
function New-JIRAComponent {
            Creates a JIRAComponent objects.
            The New-JIRAComponent cmdlet creates a JIRAComponent object based on specified input.
        .PARAMETER Uri
            Specifies the url to be used to retrieve the JIRAComponent object.
        .PARAMETER Session
            Specifies the AtlassianSession to use to perform this task.
            If none is specified Get-AtlassianSession is called.
            C:\PS> New-JIRAComponent -Uri '/rest/api/2/component/10000' -Session $Session
            Gets the component with id 10000
            None or System.String
            A JIRAComponent object is retrieved using the Uri parameter
            Returns a JIRAComponent object.

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true
        [System.String] $Uri,
            Mandatory = $false
        [AtlassianSession] $Session = (Get-AtlassianSession)
    Begin {
        # Helper Functions
        function Get-JIRAComponentObject {
                    Mandatory = $true
                )][System.String] $Uri
            $method = 'GET'
            Invoke-APIRequest -Method $method -Uri $Uri -Session $Session | % {
                New-Object -TypeName JIRAComponent -Property @{
                    Self                = $_.self
                    Id                  = $
                    Name                = $
                    Description         = $_.description
                    IsAssigneeTypeValid = [System.Boolean]$_.isAssigneeTypeValid
    Process {
        if ($Uri) {
            $outpuObject = Get-JIRAComponentObject -Uri $Uri
        if ($outpuObject) {
        } else {
            throw 'No result for request'
    End {}