
function Set-AMWindowConditionControl {
            Modifies an Automate window condition control.
            Set-AMWindowConditionControl modifies a control in an Automate window condition.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The window condition object to add the control to.
            The ID of the window control.
        .PARAMETER Class
            The class of the control.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the control.
        .PARAMETER Type
            The type of control.
        .PARAMETER Value
            The value of the control.
        .PARAMETER XPosition
            The X position of the control on screen.
        .PARAMETER YPosition
            The Y position of the control on screen.
            Get-AMCondition "window" | Set-AMWindowConditionControl -ID "{0cee39da-1f6c-424b-a9bd-eeaf17cbd1f2}" -Class ConsoleWindowClass -Name Close -Type PushButton

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            if (($obj.Type -eq "Condition") -and ($obj.TriggerType -eq [AMTriggerType]::Window)) {
                $updateObject = Get-AMCondition -ID $obj.ID -Connection $obj.ConnectionAlias
                $shouldUpdate = $false
                foreach ($windowcontrol in $updateObject.WindowControl | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $ID}) {
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Class") -and ($windowcontrol.Class -ne $Class)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Class = $Class
                        if ($Class -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckClass = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckClass = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") -and ($windowcontrol.Name -ne $Name)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Name = $Name
                        if ($Name -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckName = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckName = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type") -and ($windowcontrol.Type -ne $Type)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Type = $Type
                        if ($Type -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckType = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckType = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Value") -and ($windowcontrol.Value -ne $Value)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Value = $Value
                        if ($Value -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckValue = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckValue = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("XPosition") -and ($windowcontrol.Xpos -ne $XPosition)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Xpos = $XPosition
                        if ($XPosition -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckPosition = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckPosition = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("YPosition") -and ($windowcontrol.Ypos -ne $YPosition)) {
                        $windowcontrol.Ypos = $YPosition
                        if ($YPosition -eq "") {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckPosition = $false
                        } else {
                            $windowcontrol.CheckPosition = $true
                        $shouldUpdate = $true
                if ($shouldUpdate) {
                    $updateObject | Set-AMObject
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message "Unsupported input type '$($obj.Type)' and trigger type '$($obj.TriggerType)' encountered!" -TargetObject $obj