
function Set-AMSnmpConditionCredential {
            Modifies an Automate SNMP condition credential.
            Set-AMSnmpConditionCredential modifies a credential in an Automate SNMP condition.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The SNMP condition object to add the credential to.
            The ID of the credential.
        .PARAMETER User
            The username used to accept authenticated traps.
        .PARAMETER AuthenticationPassword
            The password for the specified user.
        .PARAMETER EncryptionAlgorithm
            The type encryption to use.
        .PARAMETER PrivacyPassword
            The encryption password.
            Get-AMCondition "window" | Set-AMSnmpConditionCredential -ID "{0cee39da-1f6c-424b-a9bd-eeaf17cbd1f2}" -User john

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [AMEncryptionAlgorithm]$EncryptionAlgorithm = [AMEncryptionAlgorithm]::NoEncryption

        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            if (($obj.Type -eq "Condition") -and ($obj.TriggerType -eq [AMTriggerType]::SNMPTrap)) {
                $updateObject = Get-AMCondition -ID $obj.ID -Connection $obj.ConnectionAlias
                $shouldUpdate = $false
                foreach ($credential in $updateObject.Credentials | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $ID}) {
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("User") -and ($credential.User -ne $User)) {
                        $credential.User = $User
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    <#if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AuthenticationPassword") -and ($credential.AuthenticationPassword -ne $AuthenticationPassword)) {
                        $credential.AuthenticationPassword = $AuthenticationPassword
                        $shouldUpdate = $true

                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EncryptionAlgorithm") -and ($credential.EncryptionAlgorithm -ne $EncryptionAlgorithm)) {
                        $credential.EncryptionAlgorithm = $EncryptionAlgorithm
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    <#if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrivacyPassword") -and ($credential.PrivacyPassword -ne $PrivacyPassword)) {
                        $credential.PrivacyPassword = $PrivacyPassword
                        $shouldUpdate = $true

                if ($shouldUpdate) {
                    $updateObject | Set-AMObject
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message "Unsupported input type '$($obj.Type)' and trigger type '$($obj.TriggerType)' encountered!" -TargetObject $obj