only one agent at a time.
Optional : Period of validity (provided as a valid TimeSpan).
Note : It must be less or equal to 1 year. If not provided, token will be valid forever.
.PARAMETER ExpirationDate
Optional : Expiration date for the token (provided as a valid Date).
Note : It must be a date no further than 1 year. If not provided, token will be valid forever.
New-LinaCrossRestoreToken -AgentName "MyAgent"
Creates a new cross restore token valid forever for agent MyAgent
$expire_in = New-TimeSpan -Hours 10
New-LinaCrossRestoreToken -AgentName "MyAgent" -ExpiresIn $expire_in
Creates a new cross restore token valid 10 hours for agent MyAgent
$expdate = Get-Date -Year 2022 -Month 5 -Day 10
New-LinaCrossRestoreToken -AgentName "MyAgent" -ExpirationDate $expdate
Creates a new cross restore token valid until 2022/05/10 for agent MyAgent
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NoExpiration",Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByExpiresIn",Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByExpirationDate",Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByExpiresIn",Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByExpirationDate",Mandatory = $true)]

        Write-Host2 "Creating a new cross restore tokens for Agent $AgentName"
        if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
            Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 
        if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -lt 52 ) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : This feature is only available on Lina 5.2+"
            Return $Null

        $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null

        # Supports only one agent. AgentName is also unique across tenants
        $lina_agent = Get-LinaAgent -Name "$AgentName"
        if ($lina_agent.Count -gt 1 ) {
            # More than 1 agent
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : Multiple agents are not supported. Please provide a single agent name."

        if ( !$lina_agent) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No agent found with name $AgentName. Please input the exact name of the Agent"
        # Validity should be provided as number of milliseconds from now
        if ($ExpiresIn) {
            # Validity is a period of time
            $validity_time = [math]::Truncate($ExpiresIn.TotalMilliseconds)
        }elseif ($ExpirationDate) {
             # Validity is a date
            $validity_time = [math]::Truncate((New-TimeSpan -End $ExpirationDate).TotalMilliseconds)
        }else {
            # No parameter = Valid forever
            $validity_time = 0

        if ($validity_time -gt ((New-TimeSpan -Days 365).TotalMilliseconds)) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : Token validity cannot exceed one year."

        if ($lina_agent.TenantID -ne $current_tenant_id) {
            # Need to switch to same tenant to be able to create the token
            $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $lina_agent.TenantID 6>$null

        $body = 'data=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Params><ValidityTime>' + $validity_time + '</ValidityTime><AgentArray><Agent><ID>' + $lina_agent.ID + '</ID><Name>' + $lina_agent.Name + '</Name></Agent></AgentArray></Params>'
        $request = CallAPI -Path "/security_cross_newtoken.json" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body

        if ($request.status -eq 0) {
            $token = Get-LinaCrossRestoreToken -ID $
            Write-Host2 "SUCCESS : Cross Restore token $($token.Code) (ID $($token.ID)) created for agent $AgentName, Exp. Date : $($token.ExpirationDate) (in approx $($token.ExpiresIn))"
        }else {
            TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create cross restore token for agent $AgentName with validity time = $validity_time"
        $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null

function New-LinaTag {
Creates a new tag
Creates a new tag with the provided name.
LinaTag Object
Name of the Tag to create
Optional : Name of the tenant where the tag should be created.
If not provided, tag will be created in the current tenant.
In global view (no tenant selected), tag will be created in the default tenant.
Optional : Colors of the tag. First color is for text, second color is for background
Default value is #4c4c4c/#CDCDCD (dark grey on light grey)
New-LinaTag -Name "MyTag" -Colors "#FFFFFF/#000000"
Creates a new tag named "MyTag" with white text and black background in default tenant

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Name", Position = 1)]

    if ($global:GLOBAL_LINA_CONNECTED -eq $False) { 
        Write-Error "$($global:GLOBAL_DISCONNNECTED_MESSAGE)" 

    if ($global:INT_LINA_API_VERSION -lt 60) {
        Write-Host2 "WARNING : Tags are not available in Lina versions below 6.0."

    $current_tenant_id = Get-LinaCurrentTenantID 6>$null
    if (!$Tenant) {
        if ($current_tenant_id -le 1) {
            # No current tenant (global view) => using default tenant
            $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault } 
            if ($domain.ID -le 1) {
                # No default Tenant ....
                Write-Host2 "ERROR : There is no default tenant. Please select a tenant."
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent will be created in default tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
        else {
            # Using Current tenant
            $domain = Get-LinaTenant -ID (Get-LinaCurrentTenantID) 6>$null
            $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
            $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name            
            Write-Host2 "No tenant selected, agent will be created in current tenant $domain_name (ID $domain_id)"
    else {
        $domain = LinaTenantShort 6>$null | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Tenant }
        $domain_id = [int]$domain.ID
        $domain_name = [string]$domain.Name
        if ( !($domain_id -gt 0) ) {
            Write-Host2 "ERROR : No tenant found with name $Tenant. Please input the exact name of the Tenant"

    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $domain_id 6>$null

    if ($Colors) {
        Write-Host2 "Creating a new Lina Tag with name $Name and colors $tag_colors"
    }else {
        Write-Host2 "Creating a new Lina Tag with name $Name and default colors ($tag_colors)"

    $name_enc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Name)
    $colors_enc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($tag_colors)
    $request = CallAPI -Path "/ADE/tag/add.json?name=$name_enc&color=$colors_enc" -Method Get

    # Setting back the current tenant to what it was before the New-LinaTag command
    $void = Set-LinaCurrentTenant -ID $current_tenant_id 6>$null

    if ([string]$request -like "*[0]*") {
        Write-Host2 "Tag $Name successfully created (ID $tag_id)"
        $tag_created = Get-LinaTag -ID $tag_id
        Return $tag_created
    }else {
        TranslateErrorCode -LinaError $request -FailedAction "create tag $Name"
        Return $null