
# set working path
$pathtest = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.path -Parent
Set-Location $pathtest

# get public functions to ensure that they're being exported correctly in meta context
$publicfunctions = @()
$functions = Get-ChildItem ..\public
$functions.name | ForEach-Object {
    $split = $_.split('.')
    $publicfunctions += $split[0]

# end config, start unit-tests.

# All tests for AttunixMSPTools module
Describe AttunixMSPTools {

    # meta tests for module
    Context meta {
        It "Should Import" {
            { Import-Module ..\AttunixMSPTools -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Not Throw

        $module = Get-Module AttunixMSPTools
        $publicfunctions | ForEach-Object {
            It "Should export function ' $_ ' in public folder" {
                $module.ExportedCommands.Keys -contains $_  | Should Be $true


    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Set-AzureVMSize {

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Set-AzureResourceTags {

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Get-AzureEmptyResourceGroups {   

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context New-ZendeskOrganization {

    # todo: unit test for function
    Context New-AzureOMSSavedSearchCollection {
    # todo: unit test for function
    Context Compile-AzureDSCConfig {
    # todo: unit test for function
    Context Register-AzureDSCNode {
    # todo: unit test for function
    Context Enable-AzureNSGDiagnostics {

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Enable-AzureDSCNodeDiagnostics {

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Enable-AzureAutomationDiagnostics {

    # todo: unit tests for function
    Context Get-AzureSQLIndexRecommendations {
