
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot/lib/core/AutomatedLab.dll

    # These modules SHOULD be marked as Core compatible, as tested with Windows 10.0.18362.113
    # However, if they are not, they need to be imported.
    $requiredModules = @('Dism')
    $requiredModulesImplicit = @('International') # These modules should be imported via implicit remoting. Might suffer from implicit sessions getting removed though

    $ipmoErr = $null # Initialize, otherwise Import-MOdule -Force will extend this variable indefinitely
    if ($requiredModulesImplicit)
            if ((Get-Command Import-Module).Parameters.ContainsKey('UseWindowsPowerShell'))
                Import-Module -Name $requiredModulesImplicit -UseWindowsPowerShell -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop -Force -ErrorVariable +ipmoErr
                Import-WinModule -Name $requiredModulesImplicit -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop -Force -ErrorVariable +ipmoErr
            Remove-Module -Name $requiredModulesImplicit -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Clear-Variable -Name ipmoErr -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            foreach ($m in $requiredModulesImplicit)
                Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -Filter "RemoteIpMoProxy_$($m)*_localhost_*" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

            if ((Get-Command Import-Module).Parameters.ContainsKey('UseWindowsPowerShell'))
                Import-Module -Name $requiredModulesImplicit -UseWindowsPowerShell -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -ErrorVariable +ipmoErr
                Import-WinModule -Name $requiredModulesImplicit -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -ErrorVariable +ipmoErr

    if ($requiredModules)
        Import-Module -Name $requiredModules -SkipEditionCheck -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -ErrorVariable +ipmoErr

    if ($ipmoErr)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Could not import modules: $($ipmoErr.TargetObject -join ',') - your experience might be impacted."
    Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot/lib/full/AutomatedLab.dll

$usedRelease = (Split-Path -Leaf -Path $PSScriptRoot) -as [version]
$currentRelease = try { ((Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri -ErrorAction Stop).tag_Name -replace 'v') -as [Version] } catch {}

if ($currentRelease -and $usedRelease -lt $currentRelease)
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Your version of AutomatedLab is outdated. Consider updating to the recent version, $currentRelease"

if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable Ships) -and (Get-Module -ListAvailable AutomatedLab.Ships))
    Import-Module Ships, AutomatedLab.Ships
    [void] (New-PSDrive -PSProvider SHiPS -Name Labs -Root "AutomatedLab.Ships#LabHost" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

Set-Item -Path Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings -Value true

#region Register default configuration if not present
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name LabAppDataRoot -Value (Join-Path ([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonApplicationData')) -ChildPath "AutomatedLab") -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Root folder to Labs, Assets and Stores"

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Ifttt.Key' -Value 'Your IFTTT key here' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "IFTTT Key Name"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Ifttt.EventName' -Value 'The name of your IFTTT event' -Initialize -Validation String -Description "IFTTT Event Name"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.Port' -Value 25 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description "Port of your SMTP Server"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.SmtpServer' -Value 'your SMTP server here' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Adress of your SMTP server"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.To' -Value @('Recipients here') -Initialize -Validation stringarray -Description "A list of default recipients"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.From' -Value "$($env:USERNAME)@localhost" -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Your sender address"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.Priority' -Value 'Normal' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Priority of your message"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Mail.CC' -Value @('Recipients here') -Initialize -Validation stringarray -Description "A list of default CC recipients"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Toast.Image' -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "The image for your toast notification"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Voice.Culture' -Value 'en-us' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Voice culture, needs to be available and defaults to en-us"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.NotificationProviders.Voice.Gender' -Value 'female' -Initialize -Validation string -Description "Gender of voice to use"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'Notifications.SubscribedProviders' -Value @('Toast') -Initialize -Validation stringarray -Description 'List of subscribed providers'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'MachineFileName' -Value 'Machines.xml' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The file name for the deserialized machines. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'DiskFileName' -Value 'Disks.xml' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The file name for the deserialized disks. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'LabFileName' -Value 'Lab.xml' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The file name for the deserialized labs. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'DefaultAddressSpace' -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Default address space if no address space is selected'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_WaitLabMachine_Online -Value 60 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for Wait-LabVm'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_StartLabMachine_Online -Value 60 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for Start-LabVm'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_RestartLabMachine_Shutdown -Value 30 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for Restart-LabVm'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_StopLabMachine_Shutdown -Value 30 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for Stop-LabVm'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_TestPortInSeconds -Value 2 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in seconds for Test-Port'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_InstallLabCAInstallation -Value 40 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for CA setup'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_DcPromotionRestartAfterDcpromo -Value 60 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for restart after DC Promo'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_DcPromotionAdwsReady -Value 20 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for availability of ADWS after DC Promo'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_Sql2008Installation -Value 90 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for SQL 2008'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_Sql2012Installation -Value 90 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for SQL 2012'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_Sql2014Installation -Value 90 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for SQL 2014'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_VisualStudio2013Installation -Value 90 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for VS 2013'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Timeout_VisualStudio2015Installation -Value 90 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Timeout in minutes for VS 2015'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DefaultProgressIndicator -Value 10 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'After how many minutes will a progress indicator be written'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DisableConnectivityCheck -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Indicates whether connectivity checks should be skipped. Certain systems like Azure DevOps build workers do not send ICMP packges and the method might always fail'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'VmPath' -Value $null -Validation string -Initialize -Description 'VM storage location'
$osroot = if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Win32NT')
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name OsRoot -Value $osroot -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name OverridePowerPlan -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'On Windows: Indicates that power settings will be set to High Power during lab deployment'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SendFunctionTelemetry -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Indicates if function call telemetry is sent' -Hidden

#PSSession settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name InvokeLabCommandRetries -Value 3 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Number of retries for Invoke-LabCommand'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name InvokeLabCommandRetryIntervalInSeconds -Value 10 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Retry interval for Invoke-LabCommand'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name MaxPSSessionsPerVM -Value 5 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'Maximum number of sessions per VM'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DoNotUseGetHostEntryInNewLabPSSession -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Do not use hosts file for session creation'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DscMofPath -Value 'DscConfigurations' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Default path for MOF files on Pull server'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DscPullServerRegistrationKey -Value 'ec717ee9-b343-49ee-98a2-26e53939eecf'  -Initialize -Validation string  -Description 'DSC registration key used on all Dsc Pull servers and clients'

#General VM settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DisableWindowsDefender -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Indicates that Windows Defender should be disabled on the lab VMs'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DoNotSkipNonNonEnglishIso -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool  -Description 'Indicates that non English ISO files will not be skipped'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DefaultDnsForwarder1 -Value -Initialize -Description 'If routing is installed on a Root DC, this forwarder is used'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DefaultDnsForwarder2 -Value -Initialize -Description 'If routing is installed on a Root DC, this forwarder is used'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WinRmMaxEnvelopeSizeKb -Value 500 -Validation integerpositive -Initialize -Description 'CAREFUL! Fiddling with the defaults will likely result in errors if you do not know what you are doing! Configure a different envelope size on all lab machines if necessary.'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WinRmMaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser -Value 1500 -Validation integerpositive -Initialize -Description 'CAREFUL! Fiddling with the defaults will likely result in errors if you do not know what you are doing! Configure a different number of per-user concurrent operations on all lab machines if necessary.'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WinRmMaxConnections -Value 300 -Validation integerpositive -Initialize -Description 'CAREFUL! Fiddling with the defaults will likely result in errors if you do not know what you are doing! Configure a different max number of connections on all lab machines if necessary.'

#Hyper-V VM Settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SetLocalIntranetSites -Value 'All'  -Initialize -Validation string  -Description 'All, Forest, Domain, None'

#Hyper-V Network settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name MacAddressPrefix -Value '0017FB' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The MAC address prefix for Hyper-V labs'

#Hyper-V Disk Settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name CreateOnlyReferencedDisks -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Disks that are not references by a VM will not be created'

#Admin Center
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WacDownloadUrl -Value '' -Validation string -Initialize -Description 'Windows Admin Center Download URL'

#Host Settings
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DiskDeploymentInProgressPath -Value (Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath "LabDiskDeploymentInProgress.txt") -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The file indicating that Hyper-V disks are being configured to reduce disk congestion'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SwitchDeploymentInProgressPath -Value (Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath "VSwitchDeploymentInProgress.txt") -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The file indicating that VM switches are being deployed in case multiple lab deployments are started in parallel'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SkipHostFileModification -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Indicates that the hosts file should not be modified when deploying a new lab.'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name MinimumAzureModuleVersion -Value '4.1.0' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The minimum expected Azure module version'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name DefaultAzureRoleSize -Value 'D' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'The default Azure role size, e.g. from Get-LabAzureAvailableRoleSize'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name LabSourcesMaxFileSizeMb -Value 50 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'The default file size for Sync-LabAzureLabSources'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name AutoSyncLabSources -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Toggle auto-sync of Azure lab sources in Azure labs'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name LabSourcesSyncIntervalDays -Value 60 -Initialize -Validation integerpositive -Description 'Interval in days for lab sources auto-sync'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name AzureDiskSkus -Value @('Standard_LRS', 'Premium_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS') # 'UltraSSD_LRS' is not allowed!

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name OfficeDeploymentTool -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to Microsoft Office deployment tool'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SysInternalsUrl -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SysInternals to check for newer versions'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SysInternalsDownloadUrl -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to download of SysInternals' Framework
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet452DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.5.2'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet46DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.6'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet462DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.6.2'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet471DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.7.1'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet472DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.7.2'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name dotnet48DownloadLink -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to .NET 4.8'

# C++ redist
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist64_2017 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2017 (x64)'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist32_2017 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2017 (x86)'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist64_2015 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2015 (x64)'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist32_2015 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2015 (x86)'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist64_2013 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2013 (x64)'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist32_2013 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2013 (x86)'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist64_2012 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2012 (x64)'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist32_2012 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2012 (x86)'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name cppredist64_2010 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to VC++ redist 2010 (x64)'

# IIS URL Rewrite Module
Set-PSFConfig -Module automatedlab -Name IisUrlRewriteDownloadUrl -Value "" -Validation string -Description 'Link to IIS URL Rewrite Module needed for Exchange 2016 and 2019'

#SQL Server 2016 Management Studio
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Sql2016ManagementStudio -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SSMS 2016'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Sql2017ManagementStudio -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SSMS 2017 18.2'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Sql2019ManagementStudio -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SSMS latest'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SqlServerReportBuilder -Value
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Sql2017SSRS -Value
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name Sql2019SSRS -Value

#SQL Server sample database contents
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2008 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2008'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2008R2 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2008 R2'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2012 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2012'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2014 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2014'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2016 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2016'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2017 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2017'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SQLServer2019 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to SQL sample DB for SQL 2019'

#Access Database Engine
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name AccessDatabaseEngine2016x86 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to Access Database Engine (required for DSC Pull)'
#TFS Build Agent
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name BuildAgentUri -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to Azure DevOps/VSTS Build Agent'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SqlOdbc11 -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SqlOdbc13 -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SqlCommandLineUtils -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WindowsAdk -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name WindowsAdkPe -Value ''

Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2014 -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2016 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2019 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name ReportViewer2015 -Value ''

# OpenSSH
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name OpenSshUri -Value '' -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Link to OpenSSH binaries'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name 'AzureLocationsUrls' -Value @{
    'West Europe'         = 'speedtestwe'
    'Southeast Asia'      = 'speedtestsea'
    'East Asia'           = 'speedtestea'
    'North Central US'    = 'speedtestnsus'
    'North Europe'        = 'speedtestne'
    'South Central US'    = 'speedtestscus'
    'West US'             = 'speedtestwus'
    'East US'             = 'speedtesteus'
    'Japan East'          = 'speedtestjpe'
    'Japan West'          = 'speedtestjpw'
    'Brazil South'        = 'speedtestbs'
    'Central US'          = 'speedtestcus'
    'East US 2'           = 'speedtesteus2'
    'Australia Southeast' = 'mickmel'
    'Australia East'      = 'micksyd'
    'West UK'             = 'speedtestukw'
    'South UK'            = 'speedtestuks'
    'Canada Central'      = 'speedtestcac'
    'Canada East'         = 'speedtestcae'
    'West US 2'           = 'speedtestwestus2'
    'West India'          = 'speedtestwestindia'
    'East India'          = 'speedtesteastindia'
    'Central India'       = 'speedtestcentralindia'
    'Korea Central'       = 'speedtestkoreacentral'
    'Korea South'         = 'speedtestkoreasouth'
    'West Central US'     = 'speedtestwestcentralus'
    'France Central'      = 'speedtestfrc'
} -Initialize -Description 'Hashtable containing all Azure Speed Test URLs for automatic region placement'

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name SupportGen2VMs -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Description 'Indicates that Gen2 VMs are supported'
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'AutomatedLab' -Name AzureRetryCount -Value 3 -Initialize -Validation integer -Description 'The number of retries for Azure actions like creating a virtual network'

# SharePoint
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2013Key -Value 'N3MDM-DXR3H-JD7QH-QKKCR-BY2Y7' -Validation String -Initialize -Description 'SP 2013 trial key'
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2016Key -Value 'NQGJR-63HC8-XCRQH-MYVCH-3J3QR' -Validation String -Initialize -Description 'SP 2016 trial key'
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2019Key -Value 'M692G-8N2JP-GG8B2-2W2P7-YY7J6' -Validation String -Initialize -Description 'SP 2019 trial key'

Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2013Prerequisites -Value @(
) -Initialize -Description 'List of prerequisite urls for SP2013' -Validation stringarray

Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2016Prerequisites -Value @(
) -Initialize -Description 'List of prerequisite urls for SP2013' -Validation stringarray

Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SharePoint2019Prerequisites -Value @(
) -Initialize -Description 'List of prerequisite urls for SP2013' -Validation stringarray

# Dynamics 365 CRM
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlServerNativeClient2012 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2014 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2016 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlClrType2019 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name SqlSmo2016 -Value "" -Initialize -Validation string
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name Dynamics365Uri -Value '' -Initialize -Validation String

# Exchange Server
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name Exchange2013DownloadUrl -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name Exchange2016DownloadUrl -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name Exchange2019DownloadUrl -Value ''

# ConfigMgr
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerWmiExplorer -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl1902CB -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl1902TP -Value ''
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl2002CB -Value ""
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl2002TP -Value ""
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl2103CB -Value ""
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ConfigurationManagerUrl2103TP -Value ""

# Validation
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ValidationSettings -Value @{
    ValidRoleProperties     = @{
        Orchestrator2012         = @(
        DC                       = @(
        CaSubordinate            = @(
        Office2016               = 'SharedComputerLicensing'
        DSCPullServer            = @(
        FirstChildDC             = @(
        ADFS                     = @(
        RootDC                   = @(
        CaRoot                   = @(
        Tfs2015                  = @('Port', 'InitialCollection', 'DbServer')
        Tfs2017                  = @('Port', 'InitialCollection', 'DbServer')
        Tfs2018                  = @('Port', 'InitialCollection', 'DbServer')
        AzDevOps                 = @('Port', 'InitialCollection', 'DbServer', 'PAT', 'Organisation')
        TfsBuildWorker           = @(
        WindowsAdminCenter       = @('Port', 'EnableDevMode', 'ConnectedNode', 'UseSsl')
        Scvmm2016                = @(
        Scvmm2019                = @(
        DynamicsFull             = @(
        DynamicsFrontend         = @(
        DynamicsBackend          = @(
        DynamicsAdmin            = @(
        ScomManagement           = @(

        ScomConsole              = @(

        ScomWebConsole           = @(

        ScomReporting            = @(
        RemoteDesktopSessionHost = @(
        RemoteDesktopGateway     = @(
        RemoteDesktopLicensing   = @(
        ConfigurationManager     = @(
    MandatoryRoleProperties = @{
        ADFSProxy = @(
} -Initialize -Description 'Validation settings for lab validation. Please do not modify unless you know what you are doing.'

# Product key file path
$fPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath 'Assets/ProductKeys.xml'
$fcPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath 'Assets/ProductKeysCustom.xml'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
    $null = if (-not (Test-Path -Path (Split-Path $fPath -Parent))) {New-Item -Path (Split-Path $fPath -Parent) -ItemType Directory} 
    Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/ProductKeys.xml" -Destination $fPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ProductKeyFilePath -Value $fPath -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Destination of the ProductKeys file for Windows products'
Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name ProductKeyFilePathCustom -Value $fcPath -Initialize -Validation string -Description 'Destination of the ProductKeysCustom file for Windows products'

# LabSourcesLocation
# Set-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name LabSourcesLocation -Description 'Location of lab sources folder' -Validation string -Value ''


#region Linux folder
if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOs -and -not (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath 'Stores')))
    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot) -ChildPath 'Stores')

#region ArgumentCompleter
Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-NotificationProviders -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-PSFConfig -Module AutomatedLab -Name Notifications.NotificationProviders*).FullName |
    Foreach-Object { ($_ -split '\.')[3] } | Select-Object -Unique

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-OperatingSystem -ScriptBlock {
    if (-not $global:AL_OperatingSystems)
        $global:AL_OperatingSystems = Get-LabAvailableOperatingSystem -Path $labSources/ISOs -UseOnlyCache -NoDisplay


Register-PSFTeppscriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-Labs -ScriptBlock {
    $path = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName AutomatedLab.LabAppDataRoot)/Labs"
    (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory).Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-Roles -ScriptBlock {

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-Domains -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-LabDefinition -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Domains.Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-LabVM -All -IncludeLinux -SkipConnectionInfo).Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-VMSnapshot -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-LabVMSnapshot).SnapshotName | Select-Object -Unique

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-Subscription -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-AzSubscription -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-CustomRole -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-LabSourcesLocationInternal -Local) -ChildPath 'CustomRoles' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-AzureRoleSize -ScriptBlock {
    $defaultLocation = (Get-LabAzureDefaultLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Location
    (Get-AzVMSize -Location $defaultLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
    Where-Object -Property Name -notlike *basic* | Sort-Object -Property Name).Name

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-TimeZone -ScriptBlock {
    [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones().Id | Sort-Object

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-RhelPackage -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-LabAvailableOperatingSystem -UseOnlyCache -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
        Where-Object { $_.OperatingSystemType -eq 'Linux' -and $_.LinuxType -eq 'RedHat' } |
    Sort-Object Version | Select-Object -Last 1).LinuxPackageGroup

Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name AutomatedLab-SusePackage -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-LabAvailableOperatingSystem -UseOnlyCache -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
        Where-Object { $_.OperatingSystemType -eq 'Linux' -and $_.LinuxType -eq 'SuSE' } |
    Sort-Object Version | Select-Object -Last 1).LinuxPackageGroup


Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabMachineDefinition -Parameter Roles -Name AutomatedLab-Roles
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Get-Lab, Remove-Lab, Import-Lab, Import-LabDefinition -Parameter Name -Name AutomatedLab-Labs
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Connect-Lab -Parameter SourceLab, DestinationLab -Name AutomatedLab-Labs
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Send-ALNotification -Parameter Provider -Name AutomatedLab-NotificationProviders
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabAzureSubscription -Parameter SubscriptionName -Name AutomatedLab-Subscription
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Get-LabPostInstallationActivity -Parameter CustomRole -Name AutomatedLab-CustomRole
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabMachineDefinition -Parameter AzureRoleSize -Name AutomatedLab-AzureRoleSize
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabMachineDefinition, Enable-LabMachineAutoShutdown -Parameter TimeZone -Name AutomatedLab-TimeZone
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabAzureSubscription -Parameter AutoShutdownTimeZone -Name AutomatedLab-TimeZone
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabMachineDefinition -Parameter RhelPackage -Name AutomatedLab-RhelPackage
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Add-LabMachineDefinition -Parameter SusePackage -Name AutomatedLab-SusePackage
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Get-LabVMSnapshot, Checkpoint-LabVM, Restore-LabVMSnapshot -Parameter SnapshotName -Name AutomatedLab-VMSnapshot