
#region Virtual Network Definition Functions
#region Add-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
function Add-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
    param (
        [string]$Name = (Get-LabDefinition).Name,









    if ((Get-LabDefinition).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure' -and -not ((Get-LabDefinition).AzureSettings))

    $azurePropertiesValidKeys = 'Subnets', 'LocationName', 'DnsServers', 'ConnectToVnets', 'DnsLabel'
    $hypervPropertiesValidKeys = 'SwitchType', 'AdapterName', 'ManagementAdapter'

    if (-not (Get-LabDefinition))
        throw 'No lab defined. Please call New-LabDefinition first before calling Add-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition.'
    $script:lab = Get-LabDefinition

    if (-not $VirtualizationEngine)
        if ((Get-LabDefinition).DefaultVirtualizationEngine)
            $VirtualizationEngine = (Get-LabDefinition).DefaultVirtualizationEngine
            Throw "Virtualization engine MUST be specified. This can be done:`n - Using parameter 'DefaultVirtualizationEngine' when calling New-LabDefinition`n - Using Set-LabDefaultVirtualizationEngine -Engine <engine>`n - Using parameter 'VirtualizationEngine' when calling Add-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition`n `nRemember to specify VirtualizationEngine parameter when adding machines if no default virtualization engine has been specified`n `n "

    if ($VirtualizationEngine -eq 'HyperV' -and (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Hyper-V)))
        throw 'The Hyper-V tools are not installed. Please install them first to use AutomatedLab with Hyper-V. Alternatively, you can use AutomatedLab with Microsoft Azure.'

    if ($VirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure' -and -not $script:lab.AzureSettings.DefaultResourceGroup)

    if ($AzureProperties)
        $illegalKeys = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $azurePropertiesValidKeys -DifferenceObject ($AzureProperties.Keys | Sort-Object -Unique) |
        Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '=>' |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject

        if ($illegalKeys)
            throw "The key(s) '$($illegalKeys -join ', ')' are not supported in AzureProperties. Valid keys are '$($azurePropertiesValidKeys -join ', ')'"

        if (($AzureProperties.Keys -eq 'LocationName').Count -ne 1)
            throw 'Location must be speficfied exactly once in AzureProperties'

    if ($HyperVProperties)
        $illegalKeys = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $hypervPropertiesValidKeys -DifferenceObject ($HyperVProperties.Keys | Select-Object -Unique) |
        Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '=>' |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject

        if ($illegalKeys)
            throw "The key(s) '$($illegalKeys -join ', ')' are not supported in HyperVProperties. Valid keys are '$($hypervPropertiesValidKeys -join ', ')'"

        if ($HyperVProperties.SwitchType -eq 'External' -and -not $HyperVProperties.AdapterName)
            throw 'You have to provide a network adapter if you want to create an external switch'

        if ($HyperVProperties.ManagementAdapter -eq $false -and $HyperVProperties.SwitchType -ne 'External')
            throw 'Disabling the Management Adapter for private or internal VM Switch is not supported, as this will result in being unable to build labs'

        if ($HyperVProperties.ManagementAdapter -eq $false -and $ManagementAdapter)
            throw "A Management Adapter has been specified, however the Management Adapter for '$($Name)' has been disabled. Either re-enable the Management Adapter, or remove the -ManagementAdapter parameter"

        if (-not $HyperVProperties.SwitchType)
            $HyperVProperties.Add('SwitchType', 'Internal')

    if ($script:lab.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object Name -eq $Name)
        $errorMessage = "A network with the name '$Name' is already defined"
        Write-Error $errorMessage
        Write-LogFunctionExitWithError -Message $errorMessage

    $network = New-Object -TypeName AutomatedLab.VirtualNetwork
    $network.AddressSpace = $AddressSpace
    $network.Name = $Name
    if ($ResourceName) {$network.FriendlyName = $ResourceName}
    if ($HyperVProperties.SwitchType) { $network.SwitchType = $HyperVProperties.SwitchType }
    if ($HyperVProperties.AdapterName) {$network.AdapterName = $HyperVProperties.AdapterName }
    if ($HyperVProperties.ManagementAdapter -eq $false) {$network.EnableManagementAdapter = $false }
    if ($ManagementAdapter) {$network.ManagementAdapter = $ManagementAdapter}

    #VLAN's are not supported on non-external interfaces
    if ($network.SwitchType -ne 'External' -and $network.ManagementAdapter.AccessVLANID -ne 0)
        throw "A Management Adapter for Internal switch '$($network.Name)' has been specified with the -AccessVlanID parameter. This configuration is unsupported."

    $network.HostType = $VirtualizationEngine

        $network.LocationName = $AzureProperties.LocationName

        $network.ConnectToVnets = $AzureProperties.ConnectToVnets

        $network.DnsServers = $AzureProperties.DnsServers

        foreach($subnet in $AzureProperties.Subnets.GetEnumerator())
            $temp = New-Object -TypeName AutomatedLab.AzureSubnet
            $temp.Name = $subnet.Key
            $temp.AddressSpace = $subnet.Value

    if ($AzureProperties.DnsLabel)
        $network.AzureDnsLabel = $AzureProperties.DnsLabel

    if (-not $network.LocationName)
        $network.LocationName = $script:lab.AzureSettings.DefaultLocation

    Write-PSFMessage "Network '$Name' added. Lab has $($Script:lab.VirtualNetworks.Count) network(s) defined"

    if ($PassThru)
#endregion Add-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition

#region Get-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
function Get-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByName')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByAddressSpace')]

    $script:lab = Get-LabDefinition -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByAddressSpace')
        return $script:lab.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object AddressSpace -eq $AddressSpace
        if ($Name)
            return $script:lab.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object Name -eq $Name
            return $script:lab.VirtualNetworks

#endregion Get-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition

#region Remove-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
function Remove-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]


    foreach ($n in $Name)
        $network = $script:lab.VirtualNetworks | Where-Object Name -eq $n

        if (-not $network)
            Write-ScreenInfo "There is no network defined with the name '$n'" -Type Warning
            Write-PSFMessage "Network '$n' removed. Lab has $($Script:lab.VirtualNetworks.Count) network(s) defined"

#endregion Remove-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition
#endregion #region Virtual Network Definition Functions

#region New-LabNetworkAdapterDefinition
function New-LabNetworkAdapterDefinition
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'manual')]
    param (


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'dhcp')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'manual')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'manual')]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'manual')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'manual')]
        [ValidateRange(1, 128)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'manual')]





        [boolean]$RegisterInDNS = $true,


        [ValidateSet('Default', 'Enabled', 'Disabled')]
        [string]$NetBIOSOptions = 'Default',

        [int]$AccessVLANID = 0,

        [boolean]$ManagementAdapter = $false,



    if (-not (Get-LabDefinition))
        throw 'No lab defined. Please call New-LabDefinition first before calling Set-LabDefaultOperatingSystem.'

    $adapter = New-Object -TypeName AutomatedLab.NetworkAdapter
    $MacAddress = $MacAddress -replace '[\.\-\:]'

    #If the defined interface is flagged as being a Management interface, ignore the virtual switch check as it will not exist yet
    if (-not $ManagementAdapter)
        if ($VirtualSwitch)
            $adapter.VirtualSwitch = Get-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition | Where-Object Name -eq $VirtualSwitch
            $adapter.VirtualSwitch = Get-LabVirtualNetworkDefinition | Select-Object -First 1

        if (-not $adapter.VirtualSwitch)
            throw "Could not find the virtual switch '$VirtualSwitch' nor create one automatically"

        #VLAN Tagging is only currently supported on External switch interfaces. If a VLAN has been provied for an internal switch, throw an error
        if ($adapter.VirtualSwitch.SwitchType -ne 'External' -and $AccessVLANID -ne 0)
            throw "VLAN tagging of interface '$InterfaceName' on non-external virtual switch '$VirtualSwitch' is not supported, either remove the AccessVlanID setting, or assign the interface to an external switch"
    if ($InterfaceName)
        $adapter.InterfaceName = $InterfaceName

    foreach ($item in $Ipv4Address)

    foreach ($item in $Ipv4DnsServers)

    foreach ($item in $Ipv6Address)

    foreach ($item in $Ipv6DnsServers)

    if ((Get-LabDefinition).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'HyperV' -and -not $MacAddress)
        $macAddressPrefix = Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name MacAddressPrefix
        [string[]]$macAddressesInUse = (Get-LWHyperVVM | Get-VMNetworkAdapter).MacAddress
        $macAddressesInUse += (Get-LabMachineDefinition -All).NetworkAdapters.MacAddress
        if (-not $script:macIdx) { $script:macIdx = 0 }
        $prefixlength = 12 - $macAddressPrefix.Length
        while ("$macAddressPrefix{0:X$prefixLength}" -f $macIdx -in $macAddressesInUse) { $script:macIdx++ }

        $MacAddress = "$macAddressPrefix{0:X$prefixLength}" -f $script:macIdx++

    if ($Ipv4Gateway) { $adapter.Ipv4Gateway = $Ipv4Gateway }
    if ($Ipv6Gateway) { $adapter.Ipv6Gateway = $Ipv6Gateway }
    if ($MacAddress)  { $adapter.MacAddress = $MacAddress}
    $adapter.ConnectionSpecificDNSSuffix = $ConnectionSpecificDNSSuffix
    $adapter.AppendParentSuffixes        = $AppendParentSuffixes
    $adapter.AppendDNSSuffixes           = $AppendDNSSuffixes
    $adapter.RegisterInDNS               = $RegisterInDNS
    $adapter.DnsSuffixInDnsRegistration  = $DnsSuffixInDnsRegistration
    $adapter.NetBIOSOptions              = $NetBIOSOptions
    $adapter.UseDhcp = $UseDhcp
    $adapter.AccessVLANID = $AccessVLANID


#endregion New-LabNetworkAdapterDefinition