
function New-ZendeskOrganization {
Creates a new msp client's zendesk organization.
Creates a new msp client's zendesk organization, with all requisite values.
Specify zendesk [api] user's username in the following format:
Your zendesk api key.
.PARAMETER organizationName
The name of the new Zendesk organization.
.PARAMETER organizationDomainNames
Valid domain names that will be associated with the new organization.
.PARAMETER customerSupportEmail
Customer's helpdesk support email.
.PARAMETER AzureEntitlement
.PARAMETER O365Entitlement
Calendar day when MBR should be conducted.
New-ZendeskOrganization -userName <username> -apiToken <token> -organizationName <orgname> -organizationDomainNames <> -customerSupportEmail <> -AzureEntitlement azure_gold -O365Entitlement o365_none -MBRdayofMonth 1 -Verbose

    param (



        # BUG: can only accept one at the moment...need to iterate through and do a put after creating first one or something along those lines.






        $ZendeskAPI_Username = $userName
        $ZendeskAPI_Token = $apiToken

        # build http-basic auth header
        $headers = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($ZendeskAPI_Username):$($ZendeskAPI_Token)"));}

        # build body out as hash-table ( can't use vars in [json] string litterals).
        $body = @{organization = @{
                    name = $organizationName
                    domain_names = $organizationDomainNames
                    organization_fields = @{
                        customer_support_email = $customerSupportEmail
                        entitlement_azure = $AzureEntitlement
                        entitlement_o365 = $O365Entitlement
                        mbr_day_of_month = 15


        Try {
            $jsonbody = ConvertTo-Json $body -Compress -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {

        Try {
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Body $jsonbody -Method Post -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        Catch {

        return $response

    } # end process block
