
using module .\Atlassian.Bitbucket.Repository.psm1
using module .\Atlassian.Bitbucket.Repository.Deployment.psm1
using module .\Atlassian.Bitbucket.Repository.Environment.psm1

        Build a report of deployments for all repos in a project
        Build a report of deployments for all repos in a project
        C:\PS> Get-BitbucketRepository -ProjectKey 'KEY' | Get-BitbucketProjectDeploymentReport
        # Get the JSON report
        C:\PS> Get-BitbucketRepository -ProjectKey 'ZEUS' | Get-BitbucketProjectDeploymentReport -Format HTML | Out-File C:\Temp\report.html
        # Generate and save the HTML report.
        Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.
        Repos used to build the report. Pipeline in input from Get-BitbucketRepository.
    .PARAMETER Environments
        The environments used to generate the deployment report.
    .PARAMETER Format
        Return the report in JSON or HTML format.

function Get-BitbucketProjectDeploymentReport {
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.')]
        [string]$Team = (Get-BitbucketSelectedTeam),
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Repos used to build the report. Use the Get-BitbucketRepo command.')]
        [string[]]$Environments = ('Test', 'Staging', 'Production'),
        [ValidateSet('JSON', 'HTML')]
        [string]$Format = 'JSON'
        $content = @()
        $_repos = @()
        $_repos += $Repo
        for ($r = 0; $r -lt $_repos.Count; $r++) {
            $_repo = $_repos[$r]
            Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Getting Deployments for Repo: $($" -PercentComplete ((($r + 1) / $_repos.Count)*100)
            $_env = Get-BitbucketRepositoryEnvironment -Team $Team -RepoSlug $_repo.slug | Where-Object {$_.Name -in $Environments}

            $envList = @()

            for ($e = 0; $e -lt $_env.Count; $e++) {
                Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Environment: $($_env[$e].name)" -PercentComplete ((($e + 1) / $_env.Count)*100)
                $Fields = ('values.deployable.commit.message', '', '')
                $deployment = Get-BitbucketRepositoryDeployment -Team $Team -RepoSlug $_repo.slug -EnvironmentUUID $_env[$e].uuid -Limit 1 -Fields $Fields

                    $envList += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        EnvironmentName = $_env[$e].name
                        State = $
                        Status = $
                        Commit = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            Hash = $deployment.deployable.commit.hash
                            Message = $deployment.deployable.commit.message
                            Date = $
                            Author = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                User = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                    DisplayName = $
                        Pipeline = $
                        URL = $deployment.release.url
                        Time = $deployment.last_update_time

            $content += [PSCustomObject]@{
                RepoName = $
                Environments = $envList

        switch ($Format) {
            'HTML' {
                return Get-BitbucketProjectDeploymentReportHTML -Environments $Environments -Content $Content
            Default {
                return $content

function Get-BitbucketProjectDeploymentReportHTML {
        [string[]]$Environments = ('Dev','Test', 'Staging', 'Production'),

    $HTMLReport = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Templates\DeploymentReport.html"
    $HTMLRow = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Templates\DeploymentReportRow.html"
    $HTMLCell = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Templates\DeploymentReportCell.html"

    $rowID = 1
    $rows = @()

    # Build each row
    foreach ($repo in $content) {
        # Build each Cell
        $cells = @()
        $previous = -1

        foreach ($env in $Environments) {
            $deployment = $repo.environments | Where-Object {$_.EnvironmentName -eq $env}

            # Attempt to grab the pipeline run
            [int]$current = 0
                [int]::TryParse($deployment.Pipeline.Replace('#',''), [ref]$current) | Out-Null

            if($previous -ne -1){
                if($previous -gt $current){
                    $cells += '<div class="compare gt">&gt;</div>'
                }elseif($previous -eq $current){
                    $cells += '<div class="compare">=</div>'
                    $cells += '<div class="compare lt">&lt;</div>'

            $previous = $current

                # Calculate Status
                if($deployment.State -eq 'COMPLETED'){
                    $status = $deployment.Status
                    $status = $deployment.State

                $cells += $HTMLCell.
                    Replace('##ROW_ID##', $rowID).
                    Replace('##ENVIRONMENT_NAME##', $env).
                    Replace('##COMMIT_MESSAGE##', $deployment.Commit.Message).
                $cells += $HTMLCell.
                    Replace('##ROW_ID##', $rowID).
                    Replace('##ENVIRONMENT_NAME##', $env).
                    Replace('##STATUS##', 'BLANK').
                    Replace('##URL##', '').
                    Replace('##PIPELINE##', '').
                    Replace('##COMMIT_HASH##', '').
                    Replace('##COMMIT_MESSAGE##', '').
                    Replace('##TIME##', '')
        $rows += $HTMLRow.
            Replace('##ROW_ID##', $rowID).
            Replace('##REPO##', $repo.RepoName).
            Replace('##CELLS##', $cells)

        $rowID += 1

    return $HTMLReport.
        Replace('##DATE##', (Get-Date).ToString()).
        Replace('##ROWS##', $rows)