
#region New-LabNetworkSwitches
function New-LabNetworkSwitches
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    param ()

    $Script:data = Get-Lab
    if (-not $Script:data)
        Write-Error 'No definitions imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use Import-Lab first'
    $vmwareNetworks = $data.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object HostType -eq VMWare
    if ($vmwareNetworks)
        foreach ($vmwareNetwork in $vmwareNetworks)
            $network = Get-LWVMWareNetworkSwitch -VirtualNetwork $vmwareNetwork
            if (-not $vmwareNetworks)
                throw "The networks '$($vmwareNetwork.Name)' does not exist and must be created before."
                Write-Verbose "Network '$($vmwareNetwork.Name)' found"
    Write-Verbose "Creating network switch '$($virtualNetwork.Name)'..."

    $hypervNetworks = $data.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object HostType -eq HyperV
    if ($hypervNetworks)
        New-LWHypervNetworkSwitch -VirtualNetwork $hypervNetworks
    $azureNetworks = $data.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object HostType -eq Azure
    if ($azureNetworks )
        New-LWAzureNetworkSwitch -VirtualNetwork $azureNetworks 
    Write-Verbose 'done'
#endregion New-LabNetworkSwitches

#region Remove-LabNetworkSwitches
function Remove-LabNetworkSwitches
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    param ()
    $Script:data = Get-Lab
    if (-not $Script:data)
        Write-Error 'No definitions imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use Import-Lab first'

    $virtualNetworks = $Script:data.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object HostType -eq VMWare
    foreach ($virtualNetwork in $virtualNetworks)
        Write-Error "Cannot remove network '$virtualNetwork'. Managing networks is not yet supported for VMWare"

    $virtualNetworks = $Script:data.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object HostType -eq HyperV
    foreach ($virtualNetwork in $virtualNetworks)
        Write-Verbose "Removing Hyper-V network switch '$($virtualNetwork.Name)'..."
        if ($virtualNetwork.SwitchType -eq 'External')
            Write-Warning "The virtual switch '$($virtualNetwork.Name)' is of type external and will not be removed as it may also be used by other labs"
            Remove-LWNetworkSwitch -Name $virtualNetwork.Name
        Write-Verbose '...done'
    Write-Verbose 'done'

#endregion Remove-LabNetworkSwitches