
function Set-AzureResourceTags {

Set standard tags for a given Azure resource, or multiple Azure resources
Set-AzureResourceTags cmdlet sets standard tags for a given Azure resource, or multiple Azure resources. Input is a json data, which can be built manually or converted form a csv file.
.PARAMETERS jsonObject
Use following data structure (only 'Resource Name' and 'Resource Type' are mandatory for Azure resource correlation, the rest are entirely custom tag key/value pairs):
        "Resource Name": "",
        "Resource Role": "",
        "Resource Type": "",
        "Resource Class": "",
        "Primary Contact": "",
        "Cost Center": "",
        "Business Value": "",
        "Notes": ""
$<VariableName> = Import-Csv <CSVfilepath>
$<VariableName1> = $<VariableName> | ConvertTo-Json
Set-AzureResourceTags -jsonobject $<VariableName1> -subscriptionname <SubscriptionName> -Verbose


    Param (


        [bool]$replace = $false


        # check to see if local token exists (ran Login-AzureRMAccount)
        if (($null -eq (Get-AzureRmContext).Account)) {
            Write-Warning "Please run < Login-AzureRMAccount > first to create a session token...exiting."
        # convert json literal string to system.object
        Try {
            $targetresources = $jsonobject | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {

        $currentsubscription = (Get-AzureRmContext).subscription.Name

        if (($null -eq $currentsubscription)) {
            Write-Warning "No subscription selected. Run Select-AzureRMSubscription to target a specific subscription, before running this tool again."
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Current subscription is '$currentsubscription'. "

        # get resources in current subscription and reconcile with input data
        Try {
            $resources = Get-AzureRmResource -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {
        $resourcesnotfound = @()
        $foundresources = @()
        $targetresources | ForEach-Object {

        Write-Debug "validating resource name $($_.'resource name')"
            if ("$($_.'Resource Name')" -in $ {
                Write-Verbose "Found $($_.'Resource Name') in current subscription's resources"
                $foundresources += $_
            elseif ($_."resource name" -notin $ {
                Write-Warning "$($_.'Resource Name') not found in current subscription's resource list"
                $resourcesnotfound += $_
            else {
                Write-Warning "resource reconciliation condition failed"
        } # end foreach jsonobject loop

        # replace exiting values
        if (($replace -eq $true)) {
            foreach ($resource in $foundresources) {
                $totag = $resources | Where-Object {($ -eq "$($resource.'Resource Name')" -and ($_.resourcetype -eq "$($resource.'resource type')"))}
                if (($totag).count -ge 2) {
                    Write-Warning "Multiple resources found using resource name of $($resource.'Resource Name') and type of $($resource.'Resource Type'). Remediate the resource below manually."

                # convert pscustomobject to hashtable to enumerate keys/values
                $resource = $resource | Select-Object -Property "Cost Center", "Owner Email", "Last Active Date", "Service", "tenant", "Last30DaysCost", "Role", "Subscription", "Resource Class", "Business Value", "Application", "Customer", "Resource Collection", "ResourceId"
                $tags = Convert-JsonToHash -json $resource

                Try {
                    $parameters = @{
                        ResourceGroupName = "$($totag.resourcegroupname)";
                        ResourceName      = "$($totag.resourcename)";
                        ResourceType      = "$($totag.resourcetype)";
                        Tags              = $tags

                    $tagoperation = Set-AzureRmResource @parameters -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose -Force
                Catch {

        elseif (($replace -eq $false)) {
            foreach ($resource in $foundresources) {
                $totag = $resources | Where-Object {($ -eq "$($resource.'Resource Name')" -and ($_.resourcetype -like "$($resource.'resource type')"))}

                if (($totag).count -ge 2) {
                    Write-Warning "Multiple resources found using resource name of $($resource.'Resource Name') and type of $($resource.'Resource Type'). Remediate the resource below manually."

                # convert pscustomobject to hashtable to enumerate keys/values
                $resource = $resource | Select-Object -Property "Cost Center", "Owner Email", "Last Active Date", "Service", "tenant", "Last30DaysCost", "Role", "Subscription", "Resource Class", "Business Value", "Application", "Customer", "Resource Collection", "ResourceId"
                $tags = Convert-JsonToHash -json $resource

                Try {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
                    if (($totag.tags).count -ge 1){
                        $tags += ($totag).tags

                Catch [System.ArgumentException] {
                    Write-Warning "$($error[0].Exception.Message)"
                Finally {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

                Try {
                    $parameters = @{
                        ResourceGroupName = "$($totag.resourcegroupname)";
                        ResourceName      = "$($totag.resourcename)";
                        ResourceType      = "$($totag.resourcetype)";
                        Tags              = $tags

                    $tagoperation = Set-AzureRmResource @parameters -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose -Force
                Catch {


        else {
            Write-Warning "Failed to evaluate whether or not to replace tags."

        if (($resourcesnotfound.Count -ne 0)) {
            Write-Warning "Some resources were not found in the current subscription..."
            return $resourcesnotfound
        else {
            Write-Verbose "All resources accounted for in current subscription."

    } # end process block

} # end Set-AzureResourceTags function