
using namespace system;
using namespace;

Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Net'
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Net.Http'

. $PSScriptRoot\SessionManager.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\CsvDataExtractor.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\FileSystem.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Exception.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Downloader.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Reporter.ps1

Function Get-DigitalObjects {
    Batch-download digital objects from AtoM Archive.
    Downloads any digital object uploaded to an AtoM archive using a CSV. The CSV should have a
    column named digitalObjectURI containing one or more URIs to digital objects
    existing in AtoM. Ideally, the CSV will be one imported from AtoM itself, so as to be more sure
    that there are no errors with the links.
    .PARAMETER CsvFile
    A path to a CSV file containing a digitalObjectURI column
    .PARAMETER DestinationFolder
    A path to a folder to download the digital objects into. Uses a folder named 'DigitalObjects'
    in the current folder if this parameter is not specified
    .PARAMETER ReadOnly
    Use this option if the AtoM instance is read-only, and does not need an account to log in to
    access objects.
    .PARAMETER Compress
    Compress the digital objects into a zip file after downloading. Deletes the original folder
    after compressing
    .PARAMETER RequireF5Login
    Require the user to enter credentials to an F5 load balancer before attempting to log in to
    .PARAMETER Checksums
    Load checksums from digitalObjectChecksum and verify them against the downloaded files.
    None. You cannot pipe input to Get-DigitalObjects
    Outputs a download report suitable to be piped to a text file. If output is not piped, the
    report will be printed to stdout.
    Download files specified in object.csv into the default folder, without compressing:
    PS> Get-DigitalObjects -CsvFile object.csv
    Download files specified in object.csv into a folder called "OBJ", and compress after finishing:
    PS> Get-DigitalObjects -CsvFile object.csv -DestinationFolder OBJ -Compress

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateScript({ If (Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        Else {
            Throw "$_ does not exist or is not a file"






    Try {
        If (-Not $DestinationFolder) {
            $DestinationFolder = 'DigitalObjects'

        If ($Checksums) {
            [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Uris = GetUrisFromCsv -CsvFile $CsvFile -WithChecksums
        Else {
            [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Uris = GetUrisFromCsv -CsvFile $CsvFile

        $FirstUri = $Uris[0].Uri
        $AtomUrl = $FirstUri.Scheme + '://' + $FirstUri.Host
        Write-Host "Found $($Uris.Count) files to download from $($AtomUrl).`n"

        If ($RequireF5Login) {
            $Session = LoginToF5LoadBalancer -AtomUrl $AtomUrl
        Else {
            $Session = GetSession -AtomUrl $AtomUrl

        If (-Not $ReadOnly) {
            LoginToAtom -AtomUrl $AtomUrl -WebSession $Session

        CreateDestinationFolder $DestinationFolder
        Write-Host "`nStarting Downloads"

        If ($Checksums) {
            $Result = DownloadFiles -Uris $Uris `
                                    -DestinationFolder $DestinationFolder `
                                    -AuthenticatedSession $Session `
        Else {
            $Result = DownloadFiles -Uris $Uris `
                                    -DestinationFolder $DestinationFolder `
                                    -AuthenticatedSession $Session

        If ($Result.FilesFound.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "`nNone of the files in the CSV could be downloaded." -ForegroundColor Red
        ElseIf ($Compress) {
            $Archive = CompressFolder -Folder $DestinationFolder
            If ($Archive) {
                Write-Host "`nFiles were downloaded and compressed to '$Archive'"
        Else {
            Write-Host "`nFiles were downloaded to '$DestinationFolder'"
        WriteDownloadReport $Result
    Catch [HttpRequestException] {
        Write-Host "`nHttp Request Exception:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red
    Catch [DestinationException] {
        Write-Host "`nDestination folder issue:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red
    Catch [LoginException] {
        Write-Host "`nCould not login:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red
    Catch [UriLoadException] {
        Write-Host "`nIssue with loading URIs from CSV:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red
    Catch [CsvReadException] {
        Write-Host "`nIssue with reading CSV file:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red
    Catch [MultipleDomainException] {
        Write-Host "`nMultiple domain URLs found in CSV:" -ForegroundColor Red
        ForEach($Domain in $_.Exception.Domains) {
            Write-Host " $Domain" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`nOnly one domain is allowed to be present in the file."

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-DigitalObjects'