
class AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Self

class JIRAComponent : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.String] $Description

    [System.Nullable[System.Boolean]] $IsAssigneeTypeValid

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return $this.Name
class JIRAIssueType : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.String] $Description
    [System.Nullable[System.Boolean]] $IsSubTask

    [System.String] $AvatarId
    [System.String] $IconUrl

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return $this.Name
class JIRAUser : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Key
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.String] $DisplayName

    [System.Nullable[System.Boolean]] $IsActive
    #[System.String[]] $AvatarUrls

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ('{0} ({1})' -f $this.DisplayName, $this.Name)
class JIRAVersion : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.String] $Description

    [System.Boolean] $IsArchived
    [System.String] $IsReleased

    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $StartDate
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $ReleaseDate
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $UserStartDate
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $UserReleaseDate

    [System.String] $ProjectId

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return $this.Name

class JIRAProject : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $Key
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.String] $Description
    [JIRAUser] $Lead
    [JIRAComponent[]] $Components
    [JIRAIssueType[]] $IssueTypes
    [JIRAVersion[]] $Versions
    [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Roles
    [System.String] $Type

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ('{0} ({1})' -f $this.Name, $this.Key)

class JIRAIssue : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $Key

    [JIRAProject] $Project
    [JIRAIssueType] $IssueType
    [JIRAVersion[]] $Versions
    [JIRAVersion[]] $FixVersions
    [JIRAComponent[]] $Components
    [JIRAUser] $Creator
    [JIRAUser] $Reporter
    [JIRAUser] $Assignee
    [JIRAUser[]] $Watchers
    [JIRAUser[]] $Voters
    [JIRAIssueWorklog[]] $WorkLog
    [JIRAIssueComment[]] $Comments
    [JIRAIssue[]] $SubTasks
    [System.String] $Summary
    [System.String] $Description
    [System.Nullable[TimeSpan]] $TimeSpent
    [System.Nullable[TimeSpan]] $TotalTimeSpent
    [System.Nullable[TimeSpan]] $RemainingEstimate
    [System.String] $Status
    [System.String] $Priority
    [System.String] $Flagged
    [System.String] $Sprint

    [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Fields

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ('{0} ({1})' -f $this.Name, $this.Key)

class JIRAIssueWorklog : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [System.String] $IssueId
    [JIRAUser] $Author
    [JIRAUser] $UpdateAuthor
    [System.String] $Comment
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $Created
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $Updated
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $Started
    [System.Nullable[TimeSpan]] $TimeSpent

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ("{0}: {1} ({2:HH\:mm\:ss})" -f $this.Author.DisplayName, $this.Comment, $this.TimeSpent)
class JIRAIssueComment : AtlassianObject {
    [System.String] $Id
    [JIRAUser] $Author
    [JIRAUser] $UpdateAuthor
    [System.String] $Body
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $Created
    [System.Nullable[System.DateTime]] $Updated

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ("{0}: {1}" -f $this.Author.DisplayName, $this.Body)

class AtlassianSession {
    hidden [System.String] $DefaultFileExtension = '.enc.xml'
    hidden [System.String] $DefaultFileBaseName = 'AtlassianSession'
    hidden [System.String] $DefaultFileName = ('{0}{1}' -f $this.DefaultFileBaseName, $this.DefaultFileExtension)
    [System.String] $Server
    [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential

    [System.String] ToString() {
        return ('{0} ({1})' -f $this.Server, $this.Credential.UserName)

    [System.IO.FileInfo] Save() {
        return $this.Save($null)
    [System.IO.FileInfo] Save([System.String]$Path) {
        return $this.Save($Path, $false)
    [System.IO.FileInfo] Save([System.String]$Path, [System.Boolean]$Force) {
        # Check Session
        if (-not ($this.Server -and $this.Credential)) {
            Throw "Something Wrong with your Session"

        # Check Path
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) {
            Write-Warning "Empty path.`nDefault values will be used."
            $Path = $this.DefaultFileName
        } else {
            if (Test-Path -Path $Path) {
                # The path exists
                if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) {
                    # The path is a folder
                    Write-Warning "Path targets a folder.`nDefault file name values will be used."
                    $Path = Join-Path $Path $this.DefaultFileName
                } else {
                    # The path is a file
                    if (-not ((Get-Item -Path $Path).Name).EndsWith($this.DefaultFileExtension)) {
                        # The file does not have the correct extension
                        Write-Warning ('File should use {0} as extension.`nDefault extension will be used.' -f $this.DefaultFileExtension)
                        $name = (Get-Item $Path).Name
                        if ($name.IndexOf('.') -ge 0) {
                            $Path = Join-Path (Split-Path $Path) (($name.Substring(0, $name.IndexOf('.'))) + $this.DefaultFileExtension)
                        } else {
                            $Path = Join-Path (Split-Path $Path) ($name + $this.DefaultFileExtension)
                        if (-not $Force) {
                            # The file should not be overwritten
                            throw "File already exists.`nUse the Force switch to overwrite an existing file."
            } else {
                # The path does not exist
                if (-not (Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf).EndsWith($this.DefaultFileExtension)) {
                    # The file does not have the correct extension
                    Write-Warning ('File should use {0} as extension.`nDefault extension will be used.' -f $this.DefaultFileExtension)
                    $name = (Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf)
                    if ($name.IndexOf('.') -ge 0) {
                        $Path = Join-Path (Split-Path $Path) (($name.Substring(0, $name.IndexOf('.'))) + $this.DefaultFileExtension)
                    } else {
                        $Path = Join-Path (Split-Path $Path) ($name + $this.DefaultFileExtension)
        # Create temporary object to be serialized to disk
        $export = New-Object PSObject  

        # Give object a type name which can be identified later
        $export.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'ExportedAtlassianSession')
        $export | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Server -Value $this.Server
        $export | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Username -Value $this.Credential.Username

        # Encrypt SecureString password using Data Protection API
        # Only the current user account can decrypt this cipher
        $export | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EncryptedPassword -Value ($this.Credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString)

        # Export using the Export-Clixml cmdlet
        $export | Export-Clixml $Path -Force:$Force

        # Return FileInfo object referring to saved credentials
        return Get-Item $Path