
function Set-BrowserLocation
        Sets the location of an open browser
        Sets the location of a browser, and waits for the new location to load
        Open-Browser |
            Set-BrowserLocation -Url

    # The Browser Object.
        if ($_.psobject.typenames -notcontains 'System.__ComObject' -and -not $_.Quit) {
            throw "Not IE"

    # The URL to visit
    # The page load timeout
    [Timespan]$Timeout = "0:0:30",
    # The sleep time between waits for the page to load
    [Timespan]$SleepTime = "0:0:0.01",
    # If set, will not wait for the page to load
    process {
        #region Construct Navigate2 Method Arguments
        $Navigate2Args = @("$url", 2)
        if ($targetFrame) {
            $Navigate2Args +=$targetFrame
        } else {
            $Navigate2Args +=$null
        if ($postData) {
            $Navigate2Args +=$postData
        } else {
            $Navigate2Args +=$null
        if ($headers) {
            $Navigate2Args +=$headers
        } else {
            $Navigate2Args +=$null
        #endregion Construct Navigate2 Method Arguments
        #region Invoke and Wait
        $ie.Navigate2.Invoke($Navigate2Args )
        if (-not $doNotWait) {
            $ie | Wait-Browser -Timeout $Timeout -Sleeptime $sleepTime
        } else {
        #endregion Invoke and Wait