
function Compile-AzureDSCConfig {

Compiles new Azure DSC Configs.
Compiles new Azure DSC Configs.
Config's and their associated files should be setup this way where the config name is ExampleDSC_config
# This file should contain the DSC configuration:
Configuration ExampleDSC_config {
    Import-DscResource –ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
    Node $AllNodes {
        Registry RegistryExample
            Ensure = "Present" # You can also set Ensure to "Absent"
            Key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ExampleKey"
            ValueName = "TestValue"
            ValueData = "TestData"
# This file should contain the Node configuration information
    $AllNodes = @{
            NodeName = "Server-123"
            Role = "management"
            OS = "Windows NT"
            ExampleToPass = "Details"
            NodeName = "Server-456"
            Role = "Web-Server"
            OS = "Windows NT"
            ExampleToPass = "OtherDetails"
# This file should contain a hastable of any parameters to pass into the compile process
# If no params are needed just create an empty params.ps1 file.
    Param1 = 'Value1';
    Param2 = 'Value2'
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
Input the Resource Group Name of the Azure Resource Group this DSC config will be published to.
.PARAMETER AutomationAccountName
Input the Automation Account Name of the Azure Automation account this DSC config will be published to.
.PARAMETER ConfigFullFilePath
Input the full file path to the main DSC config.
Ex. D:\somefolder\somebin\ExampleDSC_config.ps1
Compile-AzureDSCConfig -ResourceGroupName DSCExampleGroup -AutomationAccountName DSCExampleAccount -ConfigFullFilePath D:\somefolder\somebin\ExampleDSC_config.ps1


    Param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-path $_})]

        # check to see if local token exists (ran Login-AzureRMAccount)
        if (($null -eq (Get-AzureRmContext).Account)) {
            Write-Warning "Please run < Login-AzureRMAccount > first to create a session token...exiting."

        # Create file variables based on $configfilepath
        try {
            #get parent directory
            $ItemInfo = get-item $ConfigFullFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
            $ConfigPath = ($ItemInfo).Directory.FullName
            $ConfigName = ($ItemInfo).Name.Split(".")[0]
            $ConfigFileName = ($ItemInfo).Name
            $ConfigDataFileName = "$ConfigName" + "Data.psd1"
            $ConfigParamsFileName = $ConfigName.Split("_")[0] + "_params.ps1"
            Write-Verbose $ConfigPath
            Write-Verbose $ConfigName
            Write-Verbose $ConfigDataFileName
            Write-Verbose $ConfigParamsFileName
            Throw ("Please verify the file name and path $ConfigFullFilePath is correct. This file seems to be inaccesible. `r `n" +
                "The root folder should contain files like this: `r `n" +
                "ExampleDSC_config.ps1 `r `n" +
                "ExampleDSC_configData.psd1 `r `n" +
                "ExampleDSC_params.ps1 `r `n" +

        #Setup and test vars for each portion of the config file
        try {
            if ((Test-Path ($ConfigPath + "\" + $ConfigDataFileName)) -eq $false){
                throw "$($ConfigPath + "\" + $ConfigDataFileName) seems to be missing."
            Write-Verbose ($ConfigPath + "\" + $ConfigDataFileName)
            Throw ("Please verify the file name $ConfigDataFileName is correct. This file seems to be missing. `r `n" +
                "The folder $ConfigPath should contain these files based on your config name of $ConfigName : `r `n" +
                "$ConfigName.ps1 `r `n" +
                "$ConfigName" + "Data.psd1 `r `n" +
                 $ConfigName.Split("_")[0] + "_params.ps1 `r `n" +

        try {
            if ((Test-Path ($ConfigPath + '\' + $ConfigParamsFileName)) -eq $false){
                throw "$($ConfigPath + '\' + $ConfigParamsFileName) seems to be missing."
            $ParamPath = ($ConfigPath + '\' + $ConfigParamsFileName)
            Write-Verbose $ParamPath
            if ((Get-Content $ParamPath).Length -ne 0){
                $ConfigParameters = . $ParamPath
                $ConfigParameters = $null
        catch {
            Write-Error ("Please verify the file name $ConfigParamsFileName is correct. This file seems to be missing. `r `n" +
                "The folder $ConfigPath should contain files like this based on your config name of $ConfigName : `r `n" +
                "$ConfigName.ps1 `r `n" +
                "$ConfigName" + "Data.psd1 `r `n" +
                 $ConfigName.Split("_")[0] + "_params.ps1 `r `n" +

        # build configLiteralPath
        Try {
            $ConfigLiteralPath = Get-ChildItem $ConfigPath -Include $ConfigFileName -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
            $ConfigLiteralPath = $ConfigLiteralPath.FullName
        Catch {
        Try {
            $localconfig = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $ConfigPath -FileName $configdatafilename -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {
        Try {
            Import-AzureRmAutomationDscConfiguration -SourcePath $ConfigLiteralPath -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Published -Force -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {
        Try {
            if ($null -eq $ConfigParameters) {
                $compile = Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ConfigurationName $ConfigName -ConfigurationData $localconfig -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                $compile = Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ConfigurationName $ConfigName -ConfigurationData $localconfig -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Parameters $ConfigParameters -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {

        Do {
            Try {
                $localcompilejob = Get-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Id $compile.Id -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
                Write-Verbose "Compilation job for $($compile.ConfigurationName) not complete."
                Write-Verbose "Status is $($localcompilejob.Status)"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 -Verbose
            Catch {
        Until (($localcompilejob.Status -eq 'Completed') -or ($localcompilejob.Status -eq 'Suspended'))
        if (($localcompilejob.Status -eq 'Completed')) {
            return $localcompilejob
        else {
            throw "Compilation job did not complete successfully and finished with status $($localcompilejob.Status)"