
function Remove-AMWorkflowVariable {
            Removes a shared variable from an Automate workflow
            Remove-AMWorkflowVariable can remove shared variables from a workflow object.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The object to remove the variable from.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the variable to remove.
            The following Automate object types can be modified by this function:
            # Remove variable 'emailAddress' from workflow 'Some Workflow'
            Get-AMWorkflow "Some Workflow" | Remove-AMWorkflowVariable -Name "emailAddress"

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            $shouldUpdate = $false
            switch ($obj.Type) {
                "Workflow" {
                    $update = Get-AMWorkflow -ID $obj.ID -Connection $obj.ConnectionAlias
                    if ($update.Variables.Name -contains $Name) {
                        $update.Variables = @($update.Variables | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne $Name})
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                "WorkflowVariable" {
                    $update = Get-AMWorkflow -ID $obj.ParentID -Connection $obj.ConnectionAlias
                    $update.Variables = @($update.Variables | Where-Object {$_.ID -ne $obj.ID})
                    $shouldUpdate = $true
                default {
                    Write-Error -Message "Unsupported input type '$($obj.Type)' encountered!" -TargetObject $obj

            if ($shouldUpdate) {
                $update | Set-AMObject
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "$($obj.Type) '$($obj.Name)' does not contain a variable named '$Name'."